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Best way to deal with tough targets?


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Been playing some matches lately trying out deathrattle with proxy models, and i find the army extremely fun to play. But ive noticed that one of the biggest problems i am facing is taking down big targets before they wreck my skeletons hordes (since they usually are fast and can charge before i can charge them), for example my friend uses a dragonlord to great effect.


Ive been thinking about how to take down thoose targets in the most efficient way, im hesitant to use the deathlords, since there is apparantly a deathrattle battletome coming early next year so i want to keep my army to deathrattle allegiance, and im using a necromancer so thats already 110 of my ally points used. 

At the moments im only using 2 heroes, a wight king with banner and a necromancer, what ive been thinking about trying out is putting a sword of unholy power on the necromancer, that way i can always summon what is needed for the mission. Cairn Wraiths for places of power,  and perhaps morghast's or a mournghoul to tie up big targets?

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If the target has good armor (3+ or better), your best bet is morghast archai if you intend to kill it. Remember they can be summoned so you can bypass the allies limit by setting aside reserve points for them. If the target has mediocre or bad armor (4+ or worse), then just screen the skeletons with some chaff (grave guard or black knights or even a different unit of skeletons). With fliers screening can be tough but just keep your units within support range of each other and when the dragon eats one, charge it with another.

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