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Wargaming is expensive, and therein lies the problem...

Entries in this blog

Path to Glory...sort of

Recently, I started going to the local games store. The people are nice, and I'm loving Age of Sigmar. There is only one problem...I'm a graduate student and therefore my disposable income is essentially nonexistent. I dithered, I fussed, I tried to think of where I could scrounge up a few extra bucks, and every time I went back to the store I felt terrible leaving empty handed -- the place is, after all, a business, and I'm not exactly helping the bottom line.  So I talked to my wife and s

Jason Davis

Jason Davis

The Collegiate Arcane

With the reopening of the Gates of Azyr, the scholars of the Collegiate Arcane have been granted an opportunity forbidden for centuries. Generations have passed since they had anything new to study, but now the God-King’s irresistible vengeance has opened the door to an infinite sea of discovery. As the people of Azyr march to reclaim their ancestral homes and settle the Mortal Realms once more in the name of peace and Order, scholars of every school and class are rushing to stake their claims,

Jason Davis

Jason Davis

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