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Posts posted by Bradipo322

  1. 2 hours ago, XReN said:

    You can try a little fun with Taularon, give him the Staff, a sidekick wizard to cast cogs for him and shoot 3 spells with a Staff buff into opponent's face, nothing crazy powerfull, just a neat combo for casual game

    But you can use the staff only once, so you get the buff on a single spell.

  2. Can a named character's mount receive a mount trait?

    Searching trought the books (Core Book, General's Handbook 2018 and Battletomes) I can't find nothing about it.
    In the Core Book (in the Core Rules section) it is specified that named characters can't receive Command Traits and Artifacts of Power, but it doesn't mention Mount Traits.
    Mount Traits aren't even mentioned on the General's Handbook 2018 and on the Battletome that I'm using (the last that Stormcasts Eternals received, so it should be up to date) it is not specified that named character's mounts can't receive a Mount Trait.

    Treating is as RAW (rules as written) it should be possible to give a Mount Trait to a named character's mount.

    For example Vandus Hammerhand's dracoth, Calanax, could receive the Thunder Caller Mount Trait.

  3. 25 minutes ago, PJetski said:

    Re: Castigators

    I think their main problem is that they don't have a niche. They are the least cost effective shooting in our army, and Rend-2 shooting is also provided by the Ballista. Even at 60 points they would still be one of the worst shooting options we currently have.

    Here are the changes I would propose:

    Since they are firing grenades it would make sense for them to be the anti-horde shooters.

    • Burst of Celestial Energy: Each time you make a successful hit roll with a Thunderhead Greatbow while targeting a unit with 5 or more models, it explodes and causes D3 hits instead. If you target a unit with 10 or more models, it causes D6 hits instead.
    • Castigator Aetheric Channeling: At the start of the shooting phase you can choose one of these effects: increase the Rend to -2, or you can re-roll the dice to determine the number of hits from Burst of Celestial Energy.

    With these abilities the Castigators would still be a poor choice for shooting single models but they would become a good choice for shooting most battleline, and the most efficient unit we have when shooting a unit with 10+ models. 

    Exploding hits on hordes would make them a lot better, still not an auto-include but I would play them.

    One of my friends who plays LoN told me that, given the lore behind the Castigators, he expected them to have exploding weapons.

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  4. 17 minutes ago, xking said:

    I don't think they're going to give different stormhost their own books. Why do you think that?

    Just take a look at the last battletome, there are 8 stormhosts that are described as getting different from each other (e.g. Hammers of Sigmar channel lightning when they enter the fervour of battle while Celestial Vindicators enters a terrible rage when they fight).

    Also the desing of Stormcast reflect a lot of the design of Space Marines as they are both super-soldier made by a powerful being, and you can see a lot of patterns between the two.

    I predict that we are just some editions away from stormhost-specific books.

    • Like 1
  5. 4 minutes ago, Skreech Verminking said:

    That would make it very interesting.

    although I’m hoping they’ll wait a bit longer this time before releasing something new for stormcast.


    God, I hope that I don't have to buy another batch of new Stormcast models for at least a couple of years.

    I do love them but my pile of shame is already huge (of the ~3500 points of Stormcast that I own only ~1000 are painted).

  6. For those who are unaware the "Tome Celestial" contained in the White Dwarf of february has 4 Stormcast battallions.

    4 really bad battallions.

    One battallion is a mega-battallion (it looks cute for narrative battles and nothing else), one battallion can't be played at 2000 points (it requires too many heroes) and the other two are on the bad side of battallions.

    I haven't seen the point cost of those battallions, there may be none, so for most of us is useless stuff.


    And please stop wining about new Stormcast stuff, it feels really bad to be "hated" so much. 


    Seeing the trend I fully expect GW to develop Stormcast into Space Marines (something like different stormhosts as opposed to differet chapters). It will happen, it's not a matter of if but when.

    • Thanks 1
  7. 4 hours ago, Nos said:

    I think it's situational.

    In Warhammer everything is situational.

    4 hours ago, Nos said:

    In respect to getting the most value out of your points, especially with an army which struggles with maneuvering, I think Liberators serve a purpose in certain circumstances. If you want to either create a battleline as an anvil or hold objectives, and all you want from said unit is to not die fast and choke the point,  Liberators can do this as well as Sequitors with more models for less. If you need a sacrificial unit to hold up some Morghast or Kurnoth Hunters or something, that's a waste of Sequitor's potential killing power, which they do have, and you've lost points on the board you could have used elsewhere. It's not a waste of Liberators potential-you're getting the maximum amount from them. Meanwhile the points saved there can be spent on units whose purpose is exclusively to do damage, in a position where they're able to do it.

    20 points are non that game-changing from my experience, and for a mere 20 points I like the fact that my anvil can become an hammer. It's the versatility that I like about my Sequitors, they are as much hammers as they are anvils and in a game of random variables I like some versatility.

