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Posts posted by Bloodmaster

  1. Chaos is all about freedom, liberty and passion. Each god originally was mend to represent certain aspects of humanity and humanoids. Over the years the representation evolved, but in general its still all there. It's  similar to the way Sith are portrayed, wrongly seen as evil but more about not following strict codes and rules. Skaven on the other hand are, well, rats.

    • Like 4
    • Haha 1
  2. 2 hours ago, HorticulusTGA said:

    Skaven are 100% Chaos, in the background, in rules, in AOS, in Mordheim and in WFB.

    The releases order (lol) for Chaos should be : Slaanesh, Darkoath, Skaven (either a Legions of Nagash style book, or Eshin / Skryre, or both).

    @Arkiham do you have more info on that book ?

    We just know it should be more end May / start June than June /July, and that it will probably have an "Etheric Vortexes" scenery line coming with it, alongside Stormcast Wizards and Nighthaunts.

    Na, man, skaven will never be chaos, no matter what gw writes. These rats are vermin, unworthy to follow the dark gods and unable to bring glory to the holy pantheon of the glorious four. No matter how hard that uprise of a horned rat tries, it is nothing more than a laughable pawn, granted entrance to the eternal halls of chaos only for the amusement he brings to the older gods. 


    In other words: yes they are part of chaos now, but will never be accepted as true followers outside of the Fluff 

    • Like 1
    • Confused 1
  3. 5 hours ago, novakai said:

    Not much on Skaven since a lot of people believe the next Chaos release is going to be Slaanesh 

    And skaven aren't chaos ;-) 



    8 hours ago, Arkiham said:

    Has the battle magic book being released in June/ july been discussed yet ? 

    Nope, only speculated as nothing concrete is known right now. 

    • Confused 1
  4. 54 minutes ago, Hashut said:

    Hi everyone, long time lurker, first time poster. 

    With the rumours of new stormcast coming, is there any news on an updated battletome? I’d like to get into AoS, but don’t want to purchase a book that I’ll have to replace in a couple of months.



    Nothing tangible, but wait a few more days till Warhammer Fest on the 12th. We probably will get to know more that weekend. 

    • Like 1
  5. 1 hour ago, FRoper said:

    with the store on the 4-5th of June having a large meeting, regarding age of sigmar and then told to make a new starter board, would suggest that we are getting a new edition. 

    Where ist this coming from? Nevertheless, on May 12th we should know more and the aos open day is soon as well. 

  6. 1 hour ago, Skabnoze said:


    I notice a distinct lack of big hats.  Since  puny humans are all the same size how does anyone in the realms know who is important and means business without a big imposing hat?

    Those pictures were taken inside, no civilised man would wear his head in closed buildings. Damn grots, not understanding manners and court etiquette - and yet you wonder why you are not invited to the fancy parties in the royal courts. 

    • Like 2
    • Haha 1
  7. 6 hours ago, Gecktron said:

    There will be a new Death Faction this summer, we know that much from the Shadespire Teaser and the Soulwars Cover. Plus there where also rumors of new destruction stuff later this year.

    And we saw a new black coach. Well, at least parts of it 

  8. 57 minutes ago, HorticulusTGA said:

    That may be a bit early to discuss, but between the many rumors we got recently about Slaanesh, here are some gathered rumors about his/her release (not counting the announced Emepror's Children & Fulgrim rumors) : 

    - Date : October 2018 or December 2018-January 2019. 

    - "Battletome : Seekers Of Slaanesh" (see Idoneth Battletome page 15, it will probably replace Hosts of Slaanesh from the Chaos Alliance book). 

    - New plastic Keeper Of Secrets, maybe also N'kari dual kit. 

    - Plastic Fiends Of Slaanesh.

    - Plastic Mortal chariot (also from that Malign Portents short story).

    - Probably new Heroes and some kind of Mortal Infantry.

    I feel like a anticipating Slaaneshi now :P 

    Seekers Of Slaanesh.png

    Maybe some humans on foot as well.
    But on another note, both October AND December-January should be true, when taking the EC into account - When Slaanesh gets a release structured  similar to Nurgle

    • Like 2
  9. 11 hours ago, Barkanaut said:

    Number 1 is Kharadron Overlords person. I forget who but it was pointed out to me somewhere. 

    Yeah....NOPE! one mght think so, but alle KO sprues have nothing similar to the picture in it and GW didn't update the Rumour engine entry as they use to do, when the model is reveald. So no, 08/02/17 isn't KO.

