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Posts posted by Keith

  1. 11 hours ago, Tommy said:

    Nice! Swap the Soulscryer and 2x10 Thralls for a Leviadon and you get the exact list I'm painting up right now! ? Main reason being that it's quicker to paint one big model than many little ones... I hope!

    I haven't played enough to comment generally, but I included the Tidecaster to have at least have some magic presence (unbind/dispel when you really need it, and I like her spell), to have an extra hero both for command point influence and certain objective games, and to maybe get maybe one ritual off per game with a bit of luck. But your Soulscryer does most of that too and is better for rituals.

    Can I ask why you went 2x3 Ishlaen instead of 1x6? I'm leaning towards 1x6 because it feels meatier, but without any great thought behind it. And I kinda need to decide before assembling them tomorrow evening to know how many command group models to do... ?

    Yeah I’m not sure only a handful of games with them , the Ishlaen guard are a handy unit for sticking around and taking objectives , but battleshock can be a problem with limited command points.

    they don’t do much damage .

  2. Here is my list , still trying the Storm , seems ok so far.

    i think the lone tide caster is a waste of points. So he might get replaced with an allied unit of Heartrenders.

    What do you think?

    Allegiance: Idoneth Deepkin
    - Enclave: Dhom-Hain
    Mortal Realm: Ghur

    Akhelian King (240)
    - General
    - Trait: Born From Agony  
    Eidolon of Mathlann, Aspect of the Storm (400)
    - Artefact: Cloud of Midnight  
    Isharann Soulscryer (100)
    Isharann Tidecaster (100)
    - Lore of the Deeps: Steed of Tides

    10 x Namarti Thralls (140)
    6 x Akhelian Morrsarr Guard (320)
    3 x Akhelian Ishlaen Guard (140)
    3 x Akhelian Ishlaen Guard (140)
    10 x Namarti Thralls (140)
    10 x Namarti Thralls (140)

    1 x Akhelian Allopexes (140)

    Total: 2000 / 2000
    Extra Command Points: 0
    Allies: 0 / 400
    Wounds: 115


  3. I cant fit the Gore Pilgrims in anymore so I'm just gonna kill stuff.

    Well hopefully kill stuff and then bring some new stuff on.


    Allegiance: Khorne

    Wrath Of Khorne Bloodthirster (320)
    - General
    - Trait: Immense Power
    - Artefact: The Crimson Crown
    Bloodsecrator (140)
    Slaughterpriest (100)
    - Blood Blessing: Blood Sacrifice
    Slaughterpriest with Hackblade and Wrathhammer (100)
    - Blood Blessing: Killing Frenzy
    Slaughterpriest (100)
    - Blood Blessing: Killing Frenzy

    30 x Bloodletters (320)
    5 x Flesh Hounds (100)
    30 x Bloodletters (320)

    3 x Skull Cannons (450)

    Total: 1950 / 2000
    Extra Command Points: 1
    Allies: 0 / 400
    Wounds: 128

  4. 3 hours ago, Reezark_SP said:

    Hey everyone what is your opinions on Aspect of the Sea vs. Storm?

    I've put mine together as the Sea Aspect however in all of the games I've played I wouldn't say he's been all that amazing. His Tsunami of Terror looks fantastic on paper but either I roll really bad and only affect 1 or 2 enemy units or it gets dispelled and almost all of its attacks (ranged or melee) have yet to make a significant dent in anything yet.

    On the other hand the Aspect of the Storm has some pretty devastating melee attacks, self heals on the charge, can retreat and charge anytime without penalty, and makes other units reroll 1s to wound. Seems pretty baller to me.

    But most lists I'm seeing discussed use Aspect of the Sea (not Storm) so what am I missing?


    I'm leaning towards the Storm , if you are facing a lot of magic defence or facing Nagash , you aren't going to be getting any spells off anyway.

    The Storm does reliable damage , so that's the way I'm going. But I really worry about keeping up with the summoning armies.


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