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Posts posted by flemingmma

  1. This shouldn't be an issue

    Chuck some women in, there no reason lore wise why there can't be any, in fact quite a few women floating around in the lore

    Maybe get rid of or tone down the boobplate because its impractical but if you need it to differentiate the models well there you go.

    The "sjws" aren't coming to take away the fun. This ridiculous persecution complex in geek culture reeks of people who need to actually experience the real world rather than getting their world view from forums.


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  2. 1 hour ago, Cambot1231 said:

    I'm a little nervous that chaos warrior's halberds and great weapons will go by the wayside. The shuttering of more forgeworld stuff has me thinking weapon upgrades won't be supported with the new kit. Great looking new sculpts though 

    Might be included in the kit if we're lucky

  3. 2 hours ago, flemingmma said:

    Welp i guess my tastes are a bit cheaper than many if the tga

    Stormcast: the easy to build sequitor prime

    Cities of sigmar: Greatsword

    Slaves to darkness: lord of chaos on foot

    Skaven: grey seer or the leader of the shadespire warband

    Nurgle: Lord of plagues

    Khorne: any of the shadespire reavers

    Beasts of chaos: beastigor or tzaangor enlightened

    Tzeentch: gaunt summoner

    Orcs: megaboss or savage big boss

    Nighthaunt: either the cairnwraith or knight of shrouds

    Death rattle: wight king


    Sylvaneth: either a tree revenant or a spite revenant

    Kharadron: endrigger or the admiral with the top hat

    Slaanesh: masque or fiend

    Flesh eater courts: regent or crypt ghast courtier

    Seraphon: skink starpriest

    Gloomspite: new loonboss

  4. Welp i guess my tastes are a bit cheaper than many if the tga

    Stormcast: the easy to build sequitor prime

    Cities of sigmar: Greatsword

    Slaves to darkness: lord of chaos on foot

    Skaven: grey seer or the leader of the shadespire warband

    Nurgle: Lord of plagues

    Khorne: any of the shadespire reavers

    Beasts of chaos: beastigor or tzaangor enlightened

    Tzeentch: gaunt summoner

    Orcs: megaboss or savage big boss

    Nighthaunt: either the cairnwraith or knight of shrouds

    Death rattle: wight king


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  5. Conversions are your friend

    I was an unemployed ****** subsisting on governmental study allowance when i started and using the easy to build kits i made a bunch of different heroes to start my various skirmish forces. 

    This did however lead to my current situation where i have multiple skirmish to 500pt warbands but no actual playable armies

    A couple of examples are below


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