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Rock Lobster

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Everything posted by Rock Lobster

  1. Alt Mini - Slaanesh exalted greater daemon from raging heroes
  2. Alt Mini - Slaanesh exalted greater daemon from raging heroes
  3. Alt Mini - Slaanesh exalted greater daemon from raging heroes
  4. Taking a fresh look at Ardboyz they are potentially really solid with the multiple Waaaghs. If I had the models for a grind it out kind of army I would look at: Realm - Uglu Warchanter General (prophet of the Waaagh!) (sword of justice) Megaboss (-3 rend sword) Warchanter Fungoid shaman with cogs Ardfist with: Warchanter 20 x ardboyz (big choppas) 20 x ardboyz (big choppas) 20 x ardboyz (big choppas) 20 x ardboyz (big choppas) This list could just as easily be Hysh for multiple Waaghs. The reason for Uglu in this case is to make the Megaboss and warchanter general very upsetting to potentially face and hence a target, the important part being they must be a higher priority than the ardfist warchanter. You lose the ardfist warchanter and you have 2 hero slaying people to deal with and all the waaghs, slay the megaboss and you still have a hero slayer and ardboyz coming back from the dead etc. The idea being if you lose 2 out of 3 early you still have a strong army to fight with, especially if you keep the ardfist guy. Aside from that, 80 ardboyz move up and engage suicidally with the enemy. With 2 waaghs each and a warchanter buff (for 3 of 4 units), each unit can push out 80 or more attacks at 3+ 3+ rend-1. The numbers in the unit give you plus 1 bravery after suffering casualties, but you dont care too much about casualties as you hope to replace the unit. Even without the ironfist they are not slow. If cogs go off they are movement 6 and plus 5 to charge, meaning an enemy 17" away is likely to get whacked over 60% of the time. Some armies would find this tough to deal with. Imagine the gorefist alpha strike. You get smashed turn one and lose a boat load of ardboyz when they use all of their command points etc, then with their chamber empty - you bring all the ardboyz back in, waaagh them up and shove them back in his now neutered army.
  5. I like the 3 mawkrusha list, would be very fun. Something very similar was run by a guy at the capital city bloodbath who came 2nd best destruction after myself. I think he actually decided to forgo the battalion though for a boss on wyvern so was rocking a real monster mash, personally I think the battalion is better though.
  6. Unless the one drop is super important, I would be tempted to swap out the 2nd wierdnob for a fungoid and upgrading the burning head to cogs and the ardboyz to brutes. more speed, more hitting power, and for 1 turn more spells with more reliability. One thing to consider is that if the maw krusha dies, you are done for Waaaghs. I found the megaboss a really useful backup who allowed me to be a bit more reckless with the mawkrusha in seizing opportunities that swing games.
  7. It’s a little misleading, they had 1 guy with 5 wins who still didn’t top 10 (very small wins maybe). we had a lot more players. Got a top 10 as well - some handsome and dashing renegade...
  8. Per other threads, here is the combined data for the last 7 Major tournaments for age of sigmar 2. at the moment the ironjawz bell curve is not looking pretty. Of the 28 ironjawz players we got 2 or fewer wins in a 6 game tournament 70% of the time. 96% of the time we have gone 3-3 or less in events. It’s a small sample size but ironjawz are more represented than many factions, we are seeing a tough time in tournaments for our boyz. certainly when I look at the top performing factions these are tough matches for us. Might be worth people chipping in their thoughts on beating specific factions or types of lists within factions if they have had success.
  9. I’m in the capital Center west, up for a game some time. Work keeps me busy so I don’t get to play too often, in fact this year has been so busy I got only 4 games of aos this year prior to the tournament. takes the total to 10 games after the event. the list is fun to play, I found the megaboss with destroyer surprisingly useful at clearing people off objectives with a couple of waaagh buffs. My opponents horror when he personnaly killed 15 dryads in a single round of combat with only 2 waaagh buffs was great clearing the objective for me. the lack of a big unit does hurt for smashing and bashing though. If the battalion allowed it I would have 1 fewer units and make 1 unit of brutes 10 man.
