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Posts posted by Barkanaut

  1. 1 hour ago, Kramer said:

    I also don’t think points are the fix for KO ships but isn’t this kind of opposites? 

    You want what you consider a narrative (fluffy) army list to be Competitive. It does happen that a army  combines the two but mostly competitive lists focus on one strengths and the few units that play to that strength. 

    But  the narrative approach is to look what fits your narrative. So if your vision is max ship that’s cool, but even if they buff them to the roof... it’s not going to be my fluffy lists that is suddenly competitive*, can’t have the cake and eat it I suspect ;) 

    curious to hear if you see this differently  

    * for me it’s the pirate aspect of the army which is the fluffy aspect. One big ship that drops raiders in a city while they tear everything down in close range fire fights. 

    No I'm simply saying in an ideal world the KO's competitive lists would feature 2-3 ships and I hope to see them address this in a big update to make them worth actually taking. Right now though it would certainly be a casual list. Also my meta is hyper competitive and almost never does casual AoS stuff so I have a lot riding on them fixing my army. 

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  2. Seeing the ko points decreases for boats I think they are all non-viable. The models are too big and get targeted from everywhere to be this frail and have so little firepower. On top of this good luck trying to carry 4-6 ships around without them breaking lol let alone a painted army. Our models simply don’t support s horde playstyle and I am disappointed in GW for still ignoring us. With the other small units like grundstock and balloon boys drop I doubt anyone will take more boats lol. 

    KO desperately need a big 2.0 update and new units to truly make them shine. A dedicated combat boat no transport capacity is needed big time. On top of that existing boats need reworks not points drops lol. They need to bring more shots to be worth it and the frigate and especially the Ironclad need better saves. I like to imagine a fluffy army is 2-3 boats + supporting infantry and other units I want to see this style of list be competitive since it’s why I got into KO not infantry. 

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  3. Even at those costs I don’t think any of them are worth it. The problem is their absolute anemic firepower and huge size meaning they can get shot from everywhere. The boats need a complete rework and overhaul to make them viable. They could cost the Frigate at 140 and while great who is going to paint and haul around a horde army of boats? KO models are large, awkward, and tons of fiddle bits. We simply can’t be a horde army and we clearly weren’t designed to be. I have to hold out hope for a 2.0 ko overhaul because this is still an army with huge issues and it feels like GW continues to ignore us for years and years I’m about ready to quit and sell them off lol. 

  4. Just now, Acid_Nine said:

    I heard talk from an off duty gw employee that the trade dispute is really hurting gw's distribution. Apparently a lot of books are being held up beyond sylvaneth, which is making things wonky.

    Oh no. Man Trump is even messing up AoS and 40k. Messing with politics is one thing, but messing with paints and models is another! The madman has to be stopped. 

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  5. 3 minutes ago, sorokyl said:

    I've been in the hobby over a year, I have painted like 6-7k pitched points worth of models. I have finished 1 pot of paint, and 2 agrax eathshade (mostly because I used a lot for basing).   

    Are you sure you are applying 2 thin coats???

    Yes everyone loves my painting and its probably equal to or slightly better than the box art painting or so I've been told. I'm a bit of a slow painter though but I don't think that slow lol. 

  6. How can people not buy many many pots of paint a year? I mean I go through my main colours like crazy and am using a wet pallet. Yeah secondary colours like edge highlights last longer but I usually replace those at least once a year too. 

  7. 12 hours ago, Overread said:

    Idoneth game wise are probably the safest faction in so much as their main cities and places of habitation are all under the sea. Lore wise they are not much safer as there are sea races down there in the deep oceans. There's an Inferno (I think 1st or 2nd book) which details undersea creatures on the side of the Sylvanath. Sea Nymphs who tend kelp gardens with mighty sea serpents and more. All open to corruption and war with chaos and all easily able to threaten the Idoneth. 


    Scourge Pirates also have vast Krackens that they ride around in huge Black Ark city ships. So lore wise there's lots to be dangerous in the seas, but even if GW did a new "Man O War" game we might not see much of it unless one faction chooses to come onto the land as the Idoneth have done. 


    Don’t forget skaven drained an entire sea lol causing an entire enclave to be wiped out. Can’t drain the air from the realms or ark least they haven’t found a way yet but the gobbos did take over a lesser port and turned it grotbag  settlement. 

