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Posts posted by Lucentia

  1. I can definitely see an update for basic Eshin ninja rats coming via a warcry squad, seems like the perfect venue for that sort of light skirmish unit, really.  And personally I don't think you necessarily need all the clans to be equally represented, the sneaky assassin clan with a hero, monster, and skirmish unit feels reasonable for that sort of theme.  I guess maybe you could re-flavour jezzails into a skyre/eshin cross-clan sniper thing, or something.

    Plague Monks, on the other hand, don't feel like a good fit for warcry.  Warcry squads tend to be 8-12 ish models and they have to fit entirely on two standard sized sprues, whereas plague monks have historically been more of a horde unit (though I guess, again, they could just reflavour them into something more elite.)  More likely they'll look at things like pestilens as part of new release waves in later editions, prime candidates for a supplement as part of a future broken realms/dawnbringers style series, for example.


  2. One of the things I thought was quite clever about Broken Realms was titling the first few books after known quantities and established personalities, then swinging in Kragnos for the final one, to my mind that immediately works to place him on roughly the same level as Morathi, Teclis, and Belakor.

    Now, narratively I don't know that that particularly holds true, but I do think it was a deliberate choice made to help associate him with that sort of middle-weight named hero bracket.

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  3. They still tend to use 25mm for massed units (even stuff like the brand new crypt guard, or wholly AoS kits like mortek guard) so I would expect that at the very least clanrats would stay at that size.  Potentially more elite stuff like stormvermin could jump up a few millimeters to make them look bigger.

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  4. Mm, no harm in waiting for further details to emerge, I suppose, but removing a full (albeit undersupported) faction from the game at this point in its life cycle without a replacement lined up would be a pretty demoralising move, to say the least.  

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  5. Euphoric Killers in both combat phases makes that sound like pure wishlisting to me.  I mean, don't get me wrong, I'd be excited for the change, and it might work to push melee builds into favour, but it throws the calculations on DP generation way out of whack for them to just toss into a battlescroll, I think.

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  6. Perhaps I'm the minority, but I don't know that that sort of bespoke hero customisation would really add much to my AoS games.  I have four armies, they all have their own backgrounds and stories and characters, I have sketchbooks and pages of background bits, but I don't think that being able to points buy a few extra artefacts/heroic traits/etc. would make it feel more compelling when my vengeance-driven Slaughter Queen gets eaten by squigs, or whatever.  Tables of extra options are all well and good, but for me they don't really add much to an army game beyond some extra busy-work in the list building.  If I want to go deep on character stuff, I'll happily stick to a more ttrpg space.

    That said, I do think it's a little silly that all AoS heroes have more or less the same melee stats, and I wouldn't hate to see some work put into making 'combat hero guy' a real thing in the game, but I don't think addressing either of those points would need huge, ground up changes.

    I'm generally with Chikout on this, battle tactics are the major standout flaw in the 3.0 rules, adjust how secondaries work, tighten up some of the sloppier rules, and I don't see any huge need to trash the core mechanics for a new edition, I think the base of the game is quite solid at this point.

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  7. I quite enjoyed last year's warhammer fest myself, but, yeah, they're probably trying to cook up a different approach to it, I'd imagine.

    But if you're not attending the actual event then the preview show is kinda the big draw, so they can just run one of those round April time to much the same effect, I guess.

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  8. I guess Ushoran doesn't have The Hunger either (or a directly equivalent ability à la Arkhan) and he's literally a vampire mortarch, so maybe they just decided that they don't need to slap such a valuable ability on every vampire in existence, who can say?

  9. The shadow and pain box released at the same time as BR: Morathi, but they weren't really linked much beyond the timing, BR didn't even have the rules for the Ironscale in it, as I recall, nor the updated DoK scrolls from that box.

  10. I don't think it's quite as clear cut as 'skew lists = win at all costs mindset = bad.'  In the previous Cities book you could also run a steam tank spam list, but it was not especially competitive on tournament rankings, so it was more of a novelty that some players enjoyed rolling around with.  Granted, perhaps this is crossing wires between skew lists and spam lists, which are not necessarily the same thing.

    I'm not against experimenting with alternative methods of list construction, certainly, but I do not think that will actually remove skew lists from play, it would just change what a skew list is under the new format, it's not as if WHFB didn't have cheesy lists aplenty! 

    For what it's worth I personally think a rules based approach to disincentivising spam lists is the best option, if Blissbarbs are supposed to be ranged battleline chumps, lower their damage output, if steamtanks are going to be allowed as the core of a list, they probably shouldn't have a 2+ base save, or they will need to cost more, etc.

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  11. 17 minutes ago, Gitzdee said:

    Dont know if i remember correctly but didnt the end of Broken Realms get rushed into a single release because of delays? I thought there was supposed to be another book.

    That's an oft quoted rumour/suspicion, but there's never been any actual evidence in support of it, I don't think.  It's one of those things that feels plausible, but I don't know if the actual timeline works out with how far ahead the books have to be printed and such.

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  12. 8 minutes ago, Ragest said:

    Each temple needs a hero, spirit and names spirit, so expect those in 4th edition, we know the city (subfaction) too.

    I think we are going to get another unit, because this one is trapped into a warcry box, and those have very low stock.

    I suspect, as this warcry squad is exactly 10 models on identically sized bases as opposed to an odd number at a mixture of sizes, that they will be the main river unit for LRL and will be released separately down the line.  So they just need to kick out a wizard and spirit with the next tome to complete the river temple.

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  13. They generally only do the index thing when moving to a ruleset that doesn't support the old unit stats, 40k 7th into 8th where they removed armour values (and universal special rules, maybe?), WHFB 8th into AoS where they changed basically everything, etc.  I can't speak for the 40k 9th into 10th indexing cos I've not played 40k in a long time, but historically it's not something they've done without reasonable cause.

    For what it's worth I think the AoS core rules are strong enough that they don't need such a huge change as to invalidate how warscrolls work. (Unless maybe they do something like remove melee weapon ranges, perhaps?)

  14. Mm, I didn't read coral at first, more like floaty magic goop, I feel like you'd be able to see more colour variation on something supposed to be coral, even in greyscale.  But something like sea foam is a good shout.

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