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The adventures of Du'Gall Lord of Chaos (Know to his friends as Doug) and the Demon housed in his reaper blade Al'star.

Entries in this blog

A Clash of Thunder

Continued from the previous entry Borne to the Battlefield Lightning struck all around Du'Gall's warband as Stormcast began to materialise. Du'Gall's did not have the numbers to face a full stormhost but it seemed that their arrival was as disorganised as his own. This however did not stop them from attacking his warriors. A gryph hound used its beak to tear the throat out of a blood reaver, who fell, spitting gore. Liberators and Du'Galls chaos warriors fought, hurling blows against each o



Borne to the Battlefield

Du'Gall felt oddly naked. His hard bought passage from the realm of fire to Shyish seemed to have come at a slightly greater cost than anticipated, His normally gaudy armour was reduced to a dull and uninteresting grey . Still he held his trusty sword, by his side since long before the Axe-Father had deigned to notice him, and his second more impressive weapon. The polearm, even if it were a mundane weapon, would have been impressive. The handle was as tall as Du'Gall himself and atop it sat a b



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