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Posts posted by GeneralZero

  1. I just received My first (2) SC! BCR and what???? WTF GW??? The assembling instruction manual only include the FLoSH ???? What? I order a full kit, yes, it is in a SC§ but GW doesn't include the full assembing? What is it this new way a treating your customes? It was the same in FoB not including the Immortis build. Is this a new habit of GW?

    Is there someone with the pdf of full assembing of the Thundertusk&mounting options(dual seats etc..)?

    PS: found it elsewhere (I hope it is complete) but this is unacceptable from GW

    • Haha 1
  2. 9 minutes ago, Jymmy said:

    I think that by giant release they mean that a lot of kits are going to be anounced, a large number, not large in size.

    That's what I also think (unfortunately) but not what I hope. If they do an IK-like army (of giants) it'd sell like crazy especially if it can mix with most of armies. Honnestly, we don't really need more armies now, but more deepness in the existing ones. Add some new characters or even some units rather than new few kits armies.

  3. One giant kit for several factions already exists: the gargan, for destruction and chaos. You can easyly goes further in this directions with some more bits. Example, starting from a sort of giant:

    - destruction: savage type of giant. armor is barbarian like, woods etc...

    - chaos: well, lets go lazy with some spiky bits, nasty armors...and horns ofc 😉

    - order: normal/classic armors, nice helmet and classic (not barbarian) weapons.

    - death: gives the giant the more skelly/zomby/ossiarch look.

    Armors can be added parts on the models not melted to the  model, making the kit more versatile.

    I think that with 2 different kist,IK sized in number of sprues, you can have it all will all the weapons options availlable to all/most of giants.

    The game already deals with (kinda) giants armys: in ogors , CoS (tanks) and FEC you can have a pure behemoth army. So, rule wise, it wouldn't be crazy to manage for GW.

    Last but not least: I'd prefer that we go "giants" rather than "mounted big monsters" (we already have them in the examples above)


  4. 3 minutes ago, RexHavoc said:

    Start Collecting: Giants.

    It's just the current giant kit, repackaged and at a different price point. The regular kit will still be sold. The battletome will mention all sorts of giant variants, but we won't ever see a kit for any of them.

    🤣As silly as I'm being, I'd actually still be totally ok with this and would have to have a small (tall) force of them for laughs!

    I was thinking something similar (yet you know, there've been already a dual giant box....). But the actual giant kit is lacking some options like , for exemple, shooting (portable balista, postable canon...), or mounting guy (a guy on the shoulder of the giant, making him do some stuff), or something more wizzardy (a giant wonderfull magical staff etc...).

    I'd like a faction like that, an IK-40k AoS kind of battletome.. With MANDATORY a mirrored one for chaos. Well, lets be crazy: a tome per grand alliance! (big death skeleton giants is my dream!). Those Giants could be allied to all factions in their grand alliance.

    It is doable, will shake the meta like crazy, will allow new games and will look amazing on the table.

  5. 25 minutes ago, NinthMusketeer said:

    That only goes so far. If I'm an Ossiarch player running mortek guard as my main battleline (or just petrifax elite with anything), and I go up against an opponent that cannot spam rend or MWs, they lose. So what do I do? Handicap myself? Buy different battleline? What happened to just making the army I wanted to play? It creates a different unfun situation. That's why the army is going to have such a reputation, at least for now.

    That is one of the reasons (see my post previous page) that I've frozen my OBR investments. Nothing more that the feast of bones. For now. I have enough (fun) to play/build/paint all my others armies (and my fresh ogors which are balanced and super fun).

  6. 1 minute ago, NinthMusketeer said:

    A properly built & run Ossiarch force can be extremely unfun for the opponent because it becomes a game of "does your army have the tools to deal with this?" Some don't. And though it is not the fault of either player, it is going to make a match unfun.

    This is often the case if you don't know/speak your oponent. Lets say, SCE (not OP at the moment), several armies/builds just don't have the tools to face a stardrake of 4 balistas.  Same for 2 KoS etc... If you go normal builds (fun, up to half competitive) , OBR is not that much more OP than good armies (i.e. armies more than or equal to middle tier).

  7. For me, despite I have 3 halves of feast of bones, I just changed my mind. No kavalos (the best and most versatile unit of the whole army), no riders, no crawlers no....nothing. Why?

    1. because I have the feeling that several changes will come shortly to adjust the points/rules (FAQ...)

    2. many (if not all) units are beautiful (according to my taste); so, even if I grab half of them I'd feel frustrated by not having the other half. 

    3. budget wise, it is at least a heavy spending. For just half of this, I could finish my ogor army (with 3 sc! reselling some mournfangs...).

    At the end of the day, I know that the hobby is a long term investment. Everything is at full price now. Just wait for next year battleforces or SC!, you'll get some nice bundles. All my budget just went to FINISHING my actual armies. Add to this that 2 of my armies get a tome in the next 2 month. (StD&tzeentch) ... And I'm happy with that (I have to learn to listen to my brain more often than my heart when it is about miniatures!)

  8. 1 hour ago, Panzer said:

    Harvester because it's the best looking model of the range. ;) 

    TBH, on the look side of the question, the crawler is huge and looks majectic on the battlefield. The harvester, side by side seems tiny. I was first attracted by the look of the catapult, maybe because I wanted one for so long in my skeleton army. But it can't be added to (OBR has no ally). Rule wise, I think that the harvester is a bit more efficient, more versatile. I don't want to spam crawlers. I think that the best way of playing the catapult is to hit where you can help an heavy punch of hammer troops. Want both. But only one for now. I'll probably try first the harvester.

  9. 33 minutes ago, Sleboda said:

    Yeah. While they are not Tomb Kings (most especially not in terms of background), they touch on enough of the things I liked about Tomb Kings to really get me going. The strict discipline, having to plan, surprise moves, methodical and unrelenting assault, immune to psychology, undead, fun to paint, inevitability ... just lots of positive trigger points.

    I can see myself picking up a box of Guard anytime I happen to be out with some pocket money and the urge to spend it. I won't be surprised if I have 300 Guard within two years, with maybe 100 each in three different paint schemes, representing three different legions. 

    I have painted basically the same undead army in different colors maybe six times over the years. I never strip paint or repaint, so I end up with huge undead armies. This will likely be the same.

    This is just some amazing dedication: I admire people like you 🙂

    Too bad I can't play with you (except if you are not too far from France...)

  10. BTW, with the chaos marks alignment, you (probably) will be able to add almost whatever monster you want. For exemple, a StD nurgle army with the glotkin. Or a StD Tzeentch army with the mutalith monster etc... That is really what I like most in this army! Giving the taste I want with the monsters I want.

    • Like 2
  11. 1 hour ago, jabbadewonga said:

    Between the archai and unique character getting slated, and the secondary market getting flooded with ogor stuff, I'm actually quite glad I missed the boat on this one. 😅

    I'm glad to have diven in the boxes boat: got 3 boxes, re-sell 2 tyrant 2 set of morghasts and 2 Vokmortian . As a result, I have most wanted units of both armies and more than 1400 for eacha army for just 100€/army. Best and cheapest way to start a new army. As a bonus, from my death army, I already have arkhan and more morghast, giving me a full army. For ogors: just buy a SC! BCR and you have a full army.

    • Like 1
  12. I feel that I don't need more guards. There are differents approachs: 2 wizzards, one more liege kavalos. Each are great supports and give at least 2 more DP which are big army boosts. Another kavalos gives also a little more space to add an ES. For the 2 wizzards addition, I don't know.

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