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Posts posted by blueshirtman

  1. 3 hours ago, Thebiggesthat said:

    There's no settled top 3 armies yet. Should we all go out and buy Magma dragons? Or normal dragons? Or new Stormcast? Or nighthaunt? Or DoK?


    The no support comment is utterly ridiculous. It's a new edition drop, with not only two new armys ( two battletome, a full new range) but an expansion and a generals handbook.


    I do wish people would stop commenting on the state of AoS based on a narrow faction view. Out of interest, blueshirtman, what do you play?

    I play beast claw riders.


    3 hours ago, Bloodmaster said:

    As others, he is one of those gamers, that thinks he is entitled to get his army treated imminently and exclusively, and that it HAS to be amongst the easy to play top 3 ones. 

    ??? Now I don't know what is the definition of imminent, but when was the last time BCR or destruction got anything updated? I know that BCR are, baring GW messing up some rules, will never be the best army. That spot will always be reserved for armies with much bigger number of models. I am ok with that. But I don't think it is ok to design factions with them missing important parts of the game. Specially as at the same time as the new edition came, they brought out the General Handbook. Would it have been such a huge problem for GW to remove the shoting option from the huskard, something all other players seem to hate, and turn them in to a priest or wizard?

    I don't get the easy to play comment. GW itself gave the recipe for playing BCR, it is charge and get good rolls. There is no army with a more simple game play in the entire game. But simple does not equal good. The good armies often have a skill cap, that is not trivial or at least requires to learn what to do what unit to activate when you charge with your blob of evocators. I am sure a lot of BCR, or even destruction players would welcome such level of difficulity.

    3 hours ago, Bloodmaster said:

    But please could we move on from the "AoS got nothing, why does GW ****** us over and over again"!

    But no is saying that AoS got nothing. there was a new edition for example. They did update two armies, even if those were the armies that they just updated in 1st ed, but there was new stuff. Again I have no problem with other people getting stuff for games they play. But I don't understand why people who do not play w40k or necromunda should be happy about those. Or is it being happy that others get stuff? If that is the case, then ok. If people like me are suppose to be happy, that someone gets stuff for his necromunda, then they should, or at least I am assuming they should, understand that destruction not getting any updates in like a year and a half may make some people unhappy. It should work both ways.

    But it seems like the only accepted thing is to be happy all the time about everything, and any discontent is being viewed as you want GW to die, AoS to flop hard and probablly Trump win a second term.

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  2. 4 hours ago, Overread said:

    We know the first half of 2018 was going to be 40K heavy because GW said they'd release ALL codex within a year or so, clearly  this is going to overshoot some. That said 2019 really needs to be a strong year for Sigmar now that 2.0 is out and GW really needs to build on the power of that launch.

    puting a new edition out and then giving it 0 support for 6 months seems crazy. Meta stagnets after a month of two, what does GW expect people to do if thee army that they have or want to start isn't the top 3 right now? Wait, and hope that next year there is going to be new stuff, is techniclly an option, but you would have to be sure that it is your faction that is going to be updated first. If not you could be looking at a year or more of no updates


    57 minutes ago, Chikout said:

    I think people need to get some perspective. GW never released more than 5 fantasy army book in a single year and quite often just 2 or 3. This is year is already tied with 2016 for the most battletomes in a single year at 6.

    So because GW did something really bad in the past, now that it does something bad, it is ok? Doesn't seem like a good argument in favor of such game design to me. Plus it is only effective on people that played in those days. If someone started in AoS 1st edition or wants to start right now, it doesn't help those people much.


    We have also had a new rule book, 3 starter sets, a narrative supplement,  a big magic supplement and a global campaign not to mention 50 free short stories and the generals handbook. 

    Cool, so if your army has no wizards and narrative is not the dominate way to play, what did your army get in form of fixs in the new edition? Stories don't help a bad army get better, plus am not even sure BCR actually had any stories about them durning the campaign.

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  3. 1 minute ago, Bloodmaster said:

    Or they could say something at nova next week. Nevertheless, the next few months won't be bleak, with or without destruction. There are so many new toys coming, that there isn't enough time to handle a fraction of what is worth to get your hands on. 

    Well non destruction stuff, when your a destruction player isn't really helping much. In fact if people get more ways to play, there is always the chance, that suddenlllly your army gets hard countered. There is nothing good coming from other people geting stuff ever.

    But as you said we still have tomorrow, who knows maybe there is going to be a whole AoS day.

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  4. 11 minutes ago, JackStreicher said:

    I highly dislike them since they‘re too delicate and elvish for vampire knights. There‘s nothing vampiric about them, not even the wing crests look vampiric.

