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Posts posted by Barkanaut

  1. 2 hours ago, Yokai said:

    It's not just about the "need" for a faction to be updated, the relative popularity of the faction needs to be accounted for as well. It's basic return of investment.

    This is a fantastic sign they are going to update ko soon. I was worried the new AoS specific factions would be eons away from updates to focus on updating fantasy armies but thank god they got the message of AoS fans who were here first. Hopefully the ko update is even bigger than the Spikey bits one  to fill in some serious roster gaps and a big update to make us good again. This rumor sounds really plausible to me despite the origin. We’ll have to take a grain of salt as usual though. 

  2. 41 minutes ago, Inquisitorsz said:

    What part of that video and "CONTRAST" makes you think airbrush or wet palette? 

    We already have solid rumors from a while back
    I posted this from Faeit a few weeks ago

    "It's a new paint range. Coming May/June.
    Includes return of some old colors, new airbrush paints and slow drying blending medium. 
    "Overheard at adepticon that well known painters have been working with GW to help create the new paints and some of them will be new formula washes that act more like acryllic pin washes and leave no staining on flat surfaces."

    The last part is likely what the "CONTRAST" refers too. New pin washes which we would be ideal for space marines and other armor plating. Less useful for stuff like wood or hair or skin though.  

    So what your saying is I can paint Tau even faster with pin washes lol? 

    • Like 1
  3. 19 minutes ago, GeneralZero said:

    My bet: gloomspite didn't sell well enough : a dual army box with gloomspite is a second chance to launch the sale of this army.

    3 people here not including me have started it. They pushed Deepkin to backburner for me. I see tons of chatter online they sold really well don’t worry. 

  4. 12 minutes ago, Joseph Mackay said:

    im sorry, what? alleigence abilities are made up of Battle Traits, Command Traits, Artefacts and Skyports (or Stormhosts, Khaine Temples, Fyreslayer Lodges etc for other armies). they most definately do have battle traits that can affect more than just deployment

    I think you are greatly overestimating how useful they are lol. They are all basically useless none of them are good. So bad we may as well not even have any. 

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  5. 2 minutes ago, Furuzzolo said:

    For all the grandallegiances! 

    On an Italian forum a guy claim that the owner of a shop (that predicted fyreslayers tome in a similar way during the skaven&fec week) told him that KO updates are a next month release. Take it with 2 kg of salt.

    I have my doubts lol but who knows. 

  6. I want more than a book I think we need wave 2 of our army at this point we are too limited for a mere update. I don't even think a book alone or even terrain, endless spells, and a new leader would cut it. We need some sort of bulky melee unit to hold the line and offer more options. That and boats to be better or just to get a better bigger dedicated combat ship. 


    So frustrated with this army right now. 

    • Sad 1
  7. Slow year for warhammer this year. Even the KO look almost identical to their units and I play and love KO and am mostly meh on the warband. Army wise this is a slow year. Supplement wise same thing. Looks like we get to keep being a bad army for another year guys. 

  8. 1 minute ago, sorokyl said:


    source? I don't disagree, I expect "light" aleves first, but I hadn't seen them say that anywhere


    Some event or another just after Deepkin got released they said with two elf factions just released back to back and sylvaneth they don’t want to saturate the market with too much elves. They will come eventually though. 

  9. It’s almost certainly not malerion as GW said themselves not to expect them soon. Honestly is anyone else getting tomb king vibes from the gold? I don’t even like tk but this looks like it. Maybe Katophranes or the weird theory of tk turned into a Stormcast chamber is right? It’s what it looks like to me if it’s a new faction.


    The only other thing it makes me think of is plunder on a base. So could be Kharadron or any treasure loving thing. 

  10. 2 hours ago, wander said:

    I heard on the rumour mill after Khorne's tome, there will be 5 battletomes this year and each Grand Alliance will get one.

    Following is just my guesses on what those could be:

    > Chaos will likely be Slaanesh and then a combined Everchosen/Slaves to Darkness 'chaos marauders + warriors undivided' tome.

    >Destruction from art shown seems to be an Ogors battletome. It's also the one Destruction faction without a proper tome yet.

    >Death is either Soulblight, Deathrattle (though I can see a more Vampire Count style book combining these also) or a combined Deathmage+Deadwalkers soup tome to make a last full faction for Death.

    >Order (if it's a new tome) will likely be either be Aelfs (updating high and dark elves to be Light Aelves and Shadow Aelves) or a Freeguild soup. I think the former is more likely. WD is currently doing realm paintschemes and that means Hysh will be done at some point, something we've never seen in lore before outside mentions in the corebook though we know Tyrion's Light Aelves call it home. Combine that with a pretty much excepted Slaanesh release and I feel we'll be seeing Slaanesh vs Aelfs by the summer, given a Light Aelf release will be a nice coincide with the Hysh painting article in that month's White Dwarf.

    The image is recycled art. 

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