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Posts posted by FPC

  1. I've been thinking about how I'd run Dwarves in Tempest Eye and threw together this list below.  I have some thoughts of changes/options but I think this could be fun, if not super competitive.

    Allegiance: Cities of Sigmar
    - City: Tempest's Eye

    Battlemage (90)
    - Spell: Lore of Eagles - Strike of Eagles 
    - Mortal Realm: Hysh
    Battlemage (90)
    - Spell: Lore of Eagles - Aura of Glory
    - Mortal Realm: Ghur
    Runelord (90)
    - City Role: General's Adjutant
    Warden King (110)
    - General
    - Trait: Hawk-eyed 
    - Artefact: Zephyrite Banner 

    30 x Ironbreakers
    20 x Longbeards
    - Ancestral Weapons & Shields
    - City Role: Honoured Retinue
    20 x Irondrakes
    20 x Irondrakes
    20 x Hammerers

    2 x Gyrocopters 

    Total: 1950 / 2000
    Extra Command Points: 1

    So the plan here is to basically run everything turn one, create a nice wall with the Ironbreakers and Longbeards (who are grudging reroll 1s to wound) and the remainder of the army spreads out to be the counter attack.  I can give one unit of Irondrakes run and shoot, or possibly the Gyros if there's a juicy target and they're within 12" of a character.  The Ironbreaker screen stands to have 4 attacks each with the Warden King CA and Aura of Glory.  Depending on opponent, I could also make them -1 rend, but that will probably be better served on a unit of Irondrakes.  

    Some things I'm considering:

    -Drop 10 Irondrakes and do 1x30 (better for Runelord buff) and also drop the Gyros --> Add 30 Shadow Warriors (awesome for Hawk Eyed general, 3+/3+ on their bows).  This breaks my Dwarf theme but I love the look and rules of SWs.

    -Change the artefact.  Not sure what I'd go with, Possibly Patrician's Helm to make sure my screen stays around.


  2. 35 minutes ago, Brodylan said:

    What are people’s general thoughts on  Irondrakes? Too expensive for what they do? 

    I like them. Planning to run in Tempest Eye behind my main like. 20, standing still, near a Hawk Eyed general, gives you 40 shots @ 3+/2+/-1/1. Not too bad.  That’s 14 wounds against a 4+ sv. Throw in a Runelord for a little extra rend.  They’re probably not mathematically the best shooting unit, but they’re definitely not awful.

  3. 15 minutes ago, EccentricCircle said:

    It seems slightly odd that they would work with one of their smaller US competitors when outsourcing their production.

    To be fair, Wargames Factory is hardly a competitor with GW. Their models are of substantially lower quality than GW and they mostly do historicals. Also, as far as I know, they were absorbed by Warlord a while ago. Maybe the still have a casting operation in China and GW outsources there?

    • Like 1
  4. 27 minutes ago, RatOfGod said:

    But why does the age of the sculpt matter in itself? Are you honestly just rejecting the kits based on when they were modelled? It's hardly 'dishonest' to suggest that someone can make an independent aesthetic judgement on the quality of the minis...

    Yea really. Look at how in demand some oop models are. Take the “Juan Diaz” demonettes. People love those models and they’re old as heck.

    • Like 3
  5. Seems like a lot of jumping to conclusions here. Waiting for more details/the actual book would make sense. Maybe GW is going in a new direction and this will essentially be 7 battletomes in 1? Maybe not. But literally everything about this book is currently speculation. 

  6. So in line with my previous post, thinking about possible endless spells.

    A Great Maw - feel like this is obvious. Offensive MW spell, maybe has the possibility to keep eating like the butcher spell.

    A primal beast of some sort - bridge the gap between BCR and ogors, assuming combined book.

    An Everwinter storm of some sort. Enemy debuff or defensive friendly buff. -1 to hit vs shooting? Impose a -1 to hit when near enemies? 

    A fire spell to give Firebellies something to do. If Spiderfang got their own, this isn’t too crazy.

    All pure speculation of course!

    Now I’m hoping they’ll do a full Ogor revamp like Gloomspite with some new models! Firebelly battleline??

  7. Note that it did say a “full 7 allegiance abilities” so it at least appears they’re trying to keep the individual factions playable on their own. I highly doubt the units they’re talking about relegating to Legends will be staples like Warriors and Thunderers. With the FAQ increase to Warrior points, hopefully they’re here to stay AND getting better.