    I don't know the best know vampire is dracula and that litterly means dragon.

  5. 2 hours ago, amysrevenge said:

    Who would ever say no?  They are part of the game.

    Events that say "no Forgeworld", much like events that say "no compendium" (whatever that means) or "no named characters", come the closest to making me angry that anything in the hobby does (ie. not actually angry, just disappointed in humankind).

    Well I don't really care much about tournaments, I won't win games at them anyway, so it is waste of entry fee money. I asked about the FW stuff, because here no one uses the rules and the dragons seem to be better versions of huskards with their range attacks not degrading with wounds. But FW use fixed itself for me, asked at the store and all people said that the rules are illegal for the games we play.  Maybe it is a local thing, but it is not like I can play with a different set of rules.

  6. 18 hours ago, WindstormSCR said:

    Faction aesthetic and the elite nature of it making it easy entry to the hobby.

    I only picked up BCR with 2.0 and have been enjoying them quite a bit, and I haven't had the level of problems others seem to be having with them.

    my takeaways for BCR versus the 'new hotness':

    • most other factions sources of mortal wounds are more easily denied now, making us stronger because all of ours aren't from spell sources, and there are realm artefacts that help us in this regard just as much as anyone else (give the spellmirror a try, thank me later)
    • As an elite force, if you plan your charges properly and activate units well, you will get a very significant portion of your damage out and minimize the amount of hits taken in return. 2.0's removal of shooting out of combat helps us significantly because volleys of 1-damage weapons are the biggest weakness for things like stonehorns, while mournfang handle them fairly well (and prey-hackers/ironfists are especially nice for tying up shooting-centric units because of MW bounceback)
    • Not having as many battalions isn't as much of a pinch when you generally will not have the characters to use the extra artefacts on, and the command abilities aren't spectacular to begin with, save them for battleshock on mournfangs. The battalions we do have are actually fairly good.

    I've played vs summoning sylvaneth in 1500 points, nurgle or nagash at 2k, and summoning has power, but if your target priorities are good and you play the objectives, at best your opponent buys themselves a turn with a speedbump.

    I do all that and had 0 success in 1st ed, and it did not change in 2ed. In fact it seems like the gap only got wider. LoN is more or less unbeatable unless they do something really stupid or the dice are loaded. Haven't play lizards since the nerf, so no idea how they work right now. Got trashed by SCE alfa strike lists, "normal" phalanx and non phalanx lists. Everything we struggled before, big bases, few models, but having many drops, being hurt chaff, being unable to deal with terrain etc is all there. Now what got added is objectives being caped by wizards, and relic bearing dudes, more magic then ever before, and I can only pray for those BCR players that play where realm rules are used, because what we got out of those is nothing comparing to what other armies get out of it.  

    But am far from being the best or even good player. Who knows maybe BCR are going to dominate the tournaments this autum.

  7. 22 hours ago, IndigoGirls said:

    That certainly makes the army play a lot better, which makes are games closer and thus more enjoyable. I'm sorry if you've had some bad experiences in the new edition, so have I, but I really do feel the pros of new summoning outweigh its cons.

    Maybe for other armies, that is true. In general I think that change of a stale meta is a very good thing. Seeing new units being used, new types of armies, are a nice thing. But for BCR the change may as well not have happened. There were some point drops, and that is it. No summoning of yetis, no casters added, and it is not like GW couldn't have based those rules changes around already existing models. Right now it feels as if BCR misses all the new cool mechanics, struggles doing scenarios, and non of it problems from the first edition were fixed. On its own it is bad, but if one considers that other armies not only get different, but also got better, the gap is huge.   Not saying other factions have no problems, or that GW didn't do some questionable decisions while making their rules for 2ed, but a LoN or SCE players at least has stuff he may want to play with, I have no idea what could bring a new player to pick up BCR.

  8. Not sure if this is a right place for it, if am wrong mods can just delete this, but I have two questions.  Does anyone know some sort of guide of how to make a thundertusk in to a stonehorn, when you don't have the head of the model?

    And my second question is does anyone know how to fix resin models when they start crumble? I got myself a butcher model, but it was warped. A guy at the store told me to heat it up in water and try to bend it back. I did what he said, but instead of bending the butchers legs just broke off and  turned in to flakes. Am trying to fix this somehow, but the thing just keeps breaking up. Am down to like 30+pices right now and some are too small to glue up right now.

  9. I think GW should first fix the factions they already put out, or work on destruction subfactions a lot more, before they start adding FW armies in to regular AoS. And if people want to play those so much they can always play disspossed or something like that.

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