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Posts posted by ArkanautDadmiral

  1. 1 hour ago, RetconnedLegion said:

    FOMO-ing an arbitrarily removed range leaves a sour taste.


    This is a matter of perspective. You see FOMO, but if I was new in that store, a hobbyist more than a player, liked making conversions, or my child just really liked the kit I’d be glad to be notified that its going off sale and won’t be coming back.

    In my view it’d be shadier to sell these kits without making the buyers aware they’re going to be discontinued.

    Still lots of reasons to buy these models even if they won’t have rules in the future.

    • Like 10
  2. 6 minutes ago, feadair said:

    The Liberator warscroll really adds insult to injury for SCE players. In theory, you can use your old models. In practice, the warscroll makes it impossible.

    The warscroll specifically prohibits the unit champions from carrying Grandhammers. This was both legal and optimal in the previous editions, so every SCE player has modelled their Liberators in a way that is now illegal.

    Just say one of the other models is the champion, I don’t think this is an issue when at the moment it looks like the unit can consist both duel wielding and shields and still be legal.

    • Like 1
  3. Just now, Beliman said:

    Maybe they are diferent? It feels weird that diferent loadouts do exactly the same.

    Yeah it’s surely got to be confusing to new players. So can I build half of these with shields and the other without?

    The fact that the image has both duel wielding makes me expect there to be a separate card for liberators with shields.

    But the ‘each model in this unit is armed with a Warhammer’ text makes me think they’re just going to ignore anything about the build options.

    This will inevitably lead to problems in the future when they inevitably revert back to a system that involves the different build options and people are stuck with units that aren’t built to a single option because they thought it was cool to model and paint a guy each way.

    Still, we don’t know everything yet, maybe there’s more to it.

  4. Underwhelmed by the Lib, it’s too similar to Vindictors for me. 

    I don’t like the helm but that’s an easy head swap. I’d have liked the libs to keep the tabard or something instead of the scale skirt, just something else to separate them a bit. I mean, it’s fine.

    • Like 2
  5. 22 minutes ago, Beliman said:

    Am I the only one that think that that we don't need more armies appart from Malerion elves? 

    Don't get me wrong, I have no problem with new armies, but we are getting close to 10 years AoS anniversary and some armies are still micro-armies or most of their models are not even from AoS.

    I would like range refreshes before anymore new factions yes. Get everything else looking up to standard.

    • Like 1
  6. 14 minutes ago, Baron Klatz said:

    Yeah, might actually have to wait for a FAQ on this. The article seems really gung-ho on it being Skyfarer Kharadron aboard the vessels so it might end up how Fyreslayers started with the banner hero that buffed everyone’s rally before it got brought back to just Fyreslayers. Same here there’s a seeming loophole for everyone to get a ride before they stamp down the keyword.

    I don’t think there’s any loopholes. It also says “each transport vessel has a limit on the number of models it can embark. A transport vessel cannot embark a unit of doing so would exceed this limit”

    profile on boats says “up to x Skyfarer models can embark in it”

    I’ve read it all a few times now, it seems really clear to me. Can’t see anywhere it mentions anything other than Skyfarer can embark during deployment.

    • Like 1
  7. 53 minutes ago, cofaxest said:

    During deployement you can embark any unit.


    “During deployment instead of setting up a Skyfarer unit on the battlefield you can say it is embarked in a friendly transport vessel…”

    Am I missing something?

    • Thanks 1
  8. 1 hour ago, Neil Arthur Hotep said:

    I already asked a question along these lines in the rumour thread, but I think it might be better to take the discussion over here.

    So as I understand, the ability to embark/disembark from KO boats is now an allegiance ability, but boats retain it when you ally them into other armies.

    If I use a KO boat in a Cities army, does it matter if the boats are allied or coallition?

    Who can ride in them? Only KO units? All duardin? Anyone?

    Only units with Skyfarer keyword can go in boats

    • Thanks 1
  9. 30 minutes ago, Baron Klatz said:

    Oh man, that change is huge! I guess they can get away with it now since the ships are more command-based* now but still. City-aelves with their deadly spears, Fyreslayers mercs and even Stormcast allies able to fly around on the ships is a huge tactic boost and rather fluffy right now with how many Kharadron fleets are being hired out by the Dawncrusades.

    *hope that fits on a future Kharadron faction update of Cogmonculi for the robots needing lots of commands to activate.

    Still needs Skyfarer keyword to be able to embark

    • Like 1
  10. 3 hours ago, Neil Arthur Hotep said:

    It seems there is a general move away from mixed armies this edition. First with the removal of Grand Alliance allegiances and now with the changes to coalition rules for Chaos.

