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Kaptain Murder

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Posts posted by Kaptain Murder

  1. 6 hours ago, Kimbo said:

    What do i need to get for my fiends in order to have a decent deck? 

    Most importent cards? Your favorite deck? 

    Any tip for a new player helps alot!

    Honestly, Magores is one of the teams that if you just have their set plus the core, you can build a pretty good deck right off the bat. It may not win a tournament, but will get a good feel for how the group plays and have a decent game against most opponents.

    Heres an idea to run. I do something similar when im playing newer players and teaching https://www.underworldsdb.com/shared.php?deck=0,176,178,179,180,183,184,188,189,190,191,193,194,195,201,433,427,424,384,383,343,331,340,271,244,N506,N504,N505,N409,N310,N306,N446,N294,175,177

    • Thanks 1
  2. So next question:

    Great Strength and incredible strength state +1 damage for attacks at range 1 and 2. Does that mean that Attacks that have a range of 3 do not benefit from this, even if its used at range 2?

    Im thinking specifically of Stormsire's Fulmination or the Farstriders Boltstorm Pistols.


  3. Hi all,

    In terms of reaction timing- there are several reaction cards that state "during an attack" "during an attack that succeeds" etc. Does that mean that only one reaction can be played? or could each player play a reaction during this time as they have different "mini" triggers?

  4. For really fun, casual decks - Consider using just the "faction only" cards out of each expansion and maybe adding a couple here or there. They are definitely not the best decks out there, but will give you a great casual/almost-mid-range game that plays into their spirit. I especially like doing this with my Ironjawz, Slayers and Farstriders. It also really makes you strategize your play more than just drawing teh cards you need, which will help you immensely in the long run. Good luck!

  5. I'll second what Killax is saying. The Lets chats are great resources for what you are looking for.


    If you are doing something like you describe, I suggest a "draft" format. You each take in turns selecting an Universal card until everyone has a deck that's ready to go. You can try that for a round robin (or longer) type of "season" then redraft again. Repeat as needed. That actually sounds like a pretty exciting and constantly shifting environment to play with. If you do it, let us know how it turns out!

    • Like 4
  6. 13 hours ago, Changer said:

    So I got three single games in last night.

    Hey Changer,

    Happy to see you gave the slayers another chance and that you had some success with them. We have a couple differening strageys in how we are doing, but I think we are both getting good results after some practice. Could I ask a favor of you (and any of my fellow Brosen Axes) reading:::


    Keep track of your Round one glory and inspire.


    Here's why: Ful-Hannibal is the quintessential A-Team leader, and in order to make this plan come together, I think we both agree that we need him to inspire/upgrade up and start chopping as soon as possible. The question then becomes-what is the best way to accomplish this? 

    I'm going to keep going with Hold objective 1-5 in my deck, as I think that is the best way to get a couple easy early glory, since we can't depend on our opponents willing to take an axe to the face. I'll let you know how I do after some more games but I think that round one is the key and would appreciate your insights. 


    Cheers Bro!

  7. My FLGS had a release -day tournament and there was some good Shadespire action going. I am happy to say that my slayers did surprisingly well,  in spite of the fact that it was my first time with them. Here are some thoughts:

    Inspiring and snowballing some glory early is crucial, especially for Grimnir. I'll echo what was already said that the warband is 90% about the leader. 

    I based my upgrades on which ones I'd want on Grim. 

    I went with a balanced deck. Hold Obv 1-5, Denial/Conquest,  escalation, no remorse, precise use of force, scion of grim, fer charge

    I used Vol as my support/dangle bro, then Grimnir and Tefk for a sweet 1-2 punch as needed. Maelgrim held back to score easy objectives and play "safety" in case anyone ran passed the scrimage line or a skaven came up in my backfield. This proved successful every time.

    I took 4 movement cards with sidestep, earth shakes, treasure lust and earthquake

    Earthquake is amazing. When you get to plan ahead for when its used, it can completely "shake" the game

    I had some good luck but almost lost everything when my leader barely survived a Spiteclaw Time Trap double-spear . Keep Grimnir alive at all costs!




  8. Hi Changer,


    In comparing our decks (you can see mine earlier in the thread), I noticed the key difference is in the hold 1-5 objectives. The reason I am keeping them in mine is that getting  1-2 glory in that first round is key along with inspiring your guys.  This seems like a great way to get two birds stoned.  


    There is a small "release day" tourney this weekend, so I'll share my first results,  Good luck to you!

    • Like 1
  9. Is anyone else planning on substituting  the Fyreslayer Doomseeker from Silver Tower for  Mad Maegrim? Just to  prevent "two dual axe" confusion?


    Since the new-card list just got released, I took a shot at a build i think I'll try. Its designed to not get drawn into a specific target (ie: no kill the leader cards), and i'm not going for anything that makes my guys (or there's) get/stay in territory due to movement and reliance on the other guy's gameplan. I suppose its going to be a "jack of all/master of none" approach or..... "The BROsen Axis"



    Ferocious Charge

    Scion of Grtimnir


    Hold Obj 1-5


    Master of War

    No More Tricks

    Precise Use of Strength



    Light Armour

    Advanced Runes

    Grimnirs Fort

    Awakened Weapon

    Great Fortitude

    Great Strength

    Helpful Whispers

    Soul Trap

    Total Offense

    Vampiric Weapon




    Tresure Lust

    Urgold Boon


    Fueled by Fury

    Ready for Action


    Side Step

    Spoilks of Battle

    Healing Potion


    Feedback would be most welcome.

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