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Posts posted by Enoby

  1. Just now, Neil Arthur Hotep said:

    Slaanesh players have suffered under that old book for so long, really happy for you guys.

    Don't speak too soon - we could end up with an even worse book 😂

    (But I am hopefully this will be good - most 3e tomes have a lot of thought put into them. I really hope they sort out Dexcessa and Synessa - they have a lot of potential but very poorly designed rules for what they should represent.)

  2. Just now, MothmanDraws said:

    ye I wonder where this will put the lord of pain


    Lord of Hubris might be a funny meme though, send him + bunch of units into archaeon, have lord of hubris say "1v1 me bro" have him die tanking all archaeons attacks while your unit gets a free turn to smack him

    I think he'll be really strong for just this reason - as well as a tactical piece to use. So long as you maximise his heroic sacrifice, you can take down some very expensive units at little cost. 

    In fact, when you charge him and friends into a 'longer' unit, you can deny loads of attacks. The rule forces them to target him, but doesn't allow them to pile in when they'd normally be unable to. So if he's parked to the side of a unit, the opponent may only get a couple of attacks into him and would waste the rest. He'd likely survive, and then next turn (if that unit's alive), they'd either have to retreat or waste more attacks (or find a way to kill him before combat). 

    I much prefer this over just some generic "give a friendly Hedonite model +1 to hit" or something. 

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  3. I really like the rules of this new guy - it's exactly the sort of thing I want to see in Slaanesh. A tricky hero that is more about messing up your opponent's plans rather than just dumping big damage - it's an ability that requires some thought to counter our fragility. 

    Hopefully the rest of the battletome is like this!





  4. 2 minutes ago, dirkdragonslayer said:

    For me, it's mostly the loss of lore pages that bothers me. I can compare my 7th edition and 8th edition Ork codexes to my 9th edition one, and it's just a bit sad. Kinda like what happens in AoS books, the Beastsnagga Orks are treated like a separate faction sharing the same book in how they are presented (and how their rules synergy works). Half the book's lore goes to regular Orks, half went to the new Beastsnagga Orks. A page of lore on a particular vehicle gets paired down to a short paragraph with no art, or combined with another unit's paragraph. The book didn't get bigger, it actually got a little smaller. Also while I like them, the section for Crusade stuff also took like 15ish pages from the lore section.

    Different game, different situation, but I think it's pretty similar it how GW treats adding/combining things.

    Might just be me, but I did feel the lore in the recent Slaves to Darkness book was weaker than the previous one. Now, I may be misremembering the previous one so feel free to call me out, but I think it had more of those in universe stories and they were longer, adding a more person feel to Chaos - a faction which I think exemplifies "your guys". 

  5. I totally agree mortal wounds need toning down. 

    To be honest, and perhaps I'm just burnt out from AoS, but I think damage needs to come down in general. I played a game of Slaves to Darkness vs Gloomspite Gitz the other day and it felt like playing rocket tag, where the dice rolling phase may as well have been skipped and replaced with taking whatever unit got charged off the table. 

    I can definitely see the appeal of short games, but isn't that the point of skirmish games? When I set up a battlefield and 2000 point army that I've spent hundreds of hours painting, I don't want to see Archaon get killed immediately by 20 Squigs. 

    I can understand things taking a while to kill being seen as boring, but at least to me, I get bored and disenfranchised watching units dissolve into fine mist when charged by pretty much anything. I prefer units scrumming it out and having the opportunity to retreat and countercharge.

    I think what made games like Malifaux appealing to me is that there's usually some way your opponent can fight back - even if you go into them with some combat monster, because of the cheat mechanic and soulstones, you can have most models (especially the important ones) stick around long enough to play with.  

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  6. 1 hour ago, Yondaime said:

    In theory we need also the lord on juggernaut, they have literally made the sprue for40k, it would be kinda [mod removed] if they dont make the aos one

    But yes new valkya pls ❤️

    Khorne and fec tome are the oldest one and for my luck obviusly the one i own

    Its getting really tyring to see my friends playng with brand new tomes and i am stuck with battleline hitting on 4

    Mod edit: don't use slurs. 

    - Mod hat -

    Slurs are not permitted on TGA. 

