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Posts posted by Lucentia

  1. The diamond cut gem in particular is a common element across DoK kits, and the shaping of the actual icon is kinda close to little Morathi's blade wings.  It would be a little disappointing for such a DoK looking design to wind up stuck in 40k!  (Like that nice, new avatar...)

  2. I think they're doubling up on 'seasons' these days, so it's more like a starter boxes every six months or so?  But either way, yes, they don't tend to release the boxset warbands separately for a very long time after the box is out, though it's not normally that tricky to find the models on ebay or whatever if necessary.

  3. Part of the argument for Clanrats getting an updated sculpt is that the edition starter sets almost always have some of the 'basic battleline' included in them, though with the Skaven clan system they could maybe just include some different (or entirely new) battleline chumps to fill that slot.  Personally I think we're quite likely to see new clanrats, it's the more elite/specialised plastic kits like stormvermin or plague monks that might stick around for a bit, but I'm willing to be surprised.

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  4. Yeah, I'm assuming it'll mostly be single heroes and the like, with a couple of factions getting larger releases, so 12 factions seems very doable.  Though, that said, the final Broken Realms book did bring a few larger, centerpiece models with it, so there's room for some surprises I suppose.

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  5. All warcry kits get AoS warscrolls, yeah.  Though we probably won't see it for another week or so.  Even if the rules aren't incredible, 5 deepstriking bodies are considerably more useful than the single model gorger unit, assuming the points aren't outrageous.

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  6. It's very difficult to predict what an FEC release might look like, even if we had info like how many kits there would be I think it'd still be tricky to make any sort of concrete guess!  I'm curious if they book will be a big enough restructure that they'll change the current design of having courtier heroes cobbled out of the infantry unit boxes, wholesale replacing them with some more bespoke small hero sprues, perhaps.

  7. I will almost always run a KoS, but that is mostly cos I like the model more than it ever being the actual correct choice.  It's pretty much only useful for the double activation to try and ramp over a depravity threshold, and it might occasionally work as a distraction if your opponent assumes it's scarier than it is.

    6 attacks for 400pts ain't it, chief, the best thing it's doing in combat is roaring for the most part.

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  8. It might be worth noting that Morathi and Malerion do not really get along at all, they may work together out of convenience and proximity, but what we've seen relationship in AoS doesn't really suggest combined forces to me.

    I'm sure I've mentioned this before, but in my mind the easiest way to square the circle is to have Malerion exist in a shadowy form which does not and cannot exist in a truly physical way, have him doing whatever weird, eldritch stuff in the background, so powerful that he no longer needs to care about mortal armies, and then have Morathi repeat her original scam when she took over the DoK cult; claim to be the true mouthpiece of Malerion and manipulate his followers to her ends.  This way neither of them comes across is incompetent, and it neatly explains away where Malerion hasn't done anything obvious for, like, eight years. 

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  9. 1 hour ago, KingBrodd said:

    Its interesting back when Ogre Kingdoms released that the GW colour scheme for the army was grey, like elephant skin.

    They talked about this, amongst other design choices, in a bunch of white dwarf articles at the time (no warhammer community then, obviously) but that choice was made cos they decided that using human skintones made them look too much like big humans.  Which, to be honest, I quite agree with, and my ogors have grey rhino style skin to this day.  The downside, I suppose, is that it also makes them read as kinda undead at a glance, which I assume is part of why they went back to human skintones for later ogre kingdoms releases.

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  10. The Ironjawz supplement is kinda interesting to me cos, other than obviously meaning folks won't need to pick up a separate book again, what's actually going to be in it?  Is it just collecting the new warscrolls for people who don't have/use the AoS app, which would have all the scrolls for free anyway, or are there additional traits/enhancements/etc. that wouldn't normally be unlocked in the app without a code?

  11. The first incarnate also had the issue of trying to be a model that could slot into any faction, (making for a fairly uninspiring design, imo) I've mostly only really seen it in competitive lists, where its strong rules make it valuable in some circumstances, but anecdotally it didn't really seem like a piece that was very inspiring for either more casual play or from a collection standpoint.  I might even speculate that very narrative focused players would be more likely to come up with a conversion/proxy piece that matches their collection than use the actual model, though that's just guesswork.

    I'm not sure any of that, even if true, would necessarily impact GWs approach to incarnates in general, but who knows?

  12. 22 minutes ago, Cataphract said:

    It’s either Kurnothi or something Daughters of Khaine as the horns could be something similar to the crown of Morathi or the masks the Melusai have

    I don't think it's likely to be DoK just cos this looks a lot more like natural material than their metal crowns, though you're right that the general shape is quite similar.  Though I suppose that doesn't rule out some sort of antlered snake monster that they've designed their crowns to resemble, but that would be quite a swerve!

  13. Now look what you've done, Slaanesh players, don't you remember what happened last time our book was briefly absurd?  Stop spamming archers before they nerf everything else in retaliation, I've only just blown the shelf dust off all my hedonites!

    • Haha 1
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  14. I kind of like the look of the crypt horror kit still, I wouldn't be against them sticking around as the dumb muscle of the faction, but ideally I'd like to see some actual 'knights' released to take over their current role, particularly if we can get some gribbly undead fusion of horse and rider, I know Chaos has kinda taken over the body horror niche for the most part, but there's room for it in Death too!

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  15. Weirdbrute Wrekkaz as a name kinda gives me warcry squad vibes, for what it's worth.  But the 'wrekkaz' part also makes me think they could wind up being the Ironjawz equivalent of a seige engine, some sort of wizard unit that's so angry about castle walls and fortifications that they can make them explode with their minds?  But some sort of self-buffing wizard melee unit is probably the right call.

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  16. Don't forget that, whilst FEC are most likely going to be the next big release, the Dawnbringers books will also have attached models for various factions, even if the next Dawnbringers book is 100% orruks/destruction, there's still easily space for one-off Ossiarch heroes or whatever.  And, going off of Broken Realms, sometimes they'll stick fairly substantial kits in with these kind of narrative releases (Kroak, Belakor, Synessa, etc.) it's not always just foot heroes.

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  17. I can see a reasonable argument for a smaller sized starter box, smaller board, fewer models, push fit minis and terrain that you only have to clip out and you're ready to go, something you can easily keep in stock on the shelf and point to as the best place to start, or even release out to other stockists like they have occasionally done in the past with the more board-game style boxes.  However, that sort of thing would want a much lower price point than this box is going with, to try and draw people in, that's the main error with this release in my eyes.

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  18. If Skaven are going to be part of the next edition launch then I think new clanrats are going to be inevitable; they like to have at least some basic, simple troops in the starter boxes, and they're not going to put the old clanrat sprues in there alongside any new stuff.  The only way I can see this not being the case is if they focus only on a specific skaven clan and give them some new clan-specific battleline sculpts instead.

    I could see some of the more peripheral skaven warscrolls being removed as part of range update, things like giant rats which aren't necessarily very exciting or interesting.

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  19. The release timeline has the next army book after cities (which I'm assuming is FEC for now) as a winter release, I think.  But they normally count winter as December through February, and they don't tend to do big releases through December.

    So my guess would be that the main FEC release will be early next year, but we might see, like, an army box in early December, like S2D.

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