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Posts posted by Craze

  1. If you do not want to wait for the new BT to come out, then I guess a Start Collecting is never a bad thing for Sylvaneth players. At least one of the Treelord versions will be good, and Dryads will most probably also still be viable.


    15 hours ago, JP1 said:
    • Tanglethorn Thicket: Was re-roll failed save rolls, now re-roll save rolls. What this means is before if you were facing something with -2 rend, you were only re-rolling the 1, 2 and 3s (fails before modifiers). Now you are re-rolling  1, 2, 3, 4 and 5s. Massive increase in rerolls. Lets hope this one doesn't get FAQ'd.

    This is very interesting.

    Is it explicitly explained somewhere, that "rerolling failed saves" means "failed before modifiers"?

  3. I noticed one thing: Ylthari is having the Oakenbrow keyword, while Archie and the new bow hunters have the Free Spirits keyword.

    I was expecting to get the traditional Wargroves as our "Stormhosts", but now it seems that there will be units having the old "small" batallions as Keywords, too.

    What does this mean for us?

  4. Hail to the great Necromancer!


    I have a small tournament with friends coming up later this year and right now I am not quite sure hwich army I want to play, as I have several semi-finished ones standing around. Right now I am painting the Supreme Lord of Undeath, so GHoN would be one option.

    Perhaps some Background Information to make my Goal clear: The Tournament will be Friends only, and no super cheesy lists will be around, so I also want to take a "style over substance" apporach, while not building a low power list. This leads to the point that I do not want to play any bedsheets, not even the really good ones with the big scythes. Apart from this I am open for almost anything. ;)

    So here is the list I am thinking about right now and where I would be really happy about some feedback/ideas for improvement:



    Nagash, Supreme Lord of the Undead - General - 800pts

    Necromancer - 110pts

    Vampire Lord - 140pts



    Skeleton Warriors x40 - 280pts

    Grave Guard x20 - 320pts

    Morghast Harbingers - 220pts


    Endless Spells:

    Umbral Spellportal - 60pts


    Total: 1930 pts


    I think the idea is quite Basic: Use Skellies to screen for Big N, throw spells around, buff you skellies/gg with the Necromancer and the Vampire and try to grind your enemies to dust. ;)


    I hope for some nice tips/suggestions. 

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  5. I have a very noobish question: Does "Grind their Bones, Seize their Skulls" from the Skull Cannon only apply to its Ganshing Maw attack or also to the Hellblades of the mounted Bloodletters? I just cannot find a mount rule that really clarifies this...or perhaps I just do not understand it correctly. :D

    Thanks in Advance!

  6. Yeah I mean, I will not cripple the army artificially, but I also do not want to field a minmaxed optimum of a list. 

    I like the TG and Horror models and I will field them and also like a large blob of footsoldiers, so I also want Ghouls, but I will definetly want to optimize under these  assumptions and I think that the Feast Day option is much better than Hollowmourne, as it allows to choose good Artifacts/Command Trait

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  7. Our small Tournament will not be like super competitive, with people trying to ruin other peoples lives, so I do not think mass ballistae will be a thing. ;)

    That is also the reason, why I do not want to play Gristlegore Monster Fiesta or 24 Flayers. :D

    I like Horrors and want to field a sizeable number of them, which is how I came to my list, even if this means, that they are not super effective against e.g. SCE.

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  8. 2 hours ago, Evil Bob said:

    If you want to lose said friends then switch to the Courtier General and go Feast Day.  Make your General a wizard to draw dispels from the royalty casting (or make him a Cruel Taskmaster to help his squads be more sticky).  Summon the Varghulf instead since he can move so flipping fast, buy your choice of two endless FEC spells and/or Cogs up to 100 points.  Upgrade ghouls to 40x.

    Only concern yourself with holding 2/3rds or 3/4qs of the objectives.  Use summons to either reinforce or steal the 1/3rd or 1/4qs objective you weren’t concerned about until he fell into your trap and only left junk guarding it.  Killing artillery/super-archers is sometimes a good summons option when not playing-for-the-objectives.

    Ok, this sounds quite cool, thanks a lot for your feedback! 