    But I am happy to be proven wrong, thus, to quote Morpheus: "Show me".

    • Like 1
  10. Well, we will know in roughly 4 weeks what is to come in the next few months. Till then we are covered by ID, 40k has some codexs and knights promised, as well as bloodbowl and necromunda. After that we are more or less up in the air with hints of orcs, Angron and his boys for 40k and a new season for shadespire, undead and sigmages as well as a rule overhaul in some form for AoS. Interesting possibilities with room for surprises. 

    • Like 1
  11. The run time of certain phases doesn't seem to be fixed on three years. The duration of phase 1 probably results more in what was done under Kirby, in a more or less underplaned development. The change during the last year and especially the start of this year highlights a clearer direction and plan for AoS - as for example a more solidified explanation of the realms and their geography. Instead of the "grab cash, publish as fast as possible, leave the quality of the fluff and rules aside, thos idiotes will buy what we tell them to" attitiued, we now have a "sell story, expand rules, watch quality, make interesting "risky" models - oh and make us more money through quality". 

  12. 4 minutes ago, hughwyeth said:

    I would be extremely surprised if this was happening as it works in 40k. It would make destruction extremely powerful and would require huge points re-calculation for all forces, an absolute nightmare to implement.  As I've written before, charges before other combats works in 40k because it helps those forces weak at shooting (orks, tyranids) to become strong in combat in a game that's all about shooting. AoS isn't all about shooting, combat is the big phase for damage dealing.

    Right now you are right, but things might change together with the change of "Charges first". And it might as well happen, that we GW is doing a "Make magic great again" kind of thing, where sorcery and prayers have a more offensive role similar to shooting in 40k. Only time - or rather June - will tell.

  13. All in all, from what we have heard, I still don't see a new starter set coming for AoS - a new expanded set of rules, yes. What is rumoured as a AoS Starter might just be the starter for Shadespire Season 2, especially with the reappearing rumours on Stormwizards and Ghosts

  14. 17 minutes ago, LLV said:

    AoS phase 2 if definitely happening, rules changes(such as charges going first) is happening, different magic (though likely in its own set) is happening

    Hold the press! Charges being meaningful again is THE BEST thing

    • Like 1
  15. 17 minutes ago, Gaz Taylor said:

    Rumour Image - Looks like fur to me. I'm thinking Space Wolves

    Please don't be right - that would be some terrible version of fur. My guess is a squig of some kind - with all the orc infos surfacing it is as possible as a plastic thunderhawk.

  16. 5 hours ago, Sete said:



    1 hour ago, Spiny Norman said:


    That flying turtel is so goofy, it ruins the whole picture...


    Have to agree, the lack of four* elephants carrying a discworld is unforgivable. How dare you,  GW. ^^


    *once there were five, but one slipped and fell onto the discworld, resulting in the fat mines of Schmalzberg. 

    • Like 3
  17. 47 minutes ago, Rou Dantes said:

    What do you mean by "raider version" and "atlantean version"? I know that most of the units are going to have multiple versions and many options, but I hadn't heard them described that way.

    A "light" version f a "dark" one. One looking more highelfish,  one more darkelfish. One a wierd bit friendlier than the other. 

    • Thanks 1
  18. 11 minutes ago, LLV said:

    Can’t say but you’ll see. 

    AoS 2 is coming but gw are calling it phase 2 so not sure if it will be billed as second edition or not. Age of Nagash gets talked about but I don’t think they will officially rebrand.

    Starter box is stormcast vs malignant/ nighthaunt and likely will have the coach and definitely will have the new mini knight of shrouds unit.

    magic getting a huge shake up in AoS - the purple sun is one of the old spells returning represented by a model instead of a template.

    stormcast open new chambers so they can get another book out for them

    this all likely happening before fiscal year end- so before end of June.

    new Khorne bezerkers are already done along with angron- I heard end of 2018 Q1 so that would be around xmas

    Thanks, interesting stuff, if true. Anything hearsay about Slaanesh, you can offer?

  19. 39 minutes ago, Turgol said:

    That being said I would bet on a Khorne december-January release, given the absence of a World Eaters faction. It would have little impact on AoS (updated Hounds, maybe some new daemons).

    This is exactly why I wouldn't bet on Khorne in November-January, simply because we got a combined Release for both systems. A Release slot that is more fitting for Slaanesh, than Khorne. 


    39 minutes ago, Turgol said:

    People citing Atia as rumour source should know that she has no insider knowledge.

