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Posts posted by deumosd

  1. 8 minutes ago, Aelfric said:

    I have painted each box of my Troggs differently, even though some are fielded in units of 6.  As you say a Troggboss will gather a herd around them as they travel so it made sense to me that there would be a variety of colours as Troggs gathered from different locations along the way.  It also meant I was never bored of painting the same scheme over and over again.  I made all the bases the same, which is enough to tie them together.  The beauty is there is no established norm for how a Trogg should look, so any colour scheme is possible.

    Thanks for the reply. I will go different colours- as you say should making painting them all more fun!


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  2. Hi all,


    Been wanting to do a troggoth army since the models where released. After reading the new stuff in white dwarf I am diving in. After reading how the troggs will start to follow a powerful leader, it got me thinking. Should I paint up my troggoths in the same colour scheme so they look like they match when having a game or should I do them all different so they look like they are all random and are just coming from all over  to follow the leader- will make the bases match so they look like an army.

    just wondered if people with more experience then me thought would best or they would prefer to play against.

    thank you

  3. Ok this might be odd to ask but does anyone know if the blood bowl teams will go on 25mm bases at all please? Never seen the models in person.

    I was just thinking I might use the Nurgle team as a base for my marauders. Just depends if they will fit on a 25mm base- it say they come with 32mm. Thanks for reading.

  4. 21 minutes ago, Grimrock said:

    He definitely has potential but I haven't tried it out yet. Nurgle can speed him up significantly and/or give him run and charge, the harbinger of decay can make him more resilient, and a great unclean one could buff his attacks. The tricky part I've always found is archaon is a lot of points and nurgle units are generally pretty expensive too. It's difficult to write a list with him that gives you everything you want. If I were going to try it, my list would be something like Archaon, a harbinger, chaos sorcerer, 2x5 blight kings, 40 marauders, a warshrine, and maybe 10 plaguebearers.

    Thank you so much for your advice- I think I will start building up some Nurgle minis now and see what I can do with them.

    Thanks again.

  5. Hey,

    was just wondering if I could please ask for a bit of advice from some experienced Nurgle players.

    i have been building but a StD army and have been painting them up as Nurgle and loved it. So been thinking I might do a full Nurgle army.

    my main question is would Archaon do well in a full a Nurgle army?

    Was thinking the big guy and some blight kings as a base to start from. I have got the start collecting set and hope to use it all.

    Many thanks for taking the time to read this.

  6. Thanks for the advice- I would love to have put jazels in but unfortunately I will not have them painted in time for the tournament- the hell pit is an interesting idea- might give him a run out as not actually ever used him before!

    thanks for the advice 👍🏻

  7. Hey guys,


    Been a while since the skaven had a run out but I have a one day tournament coming up and thought I might dust them off for a run out.

    Was thinking of the following list:


    Verminlord Warpseer 

    Arch warlock

    Warlock engineer

    Warlock engineer

    20x clan rats

    20x clan rats

    20x clan rats

    6x stormfiend 

    3x stormfiends 

    Warp lightening cannon


    Might swap out an engineer for a couple of endless spells.

    Anyone think that this will be ok please? 
    I just think it will be fun to play.

  8. 7 hours ago, Kantchill said:

    Fair enough, I came to that conclusion as well after reading your previous post and rethinking it.  


    Wish I had looked into all this before I built and just finished painting up my 30x poleaxes!!!!! I just liked the idea of the mortal wounds from them- oh well I will give them ago at some point and see how they do.

    hopefully they will be ok- not sure I can face painting up another 30/40 fyreslayers as I finally get to the point of finishing my army.

  9. Well I think I have been inspired to do a StD army- after reading here and loving some of the models.

    Entered my first 2000pt tournament, at last been wanting to for 2years now. 
    I am thinking of the following list.

    Hopefully I might pull at least one win out the bag.

    Host of the everchosen 6th circle

    All marked Nurgle:


    Chaos sorcerer lord

    Chaos warshrine

    Varanguard x3

    Varanguard x3

    20x chaos marauders 

    10x splinter fang

    10x splinter fang

    i know I should probably take 40x marauders but love the splinter fang models and am hoping I can have a few different units chasing objectives etc.

  10. Mine was quite simple- couple of years ago- my then 6 year old and me walked past a GW store, and he loved the window and asked to go in. We went it and it all looked awesome- he is a Halloween massive fan and instantly fell in love with the death faction. He wanted to buy stuff, but I made home wait. After about 3 weeks of no stop talking about it we went and go a starter set and some paints. He really enjoyed it. Then I started painting and playing against him and I loved it as well. 
    Now I am hooked- just need to find some people to regularly play against and enter my first big 5 game tournament!

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