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Posts posted by smucreo

  1. It could also be the fact that since Spanish versions offer less fluff and are often plagued with errors people just don't bother with them and instead buy the English ones. That could explain less sales of translated tomes.

    If they are going to release cut tomes they might as well not release them. It's honestly insulting to receive the battletome in your native language only to find you bought an incomplete and error-filled product. Plus, it leads to endless discussions about rules since often even warscroll cards will be wrong.

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    • Thanks 2
  2. 36 minutes ago, Honk said:

    And then you read about a combo, want to try it out and suddenly you’re in a hot debate about the rules and struggle through different possible translations.

    The Leo/Google dictionary only works to a certain degree...


    If I told you how many times it's been an issue with my local playing group... having to argue with rules lawyers about RAW/RAI in both the spanish and the english versions of the rules is tiresome. In the last tourney I entered the two players playing the final couldn't come to an agreement at a certain point and the game was paused for like 10 min while they looked up the FAQS and rulebooks in both languages :P 

    • Haha 1
  3. Tell me about it, rules in spanish are often flat out wrong or misleading. The latest books came out with tons of errors and in some cases even missing warscroll abilities and command abilities for certain units. It's gotten to the point where I don't even bother with the spanish versions and instead buy and look up everything in english. 

    They really need to step it up.

    • Haha 1
  4. Doppelganger Cloak seems like the best artefact for any list running multiple dragons, be it a Legion of Blood list or the dreaded Order Dragon-Spam list. It's so good to just charge carelessly into units with both of them and having the opponent not be able to react until you have already stomped the defending units. 

  5. What about Soulsnare as an endless spell? With how fast the meta seems to be anything to stop charges seems really valuable to me. 

    Would you still play First Cohort? I'm not really liking the Morghast to be honest, I'd much rather have something else.

  6. What do you guys think about replacing Skellies with Chainrasps in Legion of Sacrament lists? They move faster and fly, so they are potentially better at capping objectives, they have better rend protection, and they replenish just as fast, the only downside being that skellies would generally be considered killier overall. I feel in a list with bigger hammers they can effectively push skellies out.

    I was thinking along the lines of going for Arkhan+Vhordrai/VLOZD/Abhorrant Ghoul King on Terrorgheist+2 necros and 2 units of 40 rasps as a core for a generalist legion of sacrament list to expand from.

  7. 42 minutes ago, Double Misfire said:

    I agree that it's a real shame that you can't take the Cogs as this list would massively stand to benefit from them. You could always drop the last 10 Warriors and drop the shackles out for them, or switch the Gyrocopters for Aetherwing units.

    Speaking as someone with experience using Dispossessed characters, the Unforged is stone cold doo-doo without a Relic Blade, while the Warden King can hold his own pretty reasonably without a melee artefact, so you might want give the King the cloak and switch their roles around. The Unforged is just gonna have to be patient before ripping 28 wounds into a Chaos unit! :P

    It's also a real shame that you can't fit another Runelord in there to capitalise on the Dispossessed's best asset and spread the -2 rend around. You could always loose a Gyrocopter and demote a unit of Longbeards to Warriors to squeeze another one in...

    I really haven't used the Unforged ever, actually, so you are more than likely right haha I could try the artifact switch, thanks for the tips! 

    About the list changes, My thought process was to test shackles, if they didn't work I was going to try 30 warriors and cogs or just substituting the mage for another runelord and go with that, because yeah, not having the two runelords is something that really stings, but I couldn't find a way to drop the points further without dropping the Gyros, which I absolutely love as models :D 


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    Since we are talking about Tempest's Eye, my favourite allegiance, I'll take the chance to post the changed version of my own list, now in excel form haha to help visualize roughly what I'd bring. The basic idea is to take a strong duardin core with the battalion, effectively making this a Dispossessed(+) allegiance with the extra benefits from Order and Firestorm. To further synergize with the allegiance abilities, I focused on taking Flyers as allies and I gave the Thermalrider coat to the Unforged to buff him up as much as possible so he isn't as useless (6" move with +4 from the cloak and +4 the first turn because he is flying isn't that bad, and with Legendary Fighter he can definitely do some damage while ). Tempest's eye is great, since it allows my duardin to run the first turn and not lose as much from not rerolling saves and allows my irondrakes to be positioned to shoot.

