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Posts posted by Lucentia

  1. The last tournament I went to had themed tables for almost every faction in the game, with unique scenery pieces and paint schemes on each board, I'd almost say part of the fun of playing in a competitive event is getting to play on nice tables, though, granted, that does depend on venue.

    Regardless, I imagine they main reason they've put the terrain sprue in this boxset is so they can promote it as everything you need to play a game with a single purchase (except dice, I guess, maybe they figure everyone has duce lying around!)

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  2. I dunno, I'm not exactly a wrestling fan, but it seems fine to me?  Minor celebrity endorsement is hardly bold new ground for advertising, I'm not gonna stay up till 4 am or whatever to watch, but if they throw up a video I'll check it out.

    It's a better ad than a sillhouette of a mini that'll get shown in full 2 days later, at least.

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  3. I have long held that a dynasty warriors/musou style game would be a really good fit for AoS, either as a slightly more grounded thing where various non-unique heroes from different factions are playable, or a very over the top, bombastic game where you're playing as, like, nagash or morathi or whatever.  That style of game lets you easily spotlight a bunch of factions by including just one or two playable characters from each, and powerful heroes sweeping through hundreds of enemy warriors to single-handedly turn a battle is pretty AoS-coded in my mind.

    The stormcast dark souls/action rpg idea is also a good one that's basically a perfect fit.  Basically just stop trying to make warhammer strategy/tactics games, imo, I already play warhammer for that, give me something with a different feel!

  4. Everybody has a ton of questions, the game isn't out yet!  Plus, y'know, they haven't even gotten to the Wednesday article slots, there's still three days in the week.

    And even if the big preview show does take up all this week's AoS news, it'll lead straight into faction articles next week anyway.

  5. They could probably just change squigs to count as flying when they make a charge move, or something, that feels closer to what they're supposed to be doing to my mind.  Like, sure, they're bouncy little guys, but are the bouncing over buildings and trees and stuff all the time?

  6. The Fly exception assumes that the flying unit is constantly floating up in the air, which always felt a little strange to me cos there aren't that many flying units which couldn't just land and take cover behind a wall.  But I guess it covers for things like KO ships where they're just supposed to be airborne at all times.

    I do wonder if there'll be a general reduction in handing out Fly to anything that can jump pretty high, its a very powerful keyword to be tossing around so freely.

  7. Aren't the new cover rules basically the same as how wildwoods worked already?  I thought they already had exceptions for flying units as part of their LoS blocking function, or is that just a broadly used local house rule?

  8. Seems like shooting is basically exactly the same as previous for the most part?  Whilst I'm sure you could spin that out into an article (it's not like the combat phase is hugely different either) but it would probably feel kinda redundant.  Maybe they could do an article on some of the weapon special rules and cover any other relevant shooting phase bits in there, or something.

  9. It's not typically a full five days of articles regardless, and it feels like they've covered most of the stuff rules-wise at this point, so maybe they'll toss in a couple of lore/background features or something.

    I'd guess the first two faction focuses will be stormcast and skaven, and that they'll refer to some of the launch box stuff thats not been revealed yet, hence why they haven't started posting those up yet.

    • Like 1
  10. 52 minutes ago, Garrac said:

    Btw, where are the Faction Focuses for AoS 4th ed? GW, do you really want to sell people on AoS at all?????

    I was hoping they'd be starting this week, but as they haven't mentioned them I suspect they'll be kicking off after the box showing event thing.  Though, tbh, I imagine the people who care about faction focus articles on GWs own hype site are people who're already pretty sold on AoS!

  11. I think, and I could be way off, the last time they had substantial scenery included in a starter box was for 40k 4th or 5th, which had big terrain splats of a crashed spaceship thing to fight over, which was pretty neat.  Something unique and eye-catching along those lines would be more appealing than a sprue or two of the typical wall segments, I'd say.

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  12. Ideally, and I use the word with a great deal of optimism here, they'll be aiming to make all of the manifestations within a given lore equally useful, but designed for different functions.  There's no points costs, but they can still theoretically use the casting roll target to balance stronger manifestions in the same lore.

    I think they said we'd see some manifestion warscrolls this week?  So I guess we'll see.

  13. I was really hoping for a ground up rework of the BT system, so it's a little disappointing to see it's still fundamentally the same thing: memorise the list of tactics and plan accordingly.  But removing faction tactics is a good move, if nothing else.

  14. 39 minutes ago, OkayestDM said:

    It's been 3 years and my memory is failing me; how much actual information do the faction focuses typically give us? 

