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So we are starting play Nordheim again and obviously every project I start to build a Warband has become a Warhammer Fantasy Army...that will obviously become an AoS army at some point so I thought I'd document the process...

Entries in this blog

Mordheim Game Reports

Three games Saturday came and went in a flurry of axe wielding cows and northern men from the Empire falling out of windows :-) We played 3 games of Mordheim and I’ve really enjoyed the Beastmen, however singularly you need to be when playing them! Game 1 was fast, and my opponent heavily armed...4 archers & 3 riflemen. On top of that there are 2 combat heros and a couple of spearmen...we deployed in the ruins, Ross Howard (@rossymagic): https://twitter.com/rossymagic?s=09 took the



Recruiting the Brayherd...

So I'm playing my first game this Saturday and obviously that means writing a list. My end goal is to have a unit I can just add to my AoS games I'm looking for about 10 models total. As uploaded in other posts I'm using the PestiGor models which came out in 2003. these are mostly mono-pose with only a couple of sculpts. I own 5 PestiGor & the command models. In Mordheim I will be using the Champion model as my Beastman Chief, Musician as my Sorcerer and will paint the standard to match



What will be in my Warband?

A Mordheim warband is pretty simple to put together and because I have this small number of models that I'm not modifying it really makes my choice easy... Chief, Sorcerer(using the musician from the unit) 5 PestiGor and a Centigor. Not much to paint and nothing to modify. The biggest issue I've had was to stick them to round bases, which was pretty easy! Priming with Rust-Oleum Surface Primer Matt Grey I'm specifically going to base these the same as my Skaven I brought to SCGT 2



Starting the warband

About a year ago i bought a small job lot of Beastmen on eBay. Nothing major and nothing new, just some old models really. I specifically wanted it for the 8 metal PestiGor. These models are pretty old now but are from a time when Beastmen were originally given Marks of Chaos. The models are twisted by Nurgle and all pestilence, cloaked, hooded and wielding double handed axes. I'm really excited to paint these though and doing these as a small warband, not even a full unit in AoS, means I c



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