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About this blog

A conversion and narrative project for a faction very loosely based on the kharadron overlords faction.

project is a mixed race (all 4 grand alliance) sea/coastal raider based faction.

Entries in this blog

Building my first Ironclad

This vessel is the most important part of my project so far. If this did not work, getting a skyvessel sea worthy, then the project as a whole would be a none starter for me.   First of all I wanted to build up the helm of the vessel and fill in the main gun turret to make space for my hero to stand, at this time of the creation process this was going to be one of my stormcast narrative characters though as progress went on that changed. I used part of the staircase from the cauldron o



Unit: "Grungestock" Thunderers

My first fully built unit is my Grundstock Thunderers. These guys were a rough kitbash from the 40k poxwalker models and the weapon components from the Thunderers set.  I think they have a bit of a Davy Jones crew feel to them with all the tentacles and bits.   I still have most of the rifles remaining so will hopefully get round to building 4 more at a future point. Since the GH2017 has made the rifles a good choice I am just weighing up wether I want to do the remaining as



First water basing attempt

First part of this project was to see wether waster basing was possibly, as if it was not then having a water free sea based army would not feel worth while. I bought some Water Clear Casting Resin (do not recommend opening this in the house, took about a week for the smell  disappear) for the base effect. I had previously tried pva as well as some water effect  basing stuff which did not need any catalyst, I found  both were prone to clouding when going for a deeper than a few mm water sou



Project introduction

To start with this project seems like a totally crazy goal well above my  current hobby skill levels, but I have wanted to do it since I first heard that the Kharadron overlords were coming out so I figure give it a go and worst case outcome will be some fairly pricey AoS scatter terrain. Related to this I  always welcome any comments, suggestions and criticism (constructive is good, but I accept it in all forms). Currently my narrative is in its early stages but I will try to outline its c



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