    I get why GW is doing this. While it suck for people to have the option to play a mixed, lore friendly army taken away, it sucks even more when the best way to play a certain army is to mostly run models from a different army. Plus, it must be a nightmare to balance S2D and Beasts units across 5 or so extra factions.

    Ultimately, what I think is overall worth criticizing here is the change in direction: One moment you can build mixed armies and are even encouraged to do so, the next they are more of a "I guess the option is there if you want it, but it's not going to be good" thing. AoS is a hobby where you expect longevity for your armies. This is the opposite of that.

    I have personally stopped including coalition units in any of my lists except in the most minimal capacity. Even in Cities of Sigmar, I don't really feel like including Stormcast or other coalition units is really all that stable. It feels like you are just setting yourself up for your list to break when any of the inidividual armies or the core rules are updated the next time. If I built a Living City list that contained Sylvaneth and Stormcast, that list could potentially break with the next Cities, Sylvaneth or Stormcast tome, as well as any other rule updates such as new GHBs or I guess Battlescrolls now. That's just too much of a risk for me.

    I’m glad I didn’t pick up an StD start collecting over Black Friday to use in a Khorne army now. I’ll not be buying any more  Khorne minis now until they get a new battletome and even then the loss of StD units using allegiance abilities might still turn me off.

    • Like 7
  11. It is off topic sure, so this will be my last piece  unless I start a new thread.

    We know about food waste, it’s an issue, but it’s also an issue that is at least being attempted to rectify. But I think we can safely leave this out of the comparison with non perishable goods. Food goes off and is unsafe to eat, the only place it can go after is to be disposed of, if it’s not disposed of in a bin it will rot to nothing where it is anyway and be a health issue, plastic toys won’t. You can’t compare them because at a point the food HAS to be disposed of, plastic toys don’t have to be. Also the food waste argument isn’t an issue of environmental destruction, it’s an issue of food poverty. Dumping plastics that don’t degrade into landfill is an environmental issue, not a question of food poverty. So I think it’s safe not to relate them in this discussion. 

    The destruction of non perishable goods however that don’t have a shelf life is different, and should rightly be met with outrage if they’re not being disposed of in a sustainable way. And of the examples being given, they have been met with outrage.

    The purse company coach has vowed not to destroy items anymore but they also said what were found by the Tiktok girl were already damaged or otherwise unsellable. Supposedly, so they say, I’m not saying they’re not lying but they’re saying there’s a reason that’s not just ‘it’s taking up space’.

    The Atari example was obviously met with condemnation too and was excavated.

    Amazon has had the prime minister commenting on looking into it. They’re issues that are rightly being looked at.

    It’s strange that in conversation about some of GWs other business tactics the ‘all corporations do that’ excuse isn’t accepted, but it seems ok to fly here?

    If GW aren’t recycling surplus materials and are sticking them all in landfill it should be looked into and established what the scale of that is.

    It should be brought up in critiques of GWs business practices as often as the others. But  for some reason it’s not?

    I don’t personally buy the devaluing of the brand narrative in relation to GW. They sell plenty to third parties which is almost always sold at a discount.

    Anyway I’ll leave it there and maybe create a topic when I’ve discovered more about the situation.

    • Like 1
  12. 4 minutes ago, JackStreicher said:

    That is the exact reason why products are getting binned - product management and rotation. 


    You implicitly said I could be lying so you can believe what you will, :D I've no reason to lie.


    I made the comparison because you asked yourself why they did not sell those items at a discount instead of binning them. It's the same with perishable products: They could gift those to the employees, to homeless people etc. yet most still don't. That was my comparison ^^ (the reason most often is the fear to lose profit or to devalue their brand)


    This I do not know. My assumption was, that they've made so many Dominion boxes that binning those would actually be a significant loss of money, so they decided (for the first time) to sell those at a reduced price.
    If I had to guess I'd say that shelf life for push-fit is as long as an edition cycle. Boxed sets are very varied so they will have to go once a similar set is launched

    Can you expand on that first comment?


    Show me where I implied you were lying and I’ll happily apologise, but I’ve not done that anywhere. You’ve made a comment and I’ve asked for information, nowhere have I said you’re lying… I’ve no reason to think you’re lying either. In fact I’ve just gone through my comments and can’t understand where I’m supposed to have accused you of lying?

