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Posts posted by Ar-Pharazôn

  1. 37 minutes ago, Enoby said:

    I think it could be really cool, so long as they didn't change anything major with anyone else's factions. It's fine for them to suffer losses which have a perminent effect on the story, but I'm more talking about something huge like the death or corruption of Sigmar which could be an awesome story but may upset fans.

    It's a difficult one, because too little change means the story never actually advances in important ways, or too much and fans become upset and dislike the faction. 

    I feel that with the departure of the Sacrosanct from Azyr and the effects of the Necroquake being felt there, we know now that the Realm of Heaven isn't untouchable. Slaanesh, existing outside any realm, could be the one to truly succeed in an invasion, and I think turning Heaven itself into a battlefield, would be a major game changer without negatively impacting any other faction. 

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  2. 6 minutes ago, Enoby said:

    I think the issue with killing/merging/consuming/splitting Slaanesh is that it may upset some Slaanesh fans, and make them unsure about wanting to buy into the release. I know I wouldn't be too keen on Slaanesh no longer being Slaanesh, and I feel there are others who feel the same way; it may make for a good story, but it could also upset the core fans of the faction. A bit like if Slaanesh broke free but was released into the Gladitorium in Azyr and ate Sigmar (as he's under a lot of strain due to Nagash), leaving the SC without a safe way to reforge - it might make for an interesting story, but it would likely upset Stormcast fans (which I wouldn't want). 

    What if Slaanesh does escape and breaks into Azyr? Where the three others failed, Slaanesh succeeds and opens an entirely new front in the war. 

  3. Fireball is an amazing spell that we get automatically. It's essentially an auto-use.  

    I'm not crazy about our allegiance abilities but they are better than nothing.

    Command traits are all decent.

    Chalice of Blood and Darkness is insane in a wizard-heavy edition.  

    Pyrelock weapons are better. 

  4. Anyone considered the idea that they could release a mini battletome for some factions akin to the Renegade Knights index? I was thinking in my head how that was cool of them and I feel it'd be a nice throwaway gift to some of the subfactions that are neglected.

  5. 34 minutes ago, FERRUMITE said:

    With today’s faq having nothing related to Legion of Azgorh, and this statement regarding the open day, I think it’s fair to assume FW have done nothing and have nothing planned either regarding our army. Disappointed 


    I'm sure they'll put out something for FW AoS models, it just won't be until maybe Saturday itself. 

    • Like 1
  6. 6 minutes ago, Enoby said:

    I think the issue, at least for me, is that they've gone from overly oppressive boogie men to Saturday morning cartoon villains with almost 0 room for characterisation besides exaggeration of their god's traits. In the Realmgate War saga, Khorne suffered from this the most; for servants of the Blood God, they didn't seem all that amazing at fighting and were easily destroyed by the Stormcast. It's no fun having Chaos being an inevitable defeat for everyone else, but similarly it's not always fun being the Skeletor or Team Rocket of the setting. A bit of balance would be nice. 

    It's been a while since I read the books, but the Realmgate War saga was one of the reasons I stopped playing Khorne - their fluff seemed so dry. 

    With how good Malign Portents has been, I'm hoping that Chaos gets a similar treatment - a way to make them less black and white. It seems like the Darkoath may be a good way to do that, or maybe during a Slaanesh focused campaign when s/he gets released. 

    Having read all of the MP stories, I was in awe at the wide variety of viewpoints from all faces of life and unlife, and I best enjoyed it when they took a certain race or type of being, and gave it a persona I wouldn't expect. Gulgaz was far more thoughtful than I'd assume of a Bonesplitterz Orruk, and the Daughters of Khaine seem very pragmatic when simply having conversation. I'd love to see a Bloodbound character who has the likability and personality of Kharn from 40K. I believe they're capable of adding depth to Chaos without removing what makes Chaos, well, Chaotic. The Slaanesh stories and the Gaunt Summoner story were good portrayals of Tzeentchian and Slaaneshi worldviews. 

    • Like 1
  7. I don't think that we'll have Deathcast or Chaoscast. To me, the likeliest endpoint is that some Stormcast turn renegade, from repeat or imperfect reforgings, behavior directly contradicting their stated beliefs/goals, or the simple chafing under the control of Sigmar. 

  8. I'd like to keep positivity. Part of it is obviously because I don't want my money to have been "wasted", but also I feel that there's tricks and ideas that may not be played out yet. I also dislike the concept of giving up an army simply because it's no longer winning all/majority of the time. 

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  9. I don't play FEC, but a friend of mine does, and when I saw some of the GHB2018 points, I was quite surprised. The King on foot was raised 20 points, and got 20 points you get a free unit of ghouls. That is insane. The GKs on Gheist and Dragon stayed the same and with summoning, they effectively got major points reductions. Anyone else feeling FEC got a major buff? Add in command points and endless spells, I'm starting to be a bit afraid of my Friend's future lists. 

  10. Anyone surprised they did Gutbusters instead of "Ogors"? I also saw during a "Why They Fight" image relating to Malign Portents that the Gutbusters were given their own entry, when some arguably equal or larger sizes factions didn't. There's also the fact that they didn't receive allegiance abilities for GHB2018, and neither did Moonclan/Grots. Perhaps we have two Destruction battletomes to look forward to.

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