    4 hours ago, Nos said:

    My current default strategy is to have a line of Liberators whose job it is to hold my part of the board, buffed with SD and a Castellant and a Priest and Azyr Halo, and then have pretty much everything else off the board. Enemy can't bring all of it's forces to bear on that line because they have to keep things back in anticipation of your elite units, and a big lump of Liberators doesn't cost that many points but is saving on a 2+ rerolling ones and causing mortal wounds on a 6 and healing wounds on a 5+, and if you take the requisite spell and that and the priest's prayer goes off you can make an enemy -2 to hit. You can choke up a huge portion of the enemy for a small points outlay and then use every other point in your army for elites. Currently favour Evos, Evos on Dracolines and then hit squads of 5 sequitors who with their 3 maces each are bringing more attacks to bear with a smaller footprint and more versatility than a single unit of 15, and ideally served to nick objectives and push others off them. 

    So you use Liberators because they are cheapest that Sequitors but then you spend around 340 points (Lord-Castellant + Lord-Relictor + Knight-Incantor) just to buff them?!

    And in the same setup Sequitors are better as they will reroll all failed saves, even the ones that have some kind of rend.

    4 hours ago, Nos said:

    I think good opponents make you waste the value of your own units and maximise their own, and Liberators in that sense can provide a far greater economy for holding portions of the board than Sequitors in certain scenarios.  Against an elite or evasive army I would probably take Sequitors because straight trades are more likely, but against a Horde army or one dependent on Characters I would take the Liberators for them to grind on and then let my Elites take the game to their backline. 

    Also, and just as important, I actually love the models and enjoy their Yeomanry presence on the table. They make a nice visual default that enhances the charisma of the Elite units.

    If you like them you are free to use them, but you can't really say that Liberators are better. They are not.

    As the game stands now Liberators need one of two buffs to be worth playing:
    1) Lower the cost to 80 or 90 for 5 Liberators or Lower the maximum unit size to 20 and make them cost 350;
    2) Make them ignore rend or make them reroll all failed saves with shields (and add something with the double weapons).
    So either you make them cheaper or make them more resilient.

    • Like 1
  8. 2 hours ago, mooseboy18 said:

    i heard some people saying sequitors are a better choice to liberators for roughly the same price, is this true? i much prefer the aesthetics of liberators  

    Anybody would reply with a "yes, they are better", and this is true but have you tried to confront the warscrolls? The difference between Liberators and Sequitors are glaring as the sun.

    For just 20 more points you get:

    - better attacks (3+ 3+ versus 4+ 3+)

    - more damaging attacks (you have 3 special weapons versus 1)

    - more survivability (you may choose to reroll al failed save rolls)

    "Liberators or Sequitors?" isn't even a question someone should ask anymore, Sequitors are just better in anything.

    • Like 5
  9. 21 minutes ago, AdamR said:

    Are they just the Prime's fancier swords? Are there 2 with male arms and 2 female?

    Exept that there aren't any fancy maces and there aren't any Sequitor-Primes that wield that swords on the official GW photos (in those photos they have the normal swords) and if that was the case I think that they would have them.

  10. Hey guys I just noticed something strange in the Sequitors multiplart kit.

    There are 4 swords that have a different desing from the ones that you can see on the box, as they seem bigger that the standard ones I tought that maybe they where supposed to be the special version of the swords (just like the greatmaces are the special version of the maces) and they are in the same number as the greatmaces.

    Has GW ever aknowledged this? Could this be "fixed" in the next GHB?

  11. 3 hours ago, Kramer said:

    There is a big difference between the in game practicality of keywords and the lore which makes a point of describing them as more than humans. Souls plucked from warriors given a body in his likeness. There are even stormcast forged from elven souls. (Very rare but mentioned in one of the books) 

    From the core rulebook, Battletome elaborates more of you are interested. So demigods, as much magic as flesh. 


    But they are humans, the books describe them as humans that have been enaced by magic (and have been given a splinter of Sigmar's own essence) and nowhere they are dedcribed as NOT humans.

    Yes they are not the same humans as we are, but I still see them as humans.

    So let me ask you a question, are chaos warriors still humans? (They are chaos-powered and mutated humans).

  12. 5 hours ago, Shearl said:

    AoS will be getting an 'index astartes' style segment adding new sub-faction rules like what we got with crimson fists this month.

    The new rules section will alternate between AoS and 40k. So 40k got crimson fists this month, next month sees AoS get a new stormhost.

    On the back of the January White Dwarf there is a photo of some Stormcasts models from the Hammers of Sigmar Stormhost (notably all of the named characters) under the title "Next month - the Tome Celestial: the Hammerhands", maybe are they the ones that will be expanded?

    It's not like Hammers of Sigmar needs more stuff (and I play them a lot so belive me).