    A lot of businesses do those things with perishable goods, supermarkets have sections with end of shelf date food at discount, and they DO donate surplus food to charities here in the UK… they can’t do that with it all though unfortunately because it rots. It’s not the same having to throw an inedible bag of potatoes in the bin as it is destroying plastic toys, it’s not remotely similar and as I say, food is discounted and is also donated.  Supposedly 7800 tonnes by uk supermarkets a year. Spain and France better with 100,000-118,000 a year. It’s obviously still an issue but it is discounted and it is donated. Maybe it’s completely different where you are?

    Can’t fathom how you think it’s the same. Perishable products have to be gotten rid of, it’s illegal (UK) to sell food past it’s use by date so it has to be destroyed for safety, it’s not a remotely similar situation.


    This isn’t me saying you’re lying about GW destroying product, maybe they are, which is why I’m asking questions, to learn more. But it’s definitely not similar to the food industry.


    Did you get an indication in your conversations about how much stock is sent to be destroyed?

    If it’s as long as an edition cycle, would that mean for example boxes of Beastgrave would start to be recalled from GW stores for destruction now with the release of Harrowdeep? Will have already happened with Shadespire?

  13. 5 minutes ago, JackStreicher said:


    Other things that are sent back to GW to be perished: overstock of books, outdated books, for example the old Nighthaunt push-fit kits etc. to make room for new product.

    I‘d prefer companies to sell those at a discount or give them away, yet it‘s not the case in most businesses. If the production cost of a product is 50 cents you won’t invest 2 Dollars to recycle or upcycle or rebox it.
    Tossing products into the bin: Amazon does it, most bakeries do it, the Food Industrie does it, the tech-Industrie does it. What makes you even think GW does not do it?


    Quite honestly: believe what you will - I an sorry to have burst your bubble.

    It’s quite different for companies that make perishable goods to do it (bakeries, food industry as you say) compared to GW and tech industry… you can’t compare something for consumption that rots after a period of time to plastic which is why I said I’ve not heard of companies throwing non perishable stock in the bin. And even then food waste in the industry is something regularly brought up to be combatted.

    Amazon said all the surplus stock they get rid of goes to recycling centres, not landfill, which I do doubt with them, but generally everyone was shocked to see Amazon doing that, not that it’s a common occurrence for non perishable items. It’s a big expose and is obviously getting government attention too.

    What makes me think GW doesn’t do it? Well i’d expect competent stock and production management and rotation… the general complaint with GW is they don’t make enough. But it’s besides the point, you claimed they were so I asked about it… Like I say I work for a company that makes perishable goods (though up to and 18 month shelf life) and our production is based on forecasts to satisfy demand and rotate stock without generating waste…

    Quite honestly believe what I will? You’re sorry for bursting my bubble?

    I don’t understand? Have I done something wrong or asked a question I shouldn’t have? What’s with the that response? Why are you bringing it up if you don’t want to talk about it? I’m not even saying I don’t believe you I’m just asking for information?

    So can you answer what the shelf life is? How much time do they allocate to stocking something like Dominion before destroying it? 

    • Like 2
  14. 19 minutes ago, EccentricCircle said:

    I once asked my local store manager about the recyclbility of used sprues, and was told that internally gw collect them up to melt down an recycle. Now je may have been wrong, but he certainly seemed to think the shops sent waste sprues back to the factory. 


    I'm less clear on whether we can put waste sprues in the plastic recycling. It's polystyrene right? So maybe?

    It’s not recyclable unfortunately.

    There are businesses that repurpose non recyclable materials into other forms though. One near me turns plastics into furniture, construction area barriers etc. I was hoping to organise collecting and sending all our local communities sprues there.

    What you’re saying is at direct odds with what the other user is though. It’s obviously preferable but if I worked at GW I’d be using that as a PR campaign and running a scheme that involves customers being able to drop off their unused sprues in bins at GW or to be sent to GW direct so they can be disposed of in a better way than being put in the bin.

    Especially in today’s climate.

    • Like 1
  15. 48 minutes ago, JackStreicher said:

    It is not a guess and they don’t. Simply destroying the products is way cheaper than:

    1. Unpacking the product

    2. sorting the sprues

     3. Repackaging while having to pay for the storage

    They send products back and destroy / throw them into the bin since producing new models is cheaper than repackaging.

    Older and out of date books are obviously destroyed 

    How I know this? Just talk to to employees across several countries, it’s not a secret.

    The day all the stock of Settra the Imperishable perished.


    I don’t get why you are shocked, the whole online business operates this way apart from very small companies. Once a company produces in masses the cost of storage are higher than the production costs of the product.