    My main focus was to have enough bodies to cap objectives, that's why I went for 40 warriors, and the rest help fill out battalion requirements as well as being screens for my irondrakes and other vulnerable guys. The warden king I built for extra survivability with the second artifact, since I want him to use the command ability as a sort of kill mark for the irondrakes or even the warriors. And last but not least, I had 130 extra points left. I still wanted more speed control in the battle and some way to combat magic and especially endless spells, so a wizard and an endless spell of my own seemed the way to go. Too bad I couldn't fit cogs, but still, with shackles I can somewhat do a similar thing by limiting movement in some parts of the map. 


    I still don't have all the minis, but I'm really interested in seeing how this list performs since for me it sounds strong on paper. Most of the army re-rolls ones to hit and thanks to the battalion the list doesn't have that many drops, so that's cool.


    • Like 3
  9. Imo we need bodies to cap objectives, so for a starting list I'm planning to go for:

    Warden King 120

    Runelord 100

    20 Warriors 160

    10 Longbeards 100

    10 Ironbreakers 140

    20 Irondrakes 360

    980 points

    But there are many different variations you could go for, you could even start by adding mobility first instead of the bodies, something like dropping the warriors for 10 longbeards and adding a Gyrocopter could be good as well (so you'd be at 1k exactly). Imo the Warden King, Runelord and Irondrakes are the mandatory core, from there you can go in different directions as I said.

    • Like 4
  10. Another great mini! I can't wait to check out your initial list on the Free cities topic, I'm planning a similar build as well and it's always interesting to see other's opinions. Any excuse is good to use more Ironweld minis! haha


  11. In my local gaming place they are a bit picky sometimes, do we have any kind of direct acknowledgement by GW about them being legal for matched play? I'd like to have something to show if they start telling me I can't use Firestorm allegiances.

  12. I'll start my contributions in this thread with a bit of theorycrafting ported over from the dispossessed topic! Currently I'm thinking about several lists, the ones you can see here:



    What are your thoughts guys? Do you like any of them? What cities do you want to try out?

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  13. Ok, after looking at the different artifacts, I was thinking about possible combinations since for my current proposed list I would have 2 available thanks to the battalion. My current nominees are:

    Ghyrstrike on the Unforged and Verdant Mantle/Jade Diadem on either the Runelord or the Warden King.

    Blade of Endings on Unforged + Ethereal amulet on the Warden King (ignoring rend on the King with a 4+ reroll all fails is really strong, and you get the +2 damage on 6s with the Unforged which is cool)

    Thermalrider Cloak on Unforged +  Ignax's Scales on Warden King (this combination is my favourite for flavour purposes and for making sure the Unforged actually gets into combat)

    And for the list itself, I'd add the Shackles instead of the cogs to avoid being over the 2k mark (thanks a lot cost increase for the battalion ?) for now. 


  14. Nooo really? but but... my perfect 2k points... and why an odd number?? damn ? I'll have to think about it when I get back home.

    EDIT:  Maybe the shackles could prove useful? you boost yourself with the allegiance and you stop (kinda the enemy with shackles... and you'd still have 30 points left for maybe an extra endless spell; either that or you could go for the geminids maybe).

  15. Ohh okay that's good to know, I'd use Archmage then haha I actually like his unique spell more, and the fact that he can ride a horse to move 14" naturally (18 with the cogs and the allegiance ?)

    It's interesting that it is set in the Realm of Fire... I may have to paint their armor red and try to learn a glowing weapon technique to match them up to that! I'm not big on converting though, so I'd only recolor them haha Though I say this knowing full well this screws with my original plan to paint them blueish with snow bases, so I may have to think about it :D 

    About the artifacts: I noticed that Relic Blade gives +1 damage, does this stack with the Unforged doing double damage to Chaos? I mean, does it do (1*2)+1=3 or does it do (1+1)*2=4? Either way, it's really not bad damage!

    Where did you find the Thermalrider Cloak? Is it a realm specific artifact? Do we know if we can use them in matched play after all?

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