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Posts posted by Swooper

  1. I might grab the two cold one mounted heroes if they're not too expensive (anyone know what kinds of prices to expect?). I find the sorceress on cold one to be the best sorceress model GW have made, the unnecessary nakedness puts me off all the others I've seen (except the old Morathi on foot, in which case it's the sculpt that puts me off).

  2. Skaven Deathrunners  done! First skaven models I've ever painted, I can see myself doing more of that some day. Maybe I'll get the skaven Shadespire warband? Who knows. Anyway, I wanted to pick a distinctive colour scheme for them and went with orange as a main colour. I would have used green as  a secondary colour, but there weren't really any details except the eyes that I could paint green, everything else was either metal or leather straps.


    The bases are made with brown stuff and a roller from GreenStuffWorld - city feel to match the Shadespire skaven. First time I use a roller, next time I need to make sure the putty layer is a bit thicker as the detail didn't really come out everywhere on the bases. But that's okay, I just hid it with some sand.

    • Like 4
  3. 37 minutes ago, Travis Baumann said:

    I wonder if the sawfish actually has stats in game or just a decorative piece.

    I'm pretty sure all the little sea creatures on the various IDK models are just decorative. GW have finally got the memo that people like little critters to put on bases (see also: all the nurglings in the recent Nurgle releases), which is awesome.

    • Like 1
  4. Second hero done, the Fyreslayer Doomseeker!


    I took the liberty of assuming the crest and braid are, in fact, not his hair. The crest is done with no less than seven colours: Kantor Blue basecoat, Coelia Green all over wash, Alaitoc Blue drybrush everywhere, Ahriman Blue drybrush about half way down, Sotek Green drybrush just near the top and then Baharroth Blue drybrushed just on the edge. I then added some Druchii Violet right at the base where the crest meets the helmet, just to enhance the colour gradient a little more.


    I also decided that the runes on his body are scarification rather than embedded pieces of gold, so they're just flesh coloured with some Carroburg Crimson.

    • Like 4
  5. I am a tiny bit bothered by this underwater race wielding chopping/slashing weapons like those great big axes and swords. Realistically, you can't get any kind of force behind a swing in water, it would make a lot more sense for them to have spears, thrusting swords and other impaling weapons.

    • Like 9
  6. 3 hours ago, Mandzak-Miniatures said:

    I dont think we will get a Teclis or Tyrion model for the same reason we dont havea Sigmar one

    We do have models for two of the incarnates, can't see why others would be excluded. Sigmar is unlikely as do some of the others (Grimnir being dead, for example), but Tyrion and Malekith seem quite possible, especially since they existed as models in WHFB just like Alarielle and Nagash.

  7. So, the bullgor unit champion, "bloodkine" according to the warscroll, is ready! Funny story, I was curious what "kine" meant so I looked it up. Apparently it's an archaic collective noun for cows, kind of like "cattle" (except as far as I understand, kine refers only to the females). GW kind of dropped the ball here, I think... should have gone with gorebull...

    Also finished the mini-herdstone objective marker I was painting in parallel. Picture time!


    Pretty happy with how the axe came out. I'm getting better at painting metal.

    Arrow from the ungor kit sticking out of his chest, but he doesn't care.


    Decided to go for red eyes for minotaurs (and, eventually, the ghorgon), as a nod to their bloodlust.


    The main advantage of minotaurs is that they have broad backs with plenty of space for warpaint.

    The little wolf tail hanging from his belt is from the goblin shaman's (the one I turned into an ungor shaman) staff.

    IMG_20180331_163153.jpg.0403a2c25920cba4b41c7f6a16eb094c.jpg  IMG_20180331_163206.jpg.ef269bc02098b691e92e918f900fcc66.jpg

    Close ups of the warpaint.

    IMG_20180331_162955.jpg.a6924234f2495288ca55765da527f178.jpg  IMG_20180331_163021.jpg.79952511126d6a57cc20e035c473992e.jpg

    IMG_20180331_163005.jpg.a2440801a360cd020ba9956d7e0452d9.jpg IMG_20180331_163032.jpg.01251137276800ff9a4160b97b4c44f5.jpg

    And here's the little herdstone. Ended up just giving the raven a very soft Eshin Grey highlight, and adding Nuln Oil Gloss to the eyes and beak.


    Finally, a group shot of everything I've painted so far. Starting to look like a warband now! Also, premiere of the finished banner. Not 100% happy with it, but only because the design is a little off centre... ah well, the next one will be better!

    That's it for now, but I hope I'll have the hobby time to paint some more goats later this month (dear gods it's April already...)...

    • Like 7
  8. On 3/28/2018 at 6:46 AM, DinoTitanedition said:

    Nice little project, glad I`ve found it :D For the banner: I think a glyph would look better. The maze looks good on the beastmen, but you want to seperate them visually from the banner.

    Well, I ended up with the maze design. Actually did that weeks ago, just forgot to post pics! This will be remedied shortly.


    As for motivation of painting them...I have been collecting Orcs and Goblins back in the days when I was still playing WHFB. I quit that after a while, as it were way to many models and after painting hordes and hordes of models, I`ve never been satisfied, as I was trying "to get it done". My suggestion: don`t rush yourself.

    Motivation is not an issue for me (yet, at least), the reason I'm focusing less on the herd at the moment is just that I want to get all my Silver Tower models finished soon, as me and my friends are playing it now! Am definitely not rushing myself, I take my time to finish each batch of foot soldiers to a satisfactory level. ^_^


    Your minis look really nice and you could already play skirmish with them, so that will be a great motivational driver.

