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Sigmars storm has broken upon the mortal realms, there are models to be painted and games to be played!


Entries in this blog

Building The Storm

So this feels like it's been  a productive few weeks, i'm behind schedule but an army is starting to form.  This week I've been able to paint a unit of Liberators to accompany the Retributors I already had finished, and a Lord Relictor so I have my first hero to lead the army in to battle.  Next up is going to be a second unit of Liberators, or possibly some Judicators (I'll ramble about them in a second), then i'll work on finishing off the rest of my starter box, before treating myself to

chris swift

chris swift

Breaking Of The Storm

Where to begin, I've been inspired by the Age Of Sigmar since its release just over a year ago, in that time i've painted odd models, i've recently painted a small force of Freeguild and Devoted Of Sigmar, both of which i'll be expanding in the near future, but since the breaking of Sigmars Storm there was only one army for me, The Stormcast Eternals, when I first saw Vandus Hammerhand sitting proudly atop his majestic Dracoth I was utterly swept away, and now i've devided it's time to get mysel

chris swift

chris swift

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