  10. Indeed I had not been in a situation where a models base completely covered the top of something and wasn’t sure if I could charge. Had to ask a judge who ruled I could cling to the building like spider man and so I charged in. So we could remember the absurdity of it I got my opponent to hold the krusha there for a photo.
  11. This can actually be a good matchup for us. Typically with nagash he either has the Morgast bodyguards and just chaff or no bodyguards and a 2-3 big units and some rubbish. In the former you can either play the scenario and pick up all the objectives, killing any chaff and staying out of range of most of nagash spells since the morgast have to stay close to him. If you have a big enough advantage, charge in but you must kill the morgast first before nagash or he is essentially indestructible. Ironjawz with bloodtoofs and cogs are good at this, fast to capture objectives and if he does make a mistake and spread out can capitalize. in the latter it is impossible to ignore the units that will be maybe powerful and will fight. However nagash is a lot more fragile. A double turn with bloodtoofs and multiple waaagh will destroy all units and nagash. If he is foolish enough to leave space and a long charging maw Krusha can make it to nagash, take the shot, once he dies it is well worth the loss of even your general. Main threat is hand of dust through portal, 50/50 chance of dying, watch ranges. I think they are one of the better matchups of the new armies following faq. Some are much worse for us.
  12. They were my two favorite opponents, chatted a lot as the days progressed. Against sylvaneth my dice were god like, against idoneth the exact opposite, all balances out in the end.
  13. Final standing is 7th I believe. Had a great time and a really well run event. Waaagh!
  14. So no final rankings but based on battle points alone 7th out of 38, best destruction and in fact best non order since all top 6 were order lists! 80 our of 120 for final battle point score which I am really happy with. Best of the losses are certainly not shameful since they were against the 1st place and 2nd place player. All in all, about as well as ironjawz can hope to do I think. Looking at the lists in the tournament, some of which are almost unwinnable, I think In a 6 game tourney 2/3 of the battle points in probably about as well as our book allows. Maybe with a super lucky run of lists and scenarios we can push top 3 and that will be the hope next year. I might write one more update with final standing if that changes but otherwise that is it from the capital City bloodbath 2018. Not a bad run for the ironjawz and had a great time.
  15. So no final rankings but based on battle points alone 7th out of 38, best destruction and in fact best non order since all top 6 were order lists! 80 our of 120 for final battle point score which I am really happy with. Best of the losses are certainly not shameful since they were against the 1st place and 2nd place player. All in all, about as well as ironjawz can hope to do I think. Looking at the lists in the tournament, some of which are almost unwinnable, I think In a 6 game tourney 2/3 of the battle points in probably about as well as our book allows. Maybe with a super lucky run of lists and scenarios we can push top 3 and that will be the hope next year. I might write one more update with final standing if that changes but otherwise that is it from the capital City bloodbath 2018. Not a bad run for the ironjawz and had a great time.
  16. Table 2 for the final round, not a place ironjawz should typically be and the home f horrible lists. the scenario was total commitment, i knew I would go down since the objectives were so far apart. he had stormcast with a ton of teleporting shooting, birds to block charges and big unit of cavalry for fighting. Everything can teleport and shoot, can also go to 6” for a charge. i couldn’t win as if I moved he could teleport behind and take the objective and shoot or charge, and if I don’t move he shoots me and picks off the army spread across 2 objectives. I was expecting 20/0 loss so was looking to scrape points. I held the 2 objectives I could longer than I should have been able to with some clever positioning. General attempted some shenanigans which paid off at first scoring me a kill point in the backfield, but my cunning plan to score another 3 on his far objective was foiled by the birds which intercept charges with a big 10” roll. Had it paid off I would have scored another 4. In he last turn I snuck a unit in for line breaker and held him to a 15-5 loss which I was pretty happy with.
