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Posts posted by Barkanaut

  1. 23 hours ago, Mutton said:

    My theory based on nothing is that Adepticon will be either where we first see the alleged "light" or "shadow" elves, OR it'll be the final 2.0 battletome update, ending with Seraphon, including a handful of redesigned kits for their crustier looking models.

    It'll be interesting to see how the army release schedule proceeds. The biggest community reactions and hype come from brand new army reveals, but it's untenable to keep up forever. We already have 22-ish factions---how many more can they realistically add to their production? I wonder if we'll start seeing smaller "expansions" for all of the existing armies instead.

    Kharadron Overlords need help so bad. After sucking this bad for this long we better have a hell of an update coming with a few new models and a terrain piece. 

  2. 3 hours ago, Rogue Explorator said:

    I Don't think we will see an army build around Grungni anytime soon, if ever. The common assumption seems to be that like the other gods he has his own plot to bring in a superior force according to his vision. The thing is, he already did that, just in a completely different way from the others, when he abandoned the Duradin of the Realms to fend for themselves which resulted in the Kharadron. By my reading, it seems pretty clear they actually are his intended outcome, a culture of self-reliant Dwarves who no longer show up on his doorstep begging for daddy to save them all the time (it's all very Ayn Rand really). They don't particular venerate Grugni and they are not under his command, but they are the materialization of his vision in the mortal Realms and I think should be viewed as "his" army in AoS just as much the Slyvaneth are Alielle's and the Fyreslayers are Grimnir.

    For light and dark aelves, I still hold on to my theory that they may actually turn out to be a part of the same faction. Whenever they show up a little in the lore I get that impression that they, just like Tyrion to Malerion, just as Hysh to Ulglu, are two sides of the same coin. The way GW has been doing Dark and High Elves in the past, as well as Drukari and Asuryani in 40k, there are a lot of parallels in the lines, so much that one force would have a lot of units that are almost copies of each other. Unless there's a massive shakeup of the lore with their release, Tyrion and Malerion aren't even remotely opposed to each other in AoS, quite the opposite, they seem to be working closely with each other, though maybe not much trustingly. And we still don't know much about those aelves in the Realms of Shadow and Light who aren't remade souls. Light and Dark mixed together may seem a bit off, but if the more mundane aelves alongside Teclis represent the twilight in between, sort of in the style of the Mistweaver Sai, I could see it working quite well.

    It would also solve the dilemma of having two aelven forces in the pipeline that are so intertwined, so important to the lore and propably both equally long awaited. Make them big releases and they need to be spaced out, which would be unpopular and difficult to tackle in the lore. Drop them at the same time, and they cann't both be really big, leaving no one particularly happy and really robbing them of their momentum.


    So all in all, I think it is possible there will only be only one all new army for GA:Order in the forseeable future.


    Chaos will actually be completely covered with the release of Slaves to Darkness likely brushing out the last few stragglers. There are some avenues to expand the GA either by splitting Skaven again, reviving something old like Fimir or Chaos Dwarves or doing something completely out of the left field, but I don't think we'll see anything like that for quite a long time.


    Death is starting to look rather complete as far as number of armies goes. It seems given that Soulblight will get a BT and some new stuff eventually. I think they will want to focus on Vampires for that and that at this point reincluding any of Necromancer, Skeletons or Zombies under them would be a poor move, essentially making them a diminished version of old Vampire Counts/Legions of Nagash. Necromancers with the minion type Undead have been called "Necromantic Hosts" a few times in AoS 2.0 and I think they could make a pretty decent force, somewhat ramshackle and more independent thanks to being lead by the somewhat still living, but more cunning and organized than Flesheaters. But propably something that could be delayed for quite some time untill the time is right for such an "unimportant", just as Genestealer Cults seem to have fit a nerve when they finally came.


    So all in all, I think Destruction is the place to look at for new stuff and definitely the GA in the worst shape, bar Gloomspite. With the only remaining Orcs split between two factions in competition with FEC for tinyiest model range around, theoretically one army for no, but with little visual cohesion. Right now that GA has only three BTs and armies, with at least one seeming like an obvious soup placeholder. I also still think there is still some place for a more down to earth Orcs and Goblins to contrast against Ironjawz, Gloomspite and Bonesplittaz, not to forget they are still around in the lore, though they may end up looking very different from the removed Gitmob and Greenskinz kits. On the other hand I think they will maintain being the smallest and least pushed GA.

    Orks in 40k seems to suffer from a lot of problems, being extremely popular in theory, but not really seeing much play or support. I'm afraid Destruction may be falling by and large into similar traps, but hope I'm wrong. My suspicion is that more people want them as a force to play against rather then as one they themselves play and collect, though I admittedly can't back that up by anything but my own bias.

    I love Gloomspite and hope Mawtribes gets a big model release in its future like way future. The new orks are terrible though and the two factions couldn't look any different and mish mash if they tried. 

    Destruction is too limited by unga bunga stuff. I have said this many times there are many types of destruction factions they could do if they introduced another new god to compete with Gorka Morka. We need a more intelligent faction focused on destruction. I think a release of a giant army that is acctually trying to destroy everyone else and remake their Empire would be great. They could worship a new god of destruction or gorka morka. Also there are also ways to introduce godless destruction factions. The best way to think of this is Tyranid style hivemind faction (that can ally with other forces of destructon and has personality). 

    Of all the factions I feel like Destruction has some serious untapped potential and its being too limited by Gorka Morka. 

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  3. Just now, Overread said:

    @Barkanaut don't forget that KO are likely to get a new Tome early next year. Considering that we now know that Slaves to Darkness are dropping in December that means only 4 battletomes need an update in 2020. Seraphon, KO and Tzeentch. Which if GW keeps its current pace up means that we could see all three arrive before the end of March. 

