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Posts posted by Lucentia

  1. Mm, I'm not anticipating a surprise faction launch at this point, if there are still (probably) at least 2 dawnbringers books to release, potentially more, they'll want to space those releases out, plus the FEC stuff.  And then they'll likely want to commit 2-3 months towards the pre-release build up for AoS 4th, slow rules snippets and faction focus articles and etc.  

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  2. I like endless spells in principle, and particularly the faction ones are a fun way to add some flavour to a range, bit they are an extremely mixed bag in terms of actual design and rules, yes.

    I was under the impression that not all of the scenery moulds were outsourced, just the faction ones, whilst stuff like the warcry terrain was still produced in-house? But perhaps I am mistaken.

  3. Figured if I'm going to be starting this army up I should probably at least do some test models, wound up doing the whole warcry squad.  Pretty basic scheme for the most part, but I'm hoping the basing will draw the eye, I have some bigger swampy effects planned for the larger bases.  Might add some tattoos or something later too, depending how things look when I've got massed units to toy with.



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  4. Anything more specific than 'something related to Morai-Heg' is still up in the air, I believe.

    To me the RE engine looks kinda like the top of a standard/icon, so I'm hoping it's attached to a unit rather than a character.  But giving DoK a non-Morathi unique character is probably no bad thing either.

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  5. They like to keep the new edition starter stuff under wraps for the most part, so they can build up to the edition launch with the animated trailers and wow factor surprises, etc.  So I wouldn't expect to see very much at all in the way of 4th Ed launch previews until they're gearing into that specific hype window.

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  6. There is also a more mechanical issue with cross-faction minis when it comes to game design/general balance.

    (Granted, this is a bit if a personal bugbear of mine so do take my grumbling with a pinch of salt, if it were up to me even stuff like cross-faction allies would be heavily or restricted for matched play purposes!)

    But having cross-faction centerpieces makes it a lot harder to hit a good internal balance point within a single battletome, cos now you have to write around this other suite of rules which also have to interact cleanly with X other tomes.  Eg.  Every time you write a lore spell in a Death battletome, you have to be careful that it isn't going to interact weirdly when Nagash gets his hands on it.  Or you have to find the right points cost for Kragnos when he could be taken to give an Ogor monsters list 3d6 mortal wound charges or just as a solo combat bruiser in a shooty Kruleboyz list, etc.  It's a tricky thing to get right, and it needs to be gotten right every time a relevant book, scroll, or spell is released or updated.

    For what it's worth, my ideal solution would just be to write different, bespoke god scrolls for each book as required, so an OBR Nagash would be a little different to a SBGL Nagash, and could even then be modified for balance separately, but I recognise that's not as satisfying in terms of the narrative.

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  7. Yeah, I dunno, d3 healing in your home hero phase only is, like, a joke rule they put on scrolls to trick you into thinking they have survivability!  (Granted, it's more useful on non-monster heroes, who are more likely to be taking chip damage/miscast wounds, and aren't trying to be stuck in combat for multiple rounds.)  I was kinda hoping that they abhorrents, or at least Ushoran, would get the soulblight style healing, given that they're vampires and all, but there's an argument to be made that that rule is way too efficient, so perhaps it's for the best!

  8. I'd say the TG is a better solo operative if you just want a monster to fly up a flank and hit things (though it is reliant on the spell going off to get any sort of decent damage output.)  Whereas the ZD might be more viable as bit of a support hammer, turning off battleshock and roaring in support of other units.  I'm not sure I'm burning an artefact on Garland in most circumstances, certainly not for a couple of extra MW on a TG shriek.

    I'm not sure either monster is going to show up often in very competitive builds, mostly hitting on 4s with low attack numbers is a tough sell, but it's hard to say without getting a few games in first!


  9. My reading of the rule is that you need to have two eligible units in range for the effect to trigger (ie. The Gorewarden and 1 other unit) but I've always found this style of multi-target spell to have pretty clunky wording (like Mirrordance in the DoK book) so I'm not 100 percent certain.


    Just now, Ejecutor said:

    The weapon style could also be Hedonites. It is kinda their look.

    Potentially!  Though I don't think any hedonite models have identical dual weapons, they tend to go for asymmetry.

    I am extremely confident that it's not DoK though, unless it's an enormous departure from the existing DoK design elements.

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  11. I see Nighthaunt in there, obviously, but it doesn't look like a hero model particularly, so perhaps another new unit on the way?

    There's some sort of flippy elfy acrobat figure too, but it does not look like DoK to me, potentially Lumineth I guess, they are wearing a helm/plume with some sort of animal head design.

    And a cavalry model, fingers crossed for marauder/darkoath horses, perhaps?

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  12. I do tend to run mirror when I can squeeze a spell in, I suppose it's a side effect of the same design flaw as most list building choices; depravity points are everything, so another potential source of them is very valuable.  Plus it can be useful for forcing small heroes to make bad movement choices on occasion.

    I do intend to play around with visage at some point though, I don't think it's a bad choice necessarily.

  13. Hmm, I saw that 'blade' as a stylised lightning bolt, I feel like we've seen that sort of design before?  The joinery looks kinda neat for Destruction, but I haven't really examined the KB sculpts that closely.  My guess is somewhere in the CoS/Sigmar Order zone.

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  14. If skaven are going to be in the starter boxes, they will want to fill those boxes with brand new minis, and they will want those forces to be playable out of the box, so I would expect to see at least one battleline unit resculpt for the skaven, most likely Clanrats, much like the tyranids got new gaunts.

    However, the alternative possibility is that they focus on a new/less supported Skaven clan for the starter boxes, which brings its own brand new battleline units with it, in which case some of the older kits might remain as they are.

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  15. I was curious if the zombie bishop would be an actual priest or if that would be flavoured as delusion too, but I suppose that answers that.  The current ghoul/horror/flayer courtiers are neither priests nor wizards, so I wonder if they will gain one of those roles, or if they've just been replaced wholesale by the new suite of heroes.

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  16. My guess, and it is purely a guess, is that dawnbringers 2-5 will all feature models solely from a single grand alliance, that's been the case for the past two at least, and it sounds like the next one will be all Death stuff.  Possibly I'm reading into a pattern that's not really there, but I'd expect book 5 to come with models for chaos factions only.  They could go back to a multi-GA 6th book to wrap things up, that seems possible, or the rumoured DoK stuff could be unrelated to dawnbringers and will come with their 4th Ed battletome later down the line.

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  17. It says plastic right there in the headline.  But I would agree that I'm not totally convinced in the effect from the pictures shown, it would have to be a pretty different grade of transparent plastic to what you normally see to avoid looking cheap or out if place, I think.  The transparent ringbearers that they already sell don't exactly look great to my eye, though those are much older products.

    • Thanks 1
  18. The very granular hero customisation of WHFB (and older 40k editions for that matter) never really worked for me, to be honest, whilst you got occasional moments where you could use some weird combo of baubles to make 'your guy,' a lot of the time there were pretty clear best choices, so you just saw, y'know glittering robes + fencers blades, and dispel scrolls all over the place, or whatever the current top picks happened to be.  Particularly I did not much enjoy the WHFB 8th generic magic items system, where each item cost the same number of points regardless of who was using it, even though a sword of +1 strength is a lot more valuable on a base S5 hero than a S3 one, etc. so it's very tricky to even pretend to balance out that kind of system.

    Maybe one way to square that circle would be with a reworked and better integrated heroic actions system?  I don't need 'my guy' to be carrying around a sack full of artefacts and command traits, so long as they get to do some cool and impactful things over the course of the game.

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