  8. 1 minute ago, MKsmash said:

    For a while, I thought it would be Ogors vs. Stormcast. However, they seem to have faded from the limelight a little, and I think it will be Ogors vs. Legions of Nagash. The "Pact of Bones has been broken" line seems to me to be about Nagash breaking the rules.

    Who knows, definitely possible. I haven’t kept up a ton with lore lately. Is the Pack of Bones something we’ve heard about before, or new today? My guess is it’s new and is going to be how they frame expanded Ogor fluff and bring the two factions together.

  9. 4 minutes ago, Kramer said:

    One big (but little bit hidden in the text) promise is that both Ironjawz and bonesplitters get an own allegiance ability and a third all in allegiance abilities. 

    To me that sounds they are trying to fix the problem that the previous soup times have.... no reason to go single sub faction. Skaven book tried it by offering battleline if. But that’s still not working. So I’m really curious to see if they can actually make mono Ironjawz and mono bonesplitters an option (besides narrative of course). 

    So if that’s a new design direction it could also be mawstribes and bcr separate but in the same book with an combined allegiance ability. But I’m willing to bet it’s going to be two books. 

    And on the model... absolutely agree with the earlier comments  awesome model great way of tying in the old and still give it some new style. It seems to be a bit mongalian in inspiration. The style of moustache, the lion skin cloak flapping in the wind. Makes kind of sense when I combine the model with the text:  

    ‘Giving it the feel of a wandering, barbaric warrior-king’


    Agreed. They sort of did this with Gloomspite, giving the moon a different effect on different keywords. But fully fleshed out, totally separate allegiance abilities for each faction plus an over arching one sounds interesting. The issue will be making all 3 (in Orruks or presumably Mawtribes) equally appealing from both a rules and fluff standpoint. They did a decent job of this in Gloomspite, but let’s face it...playing all Trolls or all Spiderfang just isn’t that great. Granted, Gloomspite in general isn’t top of the line in the current meta.

    Regarding the “wandering, barbaric, warrior-king” line, this is more evidence to me that they’re combing all Ogors.  Makes sense to tie both major Ogor factions together by playing up the “we’re just savage nomads just looking to consume some bones” aspect of both types.  

    Pumped for this release, really hoping for an Ogors vs. X combined box like Looncurse that’ll include the new Tyrant.

    Lastly, assuming an Ogor release brings endless spells, can we envision a scenario in which one of them is NOT a ravening Great Maw?? I don’t think so. Too obvious and cool.

  10. 1 minute ago, AthlorianStoners said:

    There weren’t any BCR stuff shown in the trailer, do we think they’re being combined?

    Anything is possible now. I’m guessing it’s likely. Mawtribes could be the battletome name like Orruk Tribes or Cities of Sigmar...and you could choose to play Gutbusters only, BCR only, or mix and match. Makes sense from a time standpoint. They want to get as many armies a 2.0 book as fast as possible, as seen with combining IJ and Bonesplitters or combining a bunch of sub-factions with Cities.

    But who knows. Orruk Tribes is combining 2 factions that had 1.0 battletomes. Cities looks to be combining strictly factions that have never had a tome. So, no precedent really to go on.

  11. 34 minutes ago, stus67 said:

    How do ya'll feel about replacing Evocators with the Paladin variants? If so which kind? I was thinking that the Protectors don't look that bad at the lower cost, but are still pretty pricey.

    Hordes of small bases aren’t uncommon. Decimators might not be so bad at carving up the likes of rats and such.

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  12. 4 hours ago, Skipsalajan said:

    No point drops for the gutbusters in the new GHB :(

    buuut the bcr biggies are going down a bit.. so maybe some new potential to ally them in

    I’m hoping this is evidence that they’ll be releasing a combined BCR/Ogors book this year. Rationale being they plan to leave BCR rules mostly unchanged but did some things go help them via points,  while they left Ogor points the same and plan to change up some rules a bit to make them more worth their points.

    At least, that’s what I’m telling myself!

    • Like 1
  13. On 5/24/2019 at 9:27 AM, Okonomiyakimarine said:

    the metallic red looks awful. I hope i can make it work in another way though. How am i supposed to ever finish my 30k thousand sons without contrast points, now that i know that they exist...

    I airbrush Tamiya Clear Red (acrylic) over VMC Gold. Looks great. Give it a really light wash with Nuln Oil, but you could also shade more carefully into recesses.