    Plus at least KO have a tome, Slaves are about to get their first in 5 or so years of AoS. 

    Its a tomb so bad its practically irrelevant lol. It's like saying to two people who need to use the washroom. Well at least YOU have a single tiny piece of toilet paper. 

    • Confused 1
  4. 40 dollars for a single commander CAD ahaahha. On top of that my Kharadrons are not great in any sense of the word terrible even. So no I definitely am not buying anything with the insane prices. Not after my new Deathwatch army was invalidated and how ****** they made Tau during the start of 8th. Nah I can tell right now buying all the GW stuff I did was a big mistake and I'll probably end up throwing it away so some other poor hapless soul doesn't sink any money into the company. 

    • Sad 1
  5. 4 minutes ago, Still-young said:

    I really don’t know how you can judge how well they’re going to sell. Tomb Kings didn’t sell because they weren’t updated (rules or models) for a long time, and when they were fantasy wasn’t doing well anyway and they didn’t have great rules post update. I don’t know how well Necrons do but it seems to be as good as any other Xenos army. 

    Considering they don't even have their own thread in the death section yet. That is a very ominous sign. It's been 6 hours since the name dropped and no one cares. If I were GW I would be very worried if they seen that lol. It's not that the army is hated it's... irrelevant and no one cares which is way worse. 

  6. On a pure technical level details an stuff they are good, but it's the style and aesthetics that are kinda all over. Some stuff looks really cool and most of it looks like someone but a bunch of random bone bits together. It's hard to pick out one coherent theme. I think there are way too much in this army. Got a feeling it's going to be a bit of a dud faction honestly in terms of sales. I mean this is 3rd times GW tried the tomb kings aesthetics now. TK, Necrons, and now these guys and other than a very small local niche who love it its going to be forgotten. 

    I will say they aren't the worst army around. Just kinda meh. Somewhere around C tier in terms of how cool they look. 

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  7. 6 minutes ago, Vomikron said:

    I don’t want to be a negative Nancy but I think the new death faction might be one of the ugliest they’ve produced.

    i give credit, of course, to the quality sculpting and originality and I do eye some mighty fine conversion bits.

    It's... okay. It's way better than the the bedsheet ghosts but I just don't dig the final design so much. The art ended up selling an army that is simply too cool to exist in mini form. Solid B from me. 

  8. 30 minutes ago, GeneralZero said:

    The new thing for KO is called: Cities of Sigmar. There is a city for them and some synergies there. So, the new miniatures are just "add some classic duardins dispossessed (or whatever in those cities) to your KO"!! lol.

    This is the super cheap route from GW but immediate and short term.

    Yeah I am not adding old models to my army that don't fit thematically. I say GW should fix the army I bought before I buy anything else.  GW took long enough to fix my Tau. Killed my deathwatch with priamris and its clear old marines are on the way out in lore. So now KO suck for a long time now and I'm expected to want to buy more models? Yeah right. 

  9. It's clearly SkeleKhan he even asks for simple tithes to be paid and he would leave the kingdom's to govern themselves. If they didn't he would invade. It's clear the biggest influence is Ghengis-Khan.  Now this has my attention. I just hope the models look really cool and hold up better than the night haunt ones which also had cool videos/art and then the actual models were meh. 

  10. 7 hours ago, Rogue Explorator said:

    It's kind of hard to do fantasy and not draw inspiration from historical cultures (and by hard, I mean near impossible here). Thing is, GW hasn't made a single faction for AoS that draws on just one culture or even worse just the pop cultural image of just one culture and I doubt they'll go back to that game now.

    This is finally getting me excited for death. The sneak peaks all seem more interesting than spooky bed sheet ghosts. However I will knock on wood as I was also excited for bedsheets before full reveal lol. 

  11. None. I know death has its fans but they totally lost me with the spooky bed sheet ghosts being kinda generic. I'm mad they gave up on Beasclaw as a theme as there was some cool model ideas for it but with them the new ogre model and rumors of a souping it seems my interest in them has dropped to zero. I think there was plenty of flavor for them to be a cool army but it seems GW and the fans disagree so we get generic ogre soup instead. Meh. Went from one of the coolest factions to possibly one of the most generic. 

    I'm not happy with the Ironjaws being given no new models or anything either and getting shoved into a tomb. Feels like another dead faction with a micro army that will never ever get anything. 

    Feels like destruction is losing lots of its flavor. I hope we end up seeing some more cool new armies to come out of this if it means these two are basically being shelved to the c team shelf. Granted GG is so awesome its keeping destruction creatively alive but barely. 

    Never cared about humans in Fantasy don't care about them here. I am a human I know all about it and its boring. Let me play cool stuff. All around a fairly disappointing one. Then the army I do play KO is once again seemingly going to be kicked to the back burner. By the time we get updated we'll probably get some ****** lame attempt to balance us, no new models,  and then AoS 3.0 will come out killing us again. No hope for me man. Who knows at this rate we may even end up souped with Fyre yet at the rate GW is going. :(


  12. 1 hour ago, overtninja said:

    People say this all the time and yet the hobby continues to do well. Besides, Apocalypse rules are like playing EDH or Commander in M:tG - it's for people who already own massive collections and want the opportunity to field all their cool stuff that they don't usually get to use.

    Price increases every few years are par for the course - and frankly unless you have a good deal of disposable income this hobby is always going to be out of your price range anyway, especially 40k.

    Fantasy died too. It’s not out of the question they can price stuff too high. 

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