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  7. 29 minutes ago, Twisted Firaun said:

    Seeing as how the vast majority of my Disciples of Tzeentch army is Tzaangors in all their forms, I can say with utmost certainty that I would love for some more Slaangors to pad out Slaanesh's Hedonites. However, I'm also hoping that we get a unit based on the spear wielding acrobat from the Dread Pageant warband, as it would fit the theme of Slaanesh's mortals being a giant murder-carnival:Unknown.jpeg.ff04868db51793e06e3faf76f65b75ed.jpeg

    I would be absolutely overjoyed if we got on foot glaive wielders in Hedonites - feels like a gap in the roster. 

    • Like 2
  8. Slaangor buff! 

    "Slaangor Fiendbloods join their less fancily-dressed cousins in the new battletome, ready to revel in the waves of primal energy unleashed by Ghur. Not only do their razor-sharp claws sport an extra attack and a spruced-up Damage 2, their Obsessive Violence has become even more intense. Once per game, the Slaangors can fight twice in a single combat phase – ensuring that their victims are utterly torn asunder, but striking last the second time."


    • LOVE IT! 1
  9. 2 hours ago, Carnith said:

    So I think there is some neat play here, but ultimately... we just need a new tome. I'm burnt out trying to make this mess of a book work and be fun. 

    I'm in a similar mindset at the moment. Thankfully a new book doesn't seem far away, but currently it's a bit of a drag to play compared to other tomes. The difference between our book and the new Slaves to Darkness one is monumental. 

  10. Some relatively large points changes given on discord for Hos (may not be true). 

    Hellstriders w/ claws: -15

    Hellstriders w/ Scourge: -5

    Bladebringers Herald: -35

    Epitome: -5

    Dexcessa: -40

    Enrapturess: -10

    Lord of Pain: -10

    Masque: -20

    Shardspeaker: -5

    Sigvald: +5

    Synessa: -20

    KoS: -30

    Shalaxi: -40

    Syll'Esske: -25

    Blissbard Seekers: -10

    Dread Paegent: -15

    Exalted Chariot: -15

    Fiends: -5

    Hellflayer: -10

    Painbringers: -10

    Seeker Chariot: -15

    Seekers: -10

    Slickblade Seekers: -20

    Again, not sure if true, but it would be nice if so.

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  11. Some relatively large points changes given on discord (may not be true). 

    Hellstriders w/ claws: -15

    Hellstriders w/ Scourge: -5

    Bladebringers Herald: -35

    Epitome: -5

    Dexcessa: -40

    Enrapturess: -10

    Lord of Pain: -10

    Masque: -20

    Shardspeaker: -5

    Sigvald: +5

    Synessa: -20

    KoS: -30

    Shalaxi: -40

    Syll'Esske: -25

    Blissbard Seekers: -10

    Dread Paegent: -15

    Exalted Chariot: -15

    Fiends: -5

    Hellflayer: -10

    Painbringers: -10

    Seeker Chariot: -15

    Seekers: -10

    Slickblade Seekers: -20

    Again, not sure if true, but it would be nice if so.

    • Like 2
  12. As mentioned before, I've had issues with the AoS group totally disappearing, and I'm on an AoS hiatus at the moment. 

    I don't think AoS 3 is overall "too complex" - I've played much more complex games and tend to prefer depth and intricacies - but I do think it feels messy at the moment. 

    That's not to say technically bad - in fact, I think AoS 3 is better thought out than 2e or 1e - but it feels like a lot of effort to play but not necessarily worthwhile for that effort.

    I've played Malifaux, which as a base game is more complex than AoS by a long shot, but every bit of complexity is intertwined with the core rules. For example, to get points, you may need to "Interact" with strategies, and some models have rules that let them interact while in combat, or to easily disengage, or to remove the opponent's ability to interact. The complexity is very smooth - it requires a lot of thought when playing, but the models work in tangent with tactics.

    In AoS 3, it feels more tact on. Battle Tactics, Grand Strategies, and the GHB extras just end up attaching importance to certain keywords but don't feel smooth. They're not bad, but it feels like a faff in all honesty, and I've not enjoyed using them.  

    • Like 9
  13. Just now, JerekKruger said:

    Hopefully GW also recognise this when writing the next Battletome!

    I'm a bit cautious with the prospect of a new battletome in Spring. We know that Battletomes are written well in advance