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Blog from an Age of Sigmar fanatic in South Australia. Contains custom rules, TO's thoughts and my own hobby adventre.

Entries in this blog

FEC fully finished

A curious thing happened last weekend. For the first time (ever?) I finally finished painting every single model in a Warhammer army. Usually as hobbyists, we end up buying a little too much, so even if we're happy with the state of our 2000 point army, we inevitably have a few extra models (or maybe a lot extra) that end up sitting in a box somewhere and never finished. So this is a real sense of accomplishment to have finally painted every single model I own for my Flesh-Eater Courts army



Free Peoples AoS 1.0 Wrapup

Been a while since I posted a blog entry, but nows a good time with the conclusion of AoS 1.0 rapidly approaching. For last 9 or so months, I have been rocking my Free Peoples army. AoS so far for me, has been about doing armies that I didn't get around to doing in older editions of Warhammer. First was my Chaos Undivided army, and after being a little frustrated about lack of shooting with that, next on the bucket list was the Free Peoples. I've dabbled with Humans before, back in 7th



Southern Rumble Writeup

Hey guys, Attended our last tournament at Southern Wargamers for the year. This was the first tournament since the Generals Handbook 2017 has dropped, and I was looking to try out my Free Peoples. Since I am 99% sure I'm going to be attending Cancon next year (Australia's largest tournament), I made some last minute changes to my list so that it was more similar to what I think my final form will be. This meant assembling, undercoating and getting a base coat on 13 more miniatures one day b



GHB 2017 Experience One Month Later

So it's been a month since the Generals Handbook 2017 came out. I gave an initial battle report in my last blog entry, and now on the eve of my 3 week holiday, I figure now is as good a time as any to write down some further thoughts. Since my initial battle, I've managed to get in another 3 games. 2 of them were using the Matched Play scenarios, while the other one used the Open War cards.  I've been using the following Free Peoples list during these outings:   Game 1 - Sy



First GHB 2017 outing

So originally the group had organised this day to play Skirmish or Path to Glory, that went straight out the window as soon as people heard that the GHB 2017 was dropping on the Saturday. Instead, the day was filled with much fun getting in a game of the new edition. For me, I'd be bringing out my Free Peoples, a force I've been building up on the side the past year or so. I also bought some Beastmen along from my 8th days, that with a few extra models translated basically into a 2000 point forc



What's in Aesthetics

So today I'm going to write about aesthetics and why the sub-faction break down was both a good and a bad thing for Age of Sigmar.   Games Workshop at the beginning (and still is) in a tough spot when they decided to reboot the Warhammer Fantasy game. They wanted to create a world, where you could focus on a particular faction, or branch out and collect whatever you want. They wanted to create worlds where they could introduce new factions into the game, and wouldn't have to launch a h



Southern Impact TO's Report

So last Sunday was Southern Impact, the last schedule tournament for the year in South Australia. After a good turn out at Gobbocon (13 players), I was pretty confident in getting more players to Southern Impact. That being said, I was a little worried when I found out that Warhammer 40k was dropping in June. Would the new edition mean people weren't interested in playing Age of Sigmar? Luckily enough, my doubts were unfounded, as we got our largest turn out in years! We had 15 players paid



What to do with Greenskinz

So I was reading the July White Dwarf, and came across the section about the artwork of the Orruks. What struck me immediately, was how awesome the artwork was for the 6th edition Orcs and Goblins army book. You've got this big slab of Orc  standing there, not armoured to the bone, but with a decent amount of metal and furs and the like. And in some ways, it got me a little inspired about the Greenskinz. At some point during 8th edition I aquired a whole bunch of Orcs, intending to run big



My Southern Impact Army

Well, we're 4 more sleeps until Southern Impact now. My army is all finished, so figured I'd run through it and what I think of the units I plan to use. Note, I certainly don't strive for the list to be 'top tier', I work within my theme and do the best I can with it. I also will only be playing if we have odd numbers, so it's fine to have an army on the weaker side (Since I won't be able to win any prizes anyway). So without further adieu, here's the army: The Army in it's entire



Expanding the Brayherd Faction

Inspired a bit by @HobbyHammers 'This is how I brayherd' blog, I started thinking about my old Beastmen army, as by the looks of things, I could probably make a pretty convincing AoS army with them. This inevitably led me to start thinking, what would I do to expand the Brayherd faction into a fully fleshed out and meaty faction. What would it take to get these guys status to be 'back' And I think, there's not actually a huge amount of work that needs to be done! So let's get the



Southern Impact Incoming

So the next tournament is coming up swiftly for my local scene. This time, it's one called Southern Impact, and tradionally it is the larger warhammer fantasy tournament the club runs. This year will be no exception, while Gobbocon was a smaller 1200 points, this time we'll be going full sized matched play armies at 2000 points. This does bring some interesting challenges though. It's a one day tournament, so at 2000 points we can only fit 3 games into the schedule for the day, this may mak



Skirmish : First Thoughts

After an adventure in Hinterlands Skirmish last week, I was pretty keen for some Age of Sigmar : Skirmish. Although, there are definitely some decisions I don't agree upon, I wanted to get into the book first hand and on the day. So this morning I rocked up at my Games Workshop basically first thing in the morning, to purchase my copy of Skirmish. I got the book, flipped past the fluff and got right down into the nitty gritties of the renown. The night before I had tossed up whether I wante



Migrating the Compendium

Hey guys, So I've been a little vocal about things I think GW are doing a bit poorly. I personally think how they've handled the compendium is one of them.  The problem I have with the compendium, is that not all things came out equal when they bought out the Grand Alliance books. Some units, slot into new factions absolutely fine because that faction was largely unchanged when it was migrated (Wanderers, Free Peoples, Dispossessed, Slaves to Darkness, etc). Some units are fine anyway,



Spearheading a community

Hi all, So a little introduction to myself. I've been playing Warhammer since the late 90's. I've collected a variety of Fantasy armies over the years, Lizardmen, brief stint with Ogre Kingdoms, brief stint with Empire, Dogs of War, Beastmen, kind've Orcs and Goblins, High Elves and now in Age of Sigmar, Slaves to Darkness and Free Peoples. Up until Age of Sigmar though, I was predominantly just a casual player who played mostly with friends earlier on (High school), and later in my local G



Glory to the Free Peoples

Hi all, New blog here. In my second entry I'll probably talk more about myself, but here's the main thing. I love the Free Peoples. Always enjoy the idea of us regular joes, teaming up together to fight against the alien, the monster, the enemy within! I've collected Witch Hunters in Mordheim, and both Dogs of War and Empire in previous editions of Warhammer (Amongst many other armies!). But my thoughts at the moment belong with the Free Guilds. I've also always been a bit of a gr



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