  14. 7 minutes ago, blubearbare said:

    Are fellwater trolls better to use than rockgut trolls? New to Gloomspite Gitz like having a Troggoth/ Squig army theme. I was gonna do 2x24 squig herd and maybe 3 units of 6 rockgut but debating whether to have a 6x fellwater trolls instead or 2x3 fellwater trolls. Also is Morks mighty mushroom worth taking?


    I've only used Troggs of either variety once but they both seem fine.  I'm partial to Fellwater for looks and for -1 to hit.  

    MMM is definitely a nice Endless Spell.  Scuttletide is also widely regarded as a quality Endless (maybe our best).

  15. They could definitely combine BCR and Ogors into one large faction with few models needed (well, by needed I mean technically. There are some ogors that could use a redo but not that bad). I’d be very happy to see this happen like Gloomspite where it’s totally viable to play any of the sub-factions alone, or a mixed force. 

    • Like 1
  16. 31 minutes ago, Minis by Night said:

    There will be at least one more battletome for each alliance before the end of the year. That has been confirmed.

    For Destruction, you can expect Orruk (possibly soup) and/or Ogors (almost certainly soup, maybe including Beastclaw Raiders).

    Holding out for Ogors so, yay!

    • Like 1
  17. I'd really like to see Squig Herds gain a max size discount.  Something like 70/240 would be nice.  It's not going to break them but it could give you some room for an extra support character or unit, or an endless spell.  

    I don't think a point change alone will do it for Gobbapalooza.  Unless they're changed more substantially, you're just going to be paying a tax to get 2 or 3 (I think the Spiker is borderline and very army-build dependent) decent characters and 2 that are basically a waste (Brewgit and Scaremonger).  If they allowed them to be taken individually tho, 2 would just not see much play and GW doesn't want that.  They're also unlikely to change Warscrolls dramatically in GHB, so I'm not holding out hope that the Gobbapalooza will change enough to be competitive.  Fieldable in a friendly game sure, but not otherwise. 

    It might be extreme, but I think the wizards from Gobbapalooza should be allowed a lore spell, and I wish the other 3 had a table of 3-6 "Know-wotz" abilities that they could pick from (like prayers) but still only be allowed 1 per hero phase.  A big miss in the book if you ask me.  Prayers are cool and characterful, and they seem to have just thrown Gloomspite a half-baked version, most of which are just plain meh in practice.  I have little hope that they'd do this, but I'd take them at their current cost if this happened.

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    • Thanks 1
  18. Hi all,

    Looking to part with my Stormcast.  Varying stages of built, however not much paint on any of these.  See pics, but most is bare or primed if assembled.

    The Stormcast lot:

    Vandus Hammerhand (Dracothian lord)
    Lord Relictor
    Gavriel Sureheart
    4 Knight Incantor
    Lord Arcanum on Gryph
    2-4 Vanguard Palladors (not pictured), can’t remember but know I have some, NoS
    15 Vanguard Hunters (might have 5 more)
    3 Vanguard Raptors (longstrike)
    3 Ballistae (might have a 4th on sprue?)
    10 Crossbow Judicators
    ~20 Liberators, 11 built, rest just need assembly (in the reddish box in pics)
    10 Evocators
    40 Sequitors (mix of weapons)
    5 Retributors (two need built/finished)
    2 Dracoth Cavalry (NiB, not pictured)
    6 Castigators

    (Also think I have an Aquilor and Prosecutors on sprue.  Not factored into price but if I find them I'll include them.)

    Retail is around $1225.  Going to start with an asking price of $500.  Feel free to negotiate.  Pretty motivated to sell.  Located US but would be willing to ship elsewhere if you're willing to cover shipped.

    Pics of everything I had handy - https://polishlightning.weebly.com/polish-lightning/knights-and-stormcast

    I’m mainly looking to sell, but I would trade for some 30k stuff (Thousand Sons and Imperial Fists).  I need some mkIII and mkIV despoiler marines, they're a top priority in trades. I'll also consider a mixed cash/trade scenario.

    PM me here or email parksd70@gmail.com.

  19. 54 minutes ago, GlitzFan said:

    Who here uses movement trays and who doesn't + reason why/why not? 


    I do for Stabbas/Shootas.  3D printed my own in 5 man sets, so instead of moving 60 grots I'm moving 12 trays.  A little bit of a pain to negotiate rough terrain, but not a huge issue.  Almost always removing casualties from the rear, and once a try is empty I can just remove it.

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