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Posts posted by deumosd

  1. I have a hobby problem at the moment- it is a good problem to have.


    After finishing painting up my fyreslayers, I am looking to start a new army to paint up. Only problem is I can not pick between the two new battletombs. Have got them both but after looking at both still can not pick between them!

    anyone started two armies up at the same time before? If you did, did you ever get them both finished?


    just wondering if I should just try to do two at once!

  2. 43 minutes ago, Blisterfeet said:

    Yeah but that 3rd place in the painting competition weren't bad!

    Thanks- yeah I was very happy with it- was not expecting it at all.

    was a great day meeting some really great people!

    • Like 1
  3. 44 minutes ago, MisterJoshua said:

    played a Meeting Engagement at the weekend. I went with the following (admittedly

    I went to the tournament yesterday and played 3 games- I took list 2. My first ever tournament. Got a major lost first game against beast claws.

    major victory in second game against Sylvaneth.

    then lost by one point in the last game against Squigs- I had no idea how fast they could move. 

    Really enjoyed the tournament and got through the games fast with only a few models to move!

    • Like 2
  4. Hi All,

    Just wondered if I could please pick some of your brains?

    I have entered the meeting engagements tournament this Sunday. Now I have not actually played any meeting engagements battles yet (I know bad preparation) (also first proper tournament) but have been tinkering with lists. What do people think of the following please- if you have any ideas.

    List 1:

    Spearhead:  20x clan rats

    Main Body:

    Warpseer- general

    40x clan rats


    Rear guard:

    Warplock engineer

    3x stormfeinds


    List 2: (more for fun)

    3x stormfeinds

    Main Body:

    Warplock engineer- general

    6x stormfeinds


    Rear guard:

    Rattling cannon

    Any thoughts would be appreciated- thanks.

  5. Sorry this might be a silly question- but in relation to casting prayers. Can I cast one from the book, one from the warscroll and a Magmic invocation by the same priest in the same turn? But not two of any of them?

    this is just what I thought you could do.

    Sorry for the questions just new to using prayers.

  6. Hello all,

    Sorry to be troubling you but after spending so long painting up hundreds of rats for my skaven army I just fancy starting up a new little project and fyreslayers caught my eye when I first started looking at age of sigmar. So I have decided to pluge right in and start up a force. From what I have read on the forums do people in the know think that getting a couple of start collecting sets and then going from there is still a good idea after the new battletomb has droped please? If not what would people please suggest as a good way to start.

    Many thanks for reading.

  7. Hi all,

    was just wondering if anyone had any nice success with painting the warp Lightning vortex at all. I have tried s couple of thing but just not happy with its look. Any ideas greatly received please.

    also reading through this it seems most people are going for the Verminlord Warpseer- is this generally the best option before I build mine? Many thanks

  8. Hello,

    Finally after many attempts I am finally playing in my first ever tournament this weekend. it is at 1500 point. I do not have much experience playing even. I have been actively watching these forums and looking at list posted. I have finaly decided to go with the following list:


    Arch Warlock

    Warlock Engineer

    Warlock Engineer

    Packmaster (Allies)

    3x Stormfiends (2xwarfire projectors 1X gauntlets (did not have time to paint a 3rd warpfire)

    5x Acolytes

    5x Acolytes

    2x warpfire Thrower weapon team

    2x Poisoned wind mortar team

    40x Clan rats (allies)

    1x Warp Lightning Cannon

    Balewind Vortoex

    Hopefully someone with more experience could just say if it is an OK list to try out. or any changes you would make (I do have a few other models etc I could use).

    Sorry if I have missed an exact same list earlier.

    Many thanks for your time.

  9. I was wondering if more experienced people could please take a look at my first ever attempt at kitbash/ conversion/ using green stuff. I have tried to make some acolytes.

    would these be excepted in a GW tournament or not? I have entered my first ever at the end of November. If they will not be excepted I had better buy the actual models. Thanks in advance!



    • Like 3
  10. First of all sorry if this has been covered- I had a feeling I had seen something on it before but can not find it now.

    i have not been playing Age of sigmar for long but after falling in love with Skaven I am trying to build up an army. I have a few bits in place but want c couple of units of Skryre  Acolytes. Only problem is the price of the individual models. So here is the plea for some help please from people with more skill/ knowledge than me:

    is there a cheaper/easier way to kitbash/concert models to make acolytes. Happy to give things a go.

    sorry if this has already been covered- and thanks in advance if anyone can help me.

  11. Hopefully this is the correct spot to put this. If possible could I please ask the More experienced skryre players a question.

    looking at starting a little skryre army but you do not seem to be able to buy Poisoned Wind Mortar Weapon Team anymore? Are they no longer available? Do I just need to check out eBay etc to try and get some?

    Many thanks.


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