    So I drop the Varghulf for 10 Ghouls + Chalice & Cogs, make the Haunter my General and go Feast Day.

    I will then use summoning to get the Varghulf + 3 Horrors to outflank/grab objectives/smash golden ballistae. ;)


    Greetings my fellow deranged cannibals, 

    I have a private "tournament" with a couple of friends later this year and I am right now choosing what to play.

    FEC would be one option and I am tinkering with lists a bit right now, with the latest one being this:


    Grand Court: Hollowmourne


    Abhorrant Ghoul King on TG (General) / Grave Robber / Corpsefane Gauntlet / Gruesome Bite - 400

    Abhorrant Archregent (The Dermal Robe) - 200

    Crypt Haunter Courtier - 120

    Varghulf Courtier - 160


    Crypt Horrors x 6 - 320

    Crypt Horrors x 6 - 320

    Crypt Ghouls x 30  - 300


    Abattoir - 120 

    Points: 1940


    I would like to use my summoning to summon 6 more Horrors, to really clobber everything to death with my bone Clubs 😉

    The Ghouls I would like to use for Screening, as I ecpect some really nasty charges from my opponents.


    My problem is that I have ZERO FEC games under my belt, so I would like to get some feedback from more experienced marrow-gnawers about this list, especially if Hollowmourne is at least decent or if it would make more sense to make the Haunter Courtier General, to keep the Horrors Battleline.


    Thanks in advance! 


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  10. Just for my information: Where do the rumors for a Gutbusters tome come from? From my point of view a souped BT with BCR, Gutbuster etc is much more likely than a standalone Gutbusters tome. Is this just wishlisting from people who want to see a Gutbusters BT or is there any backing of this theory?

  11. Please don't get me wrong, I did not try to cry about nerfs that have not yet happened.  ;)

    I myself am having 0 Reapers and am not yet really competitive.

    But as I plan on getting deeper into competitive play in 2019, I just wanted to start a discussion about potential alternatives for competitive Death play. 

    You already pointed out some quite interesting ways in which Death could work after a potential nerf...Thanks for that!

  12. Hi fellow Deathlords,


    I have just looked through the CanCon lists and it became - once more - clear, that the go to lists for Death include around 50 Grimghast Reapers. :D

    Now I would like to know your opinion on what would be the next best lists in case Grimghasts get the nerfbat, which is - in my opinion - a really safe bet.

    Will it be Grave Guard heavy lists, or will we see something totally different?


  13. 12 hours ago, Gibs said:

    Just liked the idea of having stronger casters and the extra movement. As I am new I can’t say I really know which one is better. 

    Looking at the requirements they look fairly similar so it’s probably easy to play both lists with some minor modifications?


    Yes sure, it is not too hard to Switch from one to the other. :)

    Looking at you list, I would throw out one hunter unit (which you can then summon with Alarielle later) and bump up one of your Dryad units to 30.

  14. But he has the 3 Dryad units he needs in his list anyway.  And instead of Warsinger he could use Gnarled Warrior or Gift of Ghyran on his Durthu, which is - in my humble opinion - a better choice. 


    Of course he is absolutely free to play whatever he wants, I just wanted to ask why he chose Harvestboon. :)

  15. 11 hours ago, Gibs said:


    • Dryads (unit size 10/20?)
    • Hunters (how does 'Free Spirits' work with the rest of the army?)

    What unit sizes work best and what proportion of Dryads to Hunters?


    How many extra units are needed for summoning?

    How many forests are needed for a typical 2K game? 


    Just a couple of Things:

    - Hunters are not battleline. You can only use Dryads and Revenants (both Tree- and Spite-) as battleline units.

    - Dryads are really good in numbers >12  because their Save increases by one then, so units of 20+ do make sense in most cases (Running Winterleaf is perhaps an exception).

    - 10-20 extra dryads do make sense if you use a Branchwraith as does an extra squad of Hunters if you use Alarielle, as it is considered the best option to summon hunters in most games (also be clear about the weapon loadout you want to use, or just magnetize them)

    - I think with 6-9 bases (2-3 sets of Wyldwoods) you should be safe in 90% of the games, as very often Terrain limits the Maximum number of Wyldwoods you can place, due to space contraints.

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