    You're right, I could (with the finished minotaur I have exactly 50 renown worth of models done now), but being able to play the game is not really a motivator for me. The last time I played a wargame (Rogue Stars, a scifi model-agnostic skirmish game) I got bored and wished I was painting instead... For me the main thing is getting good looking models on my shelf.  Thanks for all the encouragement, though!

    • Like 1
  9. Been a while since my last update here, wanted to share some WIP shots of what I'm currently working on! Start of the layering/highlighting stage, I've drybrushed the fur and stone already, everything else is just basecoats and washes.


    Skavenblight Dinge skin colour for this guy, mainly so I can use the model for a minotaur I play in a monster-themed D&D group! I really like how it looks, which actually  seems warmer and less blue in person (I think I've heard most phone cameras tend towards the blue end of the spectrum?). Might be tempted to do the other two in the same colour, rather than the dark browns I had planned. I'll burn that bridge when I get to it, I guess... which might be not too far off, as I find this model really fun to paint and can see myself painting the others soonish.


    Then there's this. It's such a great little piece of scenery, it'd be a shame not to use it for anything! I think it's a bit too small for a proper herdstone, but it's great as an objective marker (I even had a spare 40mm base lying around)! Random skull and an ungor shield at the base, and a raven from the giant kit on top to add character. I was very unsure how to paint the raven, since I wanted to get that iridescent blue sheen that raven feathers have. What I ended up doing was use Leadbelcher mixed with black (which I had on my palette after painting the armour bits on the minotaur), glazing over with black to darken it some more, Drakenhof Nightshade and then Nuln Oil. That's where it is now, but I'm not sure how to highlight it... any ideas?

    The vine, of course, stays with my autumn theme. Looks weird right now because the leaves were victims of some Dawnstone drybrushing, but they'll be brightened back up!

    I'll post some more pictures when they're finished, aiming for this weekend!

    • Like 2
  10. Grot scuttlings complete! I'll be honest, I really don't like these sculpts, so I put minimal effort into painting them. To get them done as quickly as possible, I primed them white and used mostly just washes to paint them. Agrax Earthshade and Nuln Oil for the robes, Athonian Camoshade for the skin, Agrax and Seraphim Sepia for leather, just Sepia for their teeth and just Agrax for the wood bits (multiple layers of them all to get proper coverage, of course). Picked out their toenails with Ushabti Bone, the spiderwebs and some of the stitching on their robes with Rakarth Flesh, weapons and other metal bits in Leadbelcher and eyes with Mephiston Red. Also ended up doing some soft highlights on the skin with Elysian Green (which is, like, an exact match for the pigment in Camoshade), and drybrushed the metal with Runefang Steel after a layer of Nuln Oil. Minimal effort on the bases as well, just Armageddon Dust painted Mechanicus Standard Grey, shaded with Nuln Oil and drybrushed with Dawnstone.


    Results are acceptable for such a low effort, but I don't think this "painting with washes" style jives well with my usual painting style. It comes out quite splotchy in some spots, which is fine for dirty grotlings but not an effect I'm usually after. Also, probably better for models intended to be a lighter colour, I had to do four layers of Camoshade to get their skin right and like five or six on the robes.

    Used them in a Silver Tower run last night where we got our fourth amulet piece, it's gratifying to see more painted minis on the board than when we started off with proxies and grey plastic! Hoping to finish painting everything before we face the Gaunt Summoner, at least!

    The urge to return to my herd for a while has overpowered me though, and I've started working on a single minotaur and mini-herdstone objective marker for now. After that, I'm probably looking at painting the Fyreslayer Doomseeker and maybe the Skaven Deathrunner(s).

    • Like 1
  11. I finished the horrors this week, and did a quick photoshoot today.



    I thought the pink horror didn't have enough tentacles, so I made a few extra out of greenstuff. Not super happy with the colour, he ended up more pink and less pale than I wanted, due to too much Pink Horror and not enough Rakarth Flesh in the base coat mix, but... oh well.




    Group shot of all the horrors! You can see there's a little difference in the skin tone of the pinks with them side by side, the shadows came out darker too for some reason.

    I started working on the Grot Scuttlings right after finishing the horrors, and as of now they're almost ready, just need to finish the bases and some tidying up! The results are not great, but at least painting with washes is quick...

    • Like 7
  12. 1 minute ago, The Golem said:

    The barbed scythe blade on the bottom left corner of this picture was in one of the rumour engines if I'm not mistaken.

    The hand holding the chains/reins of the turtle in this picture.

    And maybe the quiver on this picture (not sure).

    Was looking for the barbed scythe myself but couldn't see the exact shape anywhere. Good catches, though I think the quiver RE was already revealed on the DoK Melusai archers.

    • Like 1
  13. 1 minute ago, shinros said:

    Yeah vince said it's most likely the shadspire stormcast faction.

    So, is there going to be a third Stormcast warband for Shadespire, before even popular factions like Tzeentch, Nurgle, Kharadron etc. get their representation? Ugh... thought they had taken the "we don't need more stormcast" hint from the community by now...

    • Like 1
  14. Started painting the Silver Tower grot scuttlings. Really dislike the sculpts, so to get them over with ASAP (and try out a new method so I can maybe learn something from it), I'm painting them with mostly just washes. Will need regular paints for details like weapons and other metals, and maybe some light highlighting? Not sure.


    Not sold on the method yet, it's looking very messy so far. Nice trick to know, but I'm not sure these are the best models for it.

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