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Well, a new year, a fresh start. And getting back into the hobby after taking a long long break. 

As you might have guessed by the word congregation in the name you can probably guess which army i am doing. That's right, the filthy stinking rats of Clan Pestilens. This was an army i wanted to do for so long, but was pretty cowardly about it due to the high model count and never having painted an army before let alone a unit. Maybes i've finally gotten ballsy, or it could be that while over christmas when i received my army i was sick as a rat for the rest of the year. So possibly the plague may have effected me mentally as well xD

The reason for the name bloodsmog is quite a simple one. I have literally put my blood and sweat into building and converting up my plague priest today. Whether it was the spikes or the scalpel that got me, suffice to say there is a bit of me on that model now. Fluff wise i do have a story idea brewing, but that's something i will probably put in at a later date. But right now let me show you what i have managed to get to begin the new year with. DSCF1154.JPG

As you can see, its really not built at all, that's slow progress, but this is what i do have to help further the ambitions of my clan. So a quick run down of what my clan consists of right now is:

x1 Plague Priest, x1 Verminlord Corrupter, x80 Plague Monks, 10 Plague Censer Bearers, x1 Plagueclaw Catapult, and x1 Plague Furnace. with possibly another plagueclaw or 5 - 10 censer bearers on the way. so i have a nice force to build up over the course of the next few months. 

My aim right now is a novice one, just getting to 500pts built so i can have my first age of sigmar game. I know how to play age of sigmar, but it will be my first game in a long while and with the Bloodsmog clan. I bought the general's handbook as well so i will be building it up like a battleline army. the army for the starting force of the clan will be. 

x1 Plague Priest (with book and censer)

x20 Plague Monks (with staves and all the command options)

x20 Plague Monks (with double weapons and all the command options)

x10 Plague Censer Bearers

I think that will give me a large enough force to play around with on the battlefield. And the censer bearers will make a nice shock troop unit for my opponents more heavily armoured foes. 

Well everyone that's my blog. Not an epic or massive start like others, but a start none the less. And i hope to keep confident and to keep this force going ^^


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