  17. Only 1 picture this time but the round was the one where wizards and artifacts score against stormcast. lots of teleporting and shooting. He destroyed a ton, had to snatch points where I could but I managed to be sneaky enough for a win. 15-5 to ironjawz
  18. Game 4 against sylvaneth. Alarielle plus big units of dryads, branwraiths and durthu. He came too far forward turn 1 and I waaghed into his right flank and Center to clean up alarielle, dryads and kurnoth hunters, leaving the big unit of dryads with durthu. sadly for me in shifting objectives he kept getting the big objective at durthus Death Star and I was spread out killing chaff. I had to choose a small win of 12-8 or gamble for a big win or loss with the few units in range to assault among the trees. (I couldn’t hit durthu except with 2” range). i gambled and barley scraped it through, tabling him but leaving my mawkrusha on 1 wound, if the maw krusha had died he would have picked up 2 more points for that and the. Cleared the megaboss and scored 3 more points for a big 6 point swing. As it was 20-0 to the ironjawz. Stay tuned for day 2.
  19. We are back in the game. Played seraphon round 3 2 units of 40 Saurus and and 30, slan and carnasaur plus support characters. he spread his buffs around his units but with some waaagh love and a double turn I wrapped up army turn 3. +6 attacks on the first waagh.
  20. Easy come, easy go, round 2 smashed 20-0 by iondeth eel cavalry. All 3+ save unreadable and reroll 1s. I bounced and did nothing to him, scraped around for points but no cigar.
  21. Ok round 1 finished. played against a mortal wound star 5 units of storm fiends with 2 warp fires and 1 rattling each. Thanqual and a wizard. playing relocation orb. i gave him first turn and he couldn’t do much in range. Turn 1 I smashed 3 of the storm fiend units and in response he killed the mawkrusha and a unit of brutes. turn 2 I wiped out everything left minus a couple of stormfiends with some waaaghs. 20-0 victory
  22. Capital city bloodbath this weekend. The boyz are ready, we shall see how we get on - 6 games coming up. My list Allegiance Ironjawz (Hysh) Bork Ballsmasha on Mawkrusha (Ironclad, Mirrored Cuirass) Megaboss (The Destroyer) Warchanter (Aetherquartz Brooch) Fungoid cave shaman 5 units of 5 brutes Bloodtoofs and Ironfist Cogs
  23. There is not quite enough movement I think without the ironfist for this, although if your opponent is foolish and moves 4inches forward or more it is certainly a nasty surprise for them.
  24. I like this, it’s original. Plus 10 ardboyz with the gordrak and boss command trait plus warchanter is surprisingly punchy at 60 attacks, 3+ 3+ reroll 1’s to wound. there is good saturation of characters too so they don’t immediately (hopefully) pop the critical warchanter for the ardfist. the problem with the ardfist is that they need to be closest to the warchanter, meaning to stick your boys in a useful place in the opponents backfield you need to get the warchanter upfield as quickly as possible past the half way mark. Another potential option is to swap gordrak the boss for mega boss on maw krusha, warchanter and then bump 1 ard boys unit to a 20 with 2 handed weapons to give you a 2nd hammer plus an extra command point, more warchanter buffs. You can still do your +3 attacks and have more bodies. The other option is to go all in with the ardboyz and swap out gordrak for a giant unit of 30 ardboyz and a megaboss on foot. So you have a unit of 30, a unit of 20 and 3 units of 10. That gives you more than 4 x the number of wounds in the trade and you can hit that unit with both warchanter buffs to have circa 120 attacks hitting on 2’s wounding on 3s with rend 1. You can capture objectives with the mini units, chuck this and the 20 man into the opponents army and savage it, then bring it back to life.
  25. No idea im afraid. That was at Darrens place from the Canhammer podcast, really awesome setup he has, great terrain, lights etc.
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