    • Like 1
  13. I've got bad news for us warhammer fans:

    Paint pots and Start Collecting sets are going up in prices after the 4th of February.

    I'm not going to digress into a discusion about inflation, it's just an heads-up.

    Source: https://www.warhammer-community.com/2019/01/04/a-quick-heads-up/?fbclid=IwAR1-LqDJxjIlXJSzATXT3YQ3RhIhEVT2kbt2amJY_Dv4n7uKDpFnJLE3NVc#utm_source=Facebook&amp;utm_medium=Facebook&amp;utm_campaign=WHTV&amp;utm_content=WHTVHeadsupJan4

    • Sad 1
  14. 4 hours ago, Kramer said:

    Oh that sounds really good! Congrats, Creating a Relictor from the model doesn't really spark the imagination just yet. I'l have look through the bit box tonight. But as a list it would be amazingly strong! 

    Try to take a look at the Flagellants sprue, you'll surerly find some useful pieces.

    And if you need some ispiration this is my converted Sequitor Prime with Stormsmite Greatmace.


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  15. 3 hours ago, Skasian said:

    Why wouldn't you just take Incantor in Skirmish? He is broken if your playing rules as written since his mortal wound output in Skirmish is absurd both spell and flask-wise.

    Because it costs 28 points, and also you have to be in range and to cast a 7+ spell.

    The Lord-Relictor is much more versatile at 20 points.

    Also in skirmish you'll most likely will want to kill one big target rather than various small ones (kill the general and the warband will crumble).

  16. 42 minutes ago, Kramer said:

    Question peeps, 

    I'm building some stormcast for small games and skirmish. So I'm going to convert the bad-ass female Sequitor to a foot mounted hero. But I haven't played them yet. So I have no idea which hero? Castelant? Celestand? Knight Questor maybe?

    So what would you advice as a cool hero for skirmish? Or maybe even conversion tips.

    I won 1st place at my local GW birthday skirmish event last year with this list:



    Liberator Prime (armed with Grandammer)

    Retributor Prime (armed with the Lighning Hammer)

    This was made to dish out a lot of mortal wounds, and the two heroes where really hard to kill (they both have 5 wounds and a 3+ save, on top of the healing that the Lord-Relictor can do).

    But with the new edition this is really obsolete, so i suggest some variation, something like this would be really strong:

    Allegiance: Order
    Lord-Relictor (20)
    - General
    Sequitor Prime (5)
    - Tempest Blades and Soulshields and Redemption Cache

    Sequitor (5)
    - Stormsmite Greatmace
    Evocator Prime (8)
    - 1x Grandstaves
    Evocator (8)
    - 1x Tempest Blade and Stormstave
    Liberator Prime (4)
    - Grandhammers

    Total: 50 / 50
    Wounds: 17

    I think that the new units (Sequitors and Evocators) really shine in skirmish, they do a lot of attacks, have the potential to inflict mortal wound and have the resilience of Stormcasts.

    If you prefer you could ditch a Sequitor and the Liberator Prime in favour of a Judicator Prime armed with a Shockbolt Bow.

    • Thanks 1
  17. 15 hours ago, xking said:

    I would like to ask the people of this tread, Why did you decide to play stormcast eternals? do you like anything about them?

    I really like the good guys (and they are one of the few, if not the only ones, in all factions to be truly good) and lighting-wielding paladins in golden armor are just epic.

    • Like 3
  18. 2 hours ago, Shankelton said:

    Its always been the dance they have to do. Stormcast sell well for sure, but if they are the majority of releases then it will just be Stormcast vs. Stormcast every game which is anti fun (Atleast for me lol). At least in 40k you have chaos marines to spread the aesthetic to make sense, not that I want to ever see traitor Stormcast. A more realistic hope, rather then full stop on Stormcast, is hopefully they shift away from big chamber releases to more centerpiece models, HQ's and elite choices for them. Small releases to keep the Stormcast in the centre of the story but not give them the spotlight everytime. They've got the model range that already dwarfs most other alliances, let alone factions. 

    After all, Stormcast are cool but a stories only as good as its villains. Setting your golden boys up across from a rampaging grot horde bubbling up from the deeps, or the forces of the ruinous powers just seems more fun then mirror matches you can't fluff up lol.

    In about 1 year of playing I only played a Sttormcast Vs Stormcast battle once (in a 2 Vs 2 battle) and I have encountered only 2 other Stormcast players.

    In the same time I played a lot (really a lot) against Death and Khorne and this is getting boring. In my playgroup I'm the only one that plays Order (one of my friend have an old Seraphon army but he don't uses them very much).

    • Like 1
  19. Don't expect GW to stop making new Stormcasts, they are the main force of the game, just like Space Marines, and like Space Marines I expect to see a better distiction between the chambers (or chapters) in some future editions.

    This is the trend.


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