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Posts posted by Barkanaut

  1. Just now, The_Yellow_Sign said:

    He came 11th, I believe. He didn't crack the top 10 because he lost the final match to the champ. The tournament was almost 200 players, so he was still near top 5%.

    Okay so he did good. Still though it doesn't change the fact that lots of KO players are dissatisfied at the types of lists we have to run right now. 

  2. 1 minute ago, The_Yellow_Sign said:

    Here's the list: https://thehonestwargamer.com/aos-list-rundowns/alexander-krohn-kharadron-overlords/

    They have the final match on the Honest Wargamer YouTube channel.

    Didn't even crack the top 10 though so kinda meaningless man. I mean its not that uncommon to have the final fight and not crack the top 10 its how the tournament structure works lol. Also only one boat, infantry spam list, and had Stormcast in there too. Nothing I like. I bought into the faction for cool boats not infantry spam lists and mandatory soup. GW said the same thing oh buy Stormcast wizards lol. 

  3. 5 minutes ago, The_Yellow_Sign said:

    KO did pretty well at CanCon though. The final was KO vs. Gore Pilgrims.

    Really I didn't know that. Link me? Still though its very rare to see KO out there and most lists barely use any boats which is kind of the points of the faction lol. 



    Took a look and he didn't even place in the top 10 or am I reading it wrong? 



    Only one Frigate. Had some Stormcast in there too. Yeah we need some help lol. 


  4. 1 hour ago, cofaxest said:

    "Sad Kharadron overlords player face". xD

    I kind of knew it would be unlikely we would see an update this year. I mean I always did say this year was the earliest even if it was unlikely. I think next year is far more likely. However it all depends on what happens this year in terms of AoS. We need fixes ASAP. I hope the GH 2019 gives us some huge buffs as points decreases aren't cutting it. This could fix lots of problems. We would still need to wait for wave 2 KO for more options to be added in how we can play but at least we could have a good army again. 

  5. 35 minutes ago, Overread said:

    I can see Disspossessed and Fyreslayers merging easily. KO though have quite a decent army of their own and a totally different aesthetic. They are the techno advanced wing of the Dwarves and even their basic troops are clearly a totally different approach to war and design. 

    Honestly they could just add one or two models to KO or change how a few of their leaders work and solve most of their issues. 

    Their lore is so vastly different too. They don't like the closed minded nature of the other dwarves. Not to mention dispossessed players almost universally hate KO and vice versa I know from experience IRL and online with plenty from each. This is a bigger lore change to force them together than Newcrons being all friendly space Egyptians. If this happens I'll probably just quit AoS and GW permanently since they seem to love nuking every army I ever like. 

    However I am not shooting the messenger if it does happen. Just letting my thoughts be heard. 

  6. Honestly he seems exceptionally fake. Mixed KO and Duradin HAHAH. I think it would have been more believable if he said order and chaos are getting mixed into one super battletomb lol. 



    If mixed Duradin was happening it would have happened a long time ago on GW's own site where it lists all the various facitons. Old elves were all souped so if something so drastic as that was happening it would have already happened. 



    • Like 2
  7. 1 minute ago, Forrix said:

    I feel the battle tome rumors might be getting contaminated  by wish listing at this point. Or I suppose we could just be looking at record AoS releases.  So far I've heard loose rumors for:


    Blades of Khorne



    "Light themed Elves"-these are rumored to be end of year/early next year though

    Based on recent releases/announcements there are strong rumors for


    Flesh Eater Courts


    Darkoath (coupled with Slaves to Darkness and Everchosen)

    Finally we have already had GloomSpite Gitz release this year.

    Last year we had Nurgle, Daughters of Khaine, Idoneth Deepkin, More Stormcasts, Nighthaunt, and Beasts of Chaos.  I'm hopeful but skeptical of AoS getting 9 to 10 releases even with lighter, Beasts of Chaos style releases. Not to mention that while I haven't heard any rumors I'm suspicious of any annual release schedule that doesn't feature Stormcast Eternals.


    I’m super skeptical too. However in gw’s report just recently they mentioned work on expanding their factories and a few other things didn’t pay off last year but should this year. Maybe this is it?

    • Like 1
  8. 13 minutes ago, Chikout said:

    While all this stuff about humanity is interesting, everyone has missed today’s big news. 

    In the warhammer community article, the Darkoath warband is explicitly described as being part of the Skaven to Darkness faction rather than their own subfaction. This lends a lot of credence to the rumours about a new Slaves to Darkness book this year. This is interesting because it suggests that Chaos will become a complete grand alliance this year. With a Slaanesh book guaranteed, a skaven book highly likely and this, Chaos will not have any bookless subfactions. 

    This probably also means that 2020 will be the year for a big Khorne refresh.

    Seems like too much chaos to me. Sigmar’s 1e armies need lots of updates and models to bring them up to new standards. I’m not saying it won’t happen but an entire year of constant chaos seems as unlike;y as the two or three years of non-stop elf releases being proposed. Yeah we know dark oath is here but chaos is in a real good spot I just don’t see them needing to update Khorne next year. Not when there are truly bad armies like ko that might still need major updates.

  9. 18 minutes ago, Minis by Night said:

    Is it just me, or is the pace of the new releases pretty intense right now? I've been around for almost 2 years now, and my impression was that GW generally likes to focus on a single IP per week for new releases (one week AoS, one week 40k, one week LotR, etc). Except that this week we've had both AoS and 40k, next week we have 2 Nightvault warbands, a Titanicus expansion plus some stuff for LotR. And then we expect to Carrion Empire to happen pretty soon, because we already know what's in the box, followed by a soonish FEC new battletome(because the discontinued the old one). Who know when and what will happen with Skavens. Plus 40k expect Genestealers and some Black Legion pretty soon, plus probably a bunch of expansion for all the side games we don't know/care about. And we're only 2 weeks into the year... Sigmar help our wallets!