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  8. 2 hours ago, RexHavoc said:

    It got too much ages ago. AoS should have remained its own thing and they should have continued to create new characters. Having put the eight lamentations trilogy on the backburner (which pretty much feels like they have killed that series off) was a bad enough mistake, but to replace it with more old world rehashes, at this point they should say, look the old world is coming back and stop having people buy into AoS as a setting, before people are as invested into it as people were the old world when WFB was replaced.

    They didn't even need to change much with the current Gotrek books to still have them work. Could have been any new dwarven hero, that had the familiarity of the Gotrek stories and left a few hints in the books here and there that he is 'Gotrek reborn' or whatever. But rehashing old world heroes every time there is a release has ruin a big part of what made AoS more open and exciting than WFB in the first place.

    What makes me laugh even more is the people that get so annoyed when hobbyists use models/characters/ideas from the old world that don't belong or no longer exist in the realms. At this point, it's only a matter of time before said item has found it's way back into the realms anyway. Might as well let people get in on it a bit early.

    I totally agree wth this. AoS is losing lots of its uniqueness and becoming too much fantasy. If we see another old character return to lead the death army it’s basically over. At this point we’re getting more fantasy releases compared to AoS ones. No new characters, no truly new armies, and almost no new lore or books for the new characters or new armies. No book about the heroics of Brokk from the KO or High King Volturnos. These are huge major players and all they have is some small blurbs in their dexes. The way new armies get treated in  AoS you would think we’re the bad ones for liking AoS for what it was and supporting it when no one else liked it. Where the hell were all the fantasy fans back in the day if they cared so much about it? 

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  9. 7 minutes ago, Overread said:

    If the year which gave us:

    Daughters of Khaine
    Stormcast riding pegasus hyenas and dragoncats
    Almost the entirety of Shadspire
    Flesh Eater Courts
    AoS 2.0
    Endless Spells

    2 full new armies - over half a dozen updated tomes - a splattering of new models - new game mechanics  and more

    And gods know I've likely forgotten a few things from what's come out. If ALLL that is not even 1 year of suckage then freaking heck I hope GW gives us another year like that! 

    I meant for the Kharadron Overlords. 

  10. Only 4 more tomes this year and 1 for each GA. The odds of us getting anything is now incredibly unlikely. So here is to another year of suck my brothers. I’m getting some seriously bad vibes about our armies future and GW supporting or even acknowledging its problems. 

    • Haha 1
  11. KO suck and might not be this year as they need a huge rework and way more than just 3 spells, a hero, and terrain to get them up to 2.0 standards. Their model range is cripplingly focused on only one playstyle  and its terrible at even that shooting.  I'm hoping the KO get a bit more than that like 1 or 2 more models/units + hero/terrain/endless spells  to give them some playstyle options like more mobile or more melee focused builds.  Mere points reductions isn't going to cut it either lol as the models are simply too badly designed from a warscroll perspective. And even if they made them worth the cost I don't want to haul around like 10+ frigates and boats that are super hard to pack as it is. I was always under the impression the KO were kind of a quasi-elite army that had a few super strong things like their boats and then had the rest rank and file. Right now though its more like a horde army and I can need to bring  almost as much horde/infantry stuff than GG lol. 

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  12. 2 hours ago, Hideaki said:

    The issue in my opinion is the fact that the 40k universe is stale (lore wise) and already has a huge range. (at least in my opinion)

    They are pushing AoS since it's new and it still needs fleshing put and more factions. When AoS starts to calm down (release-wise) because GW is happy with the diversity and range you will see a lot more 40k releases

    There are rumors AoS is catching up to 40k in its yearly sales. I think it’s obvious AoS is the better product at this point. A business does not support a failing or less successful product like this. It’s pretty clear AoS is becoming their a product while 40k is the b product. It also helps the creative freedom allowed in AoS is awesome. Right now AoS has more armies in it than 40k lol. 40k is so stagnant the grogs flip out if you try add any new lore or army they like the exact same thing being sold to them over and over and over again with minor updates. They treat 40k like it’s a sculpture that should never be messed with lol.

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  13. I had so much hope for 40k once. It seems like everyone gets what they want except xenos. None of the major wants were ever listened too for orks lol except the buggy. No truly new xenos factions either everything is a boring sub-faction release. Sigmar is getting interesting new factions left right and center. New Primaris lore destroyed my Deathwatch crew lore and with xenos so irrelevant to the setting I’m sure it’s only a matter of time before Deathwatch will have to be redesigned to fight chaos more. It would take a holy miracle to get me to care about nu-40k again. 

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