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My very slow and not very well painted Stormcast army...

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Nearby crack that clears the air...

So, as of today - I am unemployed...  Redundancy at work had left me without a job and, although I have a couple of interviews upcoming (an especially exciting one tomorrow!)  it has still hit me hard - subsequently I have only got 5 models completed and to an OK standard, my heart really wasn't in it...   Moving forwards,  I want to get a bit of a force going, so will probably work on the next 5 shield and hammer dudes next to get them out the way.



The first rumbling

So after dithering about with different ideas for colour schemes and stressing over what I was going to paint I've ended up with a stock scheme,  Celestial Vindicators... Spurred on by a painting comp at out local GW I slapped this guy together with some small conversions and an OK paintjob ready for it (just realised I missed the sand timer, so will do that!) Join me then, on the beginnings of my journey. I'll endeavour to update regularly, with both painting and games and I look forward t



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