    Because in all my working life I’ve not experienced the company throwing perfectly good non perishable stock in the bin.

    old books can be recycled, why would they be destroyed?

    Do you know what’s classed as leftover stock? How old does it need to be? You’ve mentioned it in relation to dominion so when do you expect that to be destroyed?

    Why wouldn’t they sell off at a discount, both to end user and wholesale? In anticipation of storage requirements? 

    Be interesting to see how many other people here are aware of this considering you thought it was common knowledge.

    Obviously I’ll speak to GW employees to find out more.

    • Like 1
  16. 11 hours ago, Enoby said:

    This is a guess and someone else will likely be able to provide a better answer, but I imagine they keep the plastic and put them into single boxes to sell at full price, recycle the paper/cardboard, and trash anything that can't be reused or recycled.

    That’s not what he’s said both times though, only that they destroy left over stock. The true stock is the plastic. If it’s being resold in different packaging that’s not destroyed stock.

    Im really interested in this because I’d been trying to find ways to recycle or repurpose sprues on a larger level than personal hobby so I could organise for my local community to drop them off at a hobby centre to be disposed of in a more environmentally friendly way than just being binned.

    To hear GW destroy stock is pretty big, for all the criticism they get I can’t believe it’s one that’s not brought up more often at all.

    I have to say I find it unbelievable they’d destroy perfectly good stock that’s obviously not perishable, especially in reference to a box set that’s been out less than a year? I’ve worked for a company that makes dried, but still perishable goods for nearly 9 years and I don’t think we’ve once had to destroy ‘leftover stock’. Maybe I’ll make another topic.

  17. 9 hours ago, JackStreicher said:

    This is an overreaction.

    There are so many factors that jumping to this conclusion isn’t logical.

    1. Over-production: usually GW destroys left stock. This however might not be financially viable since they‘ve produced too much.

    2. Price-Breaking point: Maybe those boxes lately were simply too expensive and a certain percentage of people did not buy the models at that price

    3. Overestimated demand: SCE and Orcs aren’t the most favorite AoS armies. Overestimating demand let to 1.

    4. Trying out new sale methods 


    imo some boxes were clearly 2. (the scenery Card board boxes) 

    Dominion was a mix of 1. 2. 3.

    Yet all of this culminated in 4.

    Second time I’ve seen you make this ‘he destroys leftover stock comment’. Can you please explain this more? How are they destroying it? What stock are they destroying?

    Of all the bad press GW gets I’ve not heard about them dumping or destroying stock and considering it’s non recyclable or degradable plastic (that I’d expect has a nasty environmental impact if it’s burned too) I’d expect it to be a pretty big deal, yet it never comes up in the general GW critiques.

    Please explain.

  18. Just now, Ogregut said:

    It's my opinion that youtubers veiws are down because so many of them are negative or use the awful clickbait titles. 

    I had one channel recommended to me where every title was something like 'the new orks are worse than you think'. 

    Bashing GW is an easy target and (some) youtubers use it as an easy way to get veiws and money and as I've said before the Internet is a great amplifier for negatively and a vast echo chamber where in reality its a small minority of people whining. 

    That's not to say GW is perfect or people shouldn't voice concerns but I believe many youtubers have made a rod for their own backs, I know I've unsubscribed from many and only watch ones who spread positivity to the community. 

    I bet there will be YouTube videos up today saying the GW sale stuff is a sign they are failing. 

    Anyway, just a few hours to the preview and happy warhammer day everyone! 

    What's people doing to celebrate? 

    I’d hazard a guess it’s because many just regurgitate content that’s already been done before too. Like everyone’s obsession with paying people on 5er to paint minis and whatever. It’s like content creation is a standard formula now bereft of any creativity.

    • Like 4
  19. 4 minutes ago, JackStreicher said:

    They usually simply destroy boxes that have to leave the shelf. Don’t you worry about their profit margins 

    Can you elaborate on this? Never heard that before. If GW are just dumping non recyclable plastic why is this not one of the biggest concerns in the hobby?

    • Like 2
  20. How are slaves units in DoT? Any decent synergies etc?

    I’m really tempted to start a DoT army (I’ve some bits already from Aether War), and I really like the idea of making some knights from palladors, and lord on mount/manticore/karkadrak from a converted Aquillor. Really want to do a fatemaster with a Painbringer base model too.

    Probably be a path to glory army but be nice to know how DoT slaves fare in regular matched play.

    Also, noticed people taking magister on disc quite a bit now, when he came out it felt like the consensus was he was poor. Has something changed? Why’s he a good pick now? I have one, so useful.

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