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About this blog

I just started working on a Kharadron Overlords army. The goal of this blog is to track my progress on painting and fighting battles.


Entries in this blog

2k list complete!

I finally finished painting my 2k list. Just in time for all the points to change in 2.0? Heres the list: 1 Enderinmaster 2 Aether Khrmists 3x10 Arkanauts 9 Endrinriggers 9 Skyeardens 2 Frigates



3 Game Local Tournament

A little while ago. I played in a 7-person, tournament in a nearby hobby store. It was a lot of fun, and I did pretty well, given that it was my first time using Overlords in a full size game. I finished 2-1 (with by far the most VP of anyone). A strange mix of armies, aside from me there was one other Zilphin list, two Blood Knight heavy Soulblights, 2 Tzench, and one flesh-eater courts. Here was my list: ·         Skyport: Barak Zilphin, Addional Footnote – Re-roll one charge ·      



Stonegear’s Discount Ship Repair and Odd Jobs

There’s been a lot of skirmish going on in my area lately. There are actually 2 separate campaigns going on, and I’ve used my overlords for both. One campaign is just the Shadespire campaign from the skirmish book, but the other is narrative and gives players rewards for writing background for their warbands and updating it as the games progress. I started out with: ·         1 Endrinmaster ·         3 Arkanauts (Captain, Skypike, and Skyhook) ·         1 Endrinrigger  




I put together 2 Aether-Khemists. One was converted using the spare mortar from the thunderers, an admiral head and some skymines. Pretty happy with how he turned out!



Durin's Thunder

Took a while, but I finally finished my Frigate. List Update: 1 Aether-Khemist (built) 10 Arkanaut Company (Built) 10 Arkanaut Company (Built) Arkanaut Frigate (Done!) 6 Endrinriggers (3 Done) 3 Skywardens   Khemist and the remaining 6 Skyriggers are up next.



Getting Started!

Target list (1000 Points) 1 Aether-Khemist 10 Arkanaut Company 10 Arkanaut Company Arkanaut Frigate 6 Endrinriggers  3 Skywardens   So Far I have 3 Endrinriggers, an Endrinmaster, and a couple Grundstock Thunderers painted. Enough for some skirmish, but probably only the Endrinriggers would be in my 1K list.



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