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Posts posted by GeneralZero

  1. 2 hours ago, Chikout said:

    We have already had a terrain bundle leak this year.


    to be honnest, the terrain refresh à la sauce kill team is the best deal. You can get this for far cheaper than before. I'll order one because containers are sooooooooooo usefull in ALL sci-fi terrains, same goes for crates and barrels. for example, this one is a nice deal : https://www.games-workshop.com/en-GB/Killzone-Sector-Munitorum-2018-eng


    For a christmass box: my guess is that it depends on the next battletome (LoN skaven or LoN beast/barbaric...). One battleforce with those ones. For the fresh tomes of this year, I don't think we'll have a SCE or NH  force. But, DoK is too expensive to start right now, it seems to be the most probable of the force box and/or start collecting. IK seems to sell well, I doubt they'll get one before 2019... I'd be glad to see a nurgle knigth force with a GUO or something...but we already had  blightwar.



  2. The second wave of d6 is like this:

    18 hours ago, Sception said:

    pendulum in the second player turn of a battle round and end its movement less than an inch in front of an enemy unit

    the movment of pendulum by the oponent  is mandatory and BEFORE he does something (begining of the turn). Then, the pendulum passes just through the last unit it spoped by. hence the 2d6.

  3. It can be interesting. But I'm doubtful about the success of this tome if GW doesn't build up some bundles. One of the main things that lead to a great success of LoN was its numerous bundles and 3 (yes 3) start collecting boxes!!! I think there were 5 bundles. You could get a nice army with just those bundles mix/match. That's a great way to start an army which is often populated by horde like units...

    I don't see this for beasts unfortunately....except if GW rebox them (with proper bases and nice bundles/start collecting)

  4. As far as I can understand the (AoS side of) desapointment, I'd like to say to you guys: hey, learn to enjoy what we've got! There are some superbs things announced (yet most of them alreadey teased) and it shows us that GW is doing great on the creation and production side. So, enjoy our day and learn a bit of patience. (the last 2 months have been so big for AoS!)

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  5. I smell some disapointment around here but let's be positive.

    For example, look at those superb (in a nasty way ofc) monsters : it'd be super interesting to add those medium monsters in a nurgle army! They look so ugly that I love them already.


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  6. 1 hour ago, Lightbox said:

    I am very optimistically (read: foolishly) holding out hope for a flesh eater courts updated battletome (probably no new models though) and a soulblight update with a battletome, plastic vampire lord + blood knights and a unit of vampire thralls.

    For now, I think: No and No . I'd be really surprised. FEC is OK as it is and vampires have been covered by LoN. I think that we are done with death actually. But given what we've got this year, I (absolutely) won't complain. I'm super happy.

  7. It has been answered already this way (as per reading the cards):

    first you chose: healing OR bring back unit

    then Roll the dice and get the wounds back

    if Healing : heal up to the wounds back but don't add new miniature (weird but for some 1 wound miniature, it is ok)

    if bring back unit: bring back as many as wounds back allow rounded DOWN. Ex: you got 2 wounds back, you get  2 reapers or 1 hex or...ZERO spirits! For a spirit back you need a "wounds back" greater or equal to 3.


  8. 4 minutes ago, El Syf said:

    the year of Death; so far we've had one battletome with no new models

    I'd rather prefer some more battletome like LoN for existing miniatures (for skaven, for ogors/beastmens, for greenskin, for dwarves, for etc...) than getting more little factions with so few entries (like DoK...). LoN is so good that it is probably the best battletome out there. And the NH extension is a superb bonus to LoN.

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