    So did GW go into production overdrive? Can we expect them to keep it up all year?

    Who buys everything they make? That would be insane lol. Not every release appeals to everyone. Currently I feel like I’ve narrowed down my factions of choice I want to focus on. It would take a really unique army to get me to change now. Ko+idk vs bcr+iron+gg army. 

  10. 40 minutes ago, ReynakZhen said:

    I was thinking, since KO are basically pirates, that their terrain piece would be a part of a ruined holdfast, probably another ruined tower. Or, as was mentioned earlier, a refueling/refitting station.

    They aren’t though only Barak-mhornar are and a few other minor ports (I assume). The bulk of the faction is clearly orderly and trading if you read the lore. They are more akin to the British Empire in the age of sail. 

    • Like 1
  11. 1 hour ago, Kyriakin said:

    A giant moving glacier for BCR would be bad-ass.

    That and my dream unit would be frostlord on a flying ice ray firing giant flying winter bird of death. It would be a unique twist to see since most of the time in fantasy you see the good guys with flying birds of some sort. 

  12. 2 minutes ago, calcysimon said:

    My opinion is that gw will rework all faction with magics so they can make their endless in the process and after they will rework all faction without heavy magic (like dwarves, freepeoples,khorne, orks, ogors/bcr) 


    These last faction need something to be as good as endless spells but without changing their style

    Endless science for ko and and endless ruins for other Dawn. Done lol. 

    • Like 1
    • Haha 2
  13. 3 hours ago, RexHavoc said:

    Ko might not get access to magic as we currently see it, but they are one of the main factions of AoS with out endless spells or a terrain feature.
    You can all but guarantee that Stormcast will get a terrain feature as soon as they get their next update.

    You dont have to need to give KO magic for them to have endless spells. They could tap into magical energies for the realms, or GW could use this a chance to expand endless spells from just magic to other similar ideas. They could get fuel supplies, aether gold deposits or defence turrets that all offer bonuses. 

    The biggest issue AoS has right now is that the current model of releases seems to have gone down rather well with the community, yet some of the more recent armies which are quite popular, DoK, KO, BCR...are recent enough releases that a a sudden reprint of the battletomes would cause as stir that they were returning to the sort of release cycle of the last couple of editions (something they seemed to want to do away with with AoS) but just that bit too old to have gotten the new stuff like the terrain and spells.

    Yeah If an army desperately needs models to fix it because rules alone won’t then do it I say. That or major rules overhauls. There’s no reason not to expect models for one of the most popular non-Stormcast factions this year. Especially when the faction in question is one of the worst in the game and it’s supposed to be an AoS specific army. I doubt DoK would get anything though it’s not 1e like the rumor said and rules wise is fantastic. But who knows. BCR will likely get something too maybe as much as I love bcr they seem to be about average in popularity so that could affect what they get because they are so recent? Just me speculating here. 

  14. 3 minutes ago, Drofnum said:

    I'm fairly sure in the black library book on KO that they had docks on higher mountain peaks for trading with folks on the ground.  So you could still do a sky dock of some sort and have it make sense.

    Yeah I guess that too makes sense. I was figuring that next. Still terrain will be far and few in between unless they make a sky port battle board for us lol. Which I would buy asap lol. 

  15. 2 hours ago, cofaxest said:

    Mobile repair and refuel station with some guns, or mobile aether powercore that generates w and mw protection and can attack or aether "eye of the storm" type of powercore that generates aetherstorm around it.

    All ko buildings would be so high up nothing would ever get close to them though. So even ko buildings down below make no sense. The best I can think of is some sort if aether lighthouse/beacon to guide ships in dangerous or highly populated areas. These would make sense just about anywhere dangerous. 

    • Like 2
  16. 1 minute ago, Ungface said:

    its an Ambull and its from the next Blackstone Fortress expansion set.


    1 minute ago, michu said:

    @BarkanautIt's Ambull (basically 40k Umber Hulk) for WHQ: Blackstone Fortress. In Necromunda you can have robotic version (Ambot that was also shown).


    1 minute ago, Kronos said:

    Its an ambull, apprently an expansion set for blackstone fortress 40k, comes with some centipedes.

    I know that but I never expected to see one as a model in a million years lol. I was kind of dumb founded and shocked. I have Blackstone fortress so the next expansion is already quite tempting with just this. 

    • Like 1
    • Confused 1
  17. 1 hour ago, Kronos said:

    From Dakka dakka orginally from facebook,  thats the rumour engine of the nasty maggot arm pit, also this would make a great troggoth of gooomspite beast alt.

    What a beaut



    What is this for in 40k? And where can I find out more. 

  18. Just now, eciu said:

    Well sad nothing for dwarfs as FEC and those Skaven are occupying Chamon.

    Though nice for FEC and Skaven.


    And hurrey its not Sigmarines.

    Rumor has it most 1e armies will get at least one model. So I expect Fyre and KO to get stuff. 

  19. Well it looks like the rumors that most 1e armies will be getting stuff is looking good. Hope for KO getting cool stuff increasing. I want these Ratmen and Batmen off my lands I rule over. Assemble the fleets and ready our new weapons. :) I don't think its a coincidence it takes place in Chamon. 

    • Like 3
  20. Sounds like GW trying for force more magic down my Kharadron Overlords throat. First they tell us to buy sacrosanct now it seems we will have endless spells which makes 0 sense from a lore perspective. I just want KO wave 2 at this point to fix our army properly. Or at least one or two models that can offer us lots of buffs that isn’t some generic spell. :( 

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