    A brief faction overview and one or two rules? Maybe a warscroll, or a select ability or weapon profile? 

    I don't recall much from the previous faction focuses which tells me that there wasn't much to remember.

    The 2.0 focuses were pretty slight, buuut that was partly because the move between 1st and 2nd edition wasn't that large rules-wise.  This time around I'm expecting they'll at least show a couple of the battle traits and spells/etc, maybe a warscroll or two.

  15. 39 minutes ago, OkayestDM said:

    It's been 3 years and my memory is failing me; how much actual information do the faction focuses typically give us? 

    A brief faction overview and one or two rules? Maybe a warscroll, or a select ability or weapon profile? 

    I don't recall much from the previous faction focuses which tells me that there wasn't much to remember.

    The 2.0 focuses were pretty slight, buuut that was partly because the move between 1st and 2nd edition wasn't that large rules-wise.  This time around I'm expecting they'll at least show a couple of the battle traits and spells/etc, maybe a warscroll or two.

  16. I wanna say the faction focuses were daily for 2.0 as well? But its been a long time, so I don't really remember.  Either way, they're a good way to fill a chunk of time with preview stuff.

  17. They mentioned that the faction focuses would start rolling out 'next month,' so I'd imagine those will take up a lot of the May/June article slots.  I'd also think that the SCE/skaven faction focuses would be a good time for them to show some of the warscrolls for the newly previewed units.

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  18. Yeah, it's exactly the same Look Out Sir rule that's been in AoS for, like, a year and change?  Personally I feel not being able to target out support pieces is a kinda bad ruling, so I was hoping they'd change it, but I guess they figured there's no need to fix it if it ain't broke.

  19. I guess I'm in the minority on this, perhaps, but for me 'my dudes' is something that has always mostly been something you do in your head, rather on the table.  Like, even in WHFB, a game with a reasonable amount of extra options for your heroes, the leader of my ogre army was Frigga Blackfoot, a bruiser BSB who'd chewed off her own frozen leg so that she could use it to club a poisonous drake/monster to death whilst trapped beneath a treacherous glacier (amongst other bits of back story she'd pick up along the way) but none of that was represented for her mechanically, there was no 'sky-iron peg leg (10pts)' weapon option you could take, or whatever. 

    And the same has kinda continued to be true for my through AoS, I don't feel like I need to points buy extra wizard levels or a smiting sword of +1 attack to make my guys feel unique (Maybe partly because they still wouldn't be, if everyone's playing with the same set of options) that sort of personal narrative is something that exists better off table in my mind, like choice of paint scheme, or how you want to theme your bases, or what pet units you always like to bring, that kind of thing.

    • Like 4
  20. Right, but you can kinda say that for everything, 'Oh, a slaughter queen is a chosen martial leader of the arisen blood goddess, she should be able to solo a slaughterpriest no problem,'   'An Abhorrent Archregent is a bloodthirsty monster swollen with unholy power, he should be able to kill 20 clanrats per combat!'  Marrying the rules to fit the lore as much as possible is all well and good, but at some point you're just playing playground rules with whatever your pet factions happen to be.

    Do I think melee foot heroes have historically been a weak spot in AoS?  Yes, certainly, I think that's a fair assessment.  Do I think the solution to that is to make every random priest or wizard with 'Blood' in its name into Conan the Barbarian?  Probably not.  Let's see what vampire lords actually look like before jumping to conclusions.

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  21. I guess I don't agree with that, even as a khornate warrior-priest, it's a shirtless buff guy trying to fight a dinosaur, that doesn't seem like a battle he should be winning under most circumstances.  If various wizards and priests get good melee profiles, it means actual combat heroes will either look lackluster in comparison or have to have heavily inflated melee profiles themselves to compensate.  (Which, granted, maybe that would be fine, we haven't seen any frontline hero scrolls yet.)

    But I'm fine with priests and support heroes being fairly pillowfisted, they've got better things to be doing.  The slaughterpriest still hits considerably harder than the average human, which seems about right to me.

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  22. I was also never a huge fan of the Diaz daemonettes, though I also don't love the current ones all that much (except I do think there are some quite nice, subtle face sculpts in that kit, just the bodies lack any sort of dynamism.)

    I would not be surprised to see some sort of daemon kit refresh get wheeled out over the next few years, a lot of those models are just about starting to show their age, particularly when put alongside the newer mortal chaos kits in AoS.

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