    Atia has a long track record of accurate rumours, which got watered down a bit by the addition of Bob on War-of Sigmar. She got a bit quieter over the years, but nevertheless is quite accurate on the rare occasions she offers information.


    2 minutes ago, Kyriakin said:

    Do you guys think the Daemonettes will be re-done.

    I wouldn't hold my breath on it. Slaaneshi demons will probably go the same way as the other gods, a new direly needed Greater Demon some new Heralds and may be a new unit, but no re-imagination. Sadly, the Diaz Demonattes were much much better than the current ones, and are till now some of the best models produced by GW despite the age. The Bloodletters would deserve a re-designe as well, btw.

    • Like 1
  20. 20 minutes ago, LLV said:

    There is new stormcast battletome after malignant/ nighthaunt.

    I hade heard new Khorne bezerkers and angron around Xmas time not heard anything on slaanesh models, although that’s not to say it’s not happening


  21. 56 minutes ago, HorticulusTGA said:

    Yeah, I hope we get that again for Slaanesh. Note that apparently Nurgle was due Summer 2017 (when Blightwar came out), so more or less 2 months after Death Guard (but then GW got the technical / energy problems in Nottingham we know about).

    So the "end of the year window" may be a coincidence, but surely the "40k Legion + Daemon Primarch followed closely by AOS Battletome + Greater Daemon release" pattern seems solid. As a Chaos player I cannot wait anyway. 

    yeah a much earlier release would be wonderful. But at least for 40k there should be other stuff before Slaanesh, say another loyal Primarch for example. But in the end, we can only lean back, speculate and be surprised what comes next ^^.

    • Like 1
  22. 12 minutes ago, HorticulusTGA said:

    Thebiggesthat on Dakka Dakka said Fulgrim and Keeper of Secrets end of the year 2018, so maybe even sooner !

    (This guy was right about GUO, new beast and blight lord)

    See Tzeentch and Nurgle for references: 40k near the end of the year, followed by demons and AoS spilling over to the next year.

    • Like 1
  23. 9 minutes ago, Gecktron said:

    There was a Thread on Bolter and Chainsword were someone asked for the size of Morathi, as he planned on turning her into a Fulgrim model.
    Atia just answered that he should start that project right now.

    "You don't want to do that conversion right now. ^^" - Atia. So Fulgrim's the next, with AoS Slaanesh in January 2019

  24. 36 minutes ago, Enoby said:

    I've noticed a lot of people predict that Slaanesh is soon(ish) due for a release but I was wondering if there was any basis to this other than it being the only Chaos god to not get a release? I'd really like it to get something, but from where I'm standing it seems unlikely. 


    While it's 40k, this rumour would suggest that it's Khorne getting a release this year (http://natfka.blogspot.co.uk/2018/03/rumors-angron-and-khorne-new-abbadon.html?m=1) and I doubt they'd have a big release for both Khorne and Slaanesh in the same year. 


    Slaanesh is more or less a given, due to the Chaos release cycles, we had so far. Khorne is in a wired spot right now. In AoS he is supported quite well both mortals and demons. In 40k only demons have "new" toys, mortals are ancient, one of the oldest sets. Due to this, Khorne will be or better needs a much smaller release, than the other 3 gods have seen, only marines in Power and Terminator armour and a Primarch, may be a cultist unit, but even these are an unneeded extra. So Khorne will fit right at any release slot, the size of DoK and might slip in this year. But Atia said roughly halve a year ago, that we will have both Khorne and Slaanesh/Angron and Fulgrim in a span of two years. Judging by that, both wont come in one year, and khorne will probably take the backseat, as he ist well supported in one system, whereas Slaanesh is "lost" in both.


    14 minutes ago, DantePQ said:

    One think I doubt Slaanesh is soon is the fact that Deepkin were released it would make all the sense to release Slaanesh along with Tyrion&Teclis Elves or Malerion Elves and I doubt they aren't coming this year. 

    I have to agree that, we won't see any more Elves this year (Eldar maybe). Think of that pervert not as soon but more like soonish, coming at the end of the year, leaving 2019 for Elves and Eldar as a reaction too the resurfacing of the Prince of Pleasures. Would make sense from a narative perspective as well, to use her release at the end of this year as a kick of for the reactions on the new threat by the pointy eared folks. With DoK and probably with DK we have the stage set for the break out of the most favourite hermaphrodite, and the MP Story 1-2 weeks ago has his getaway car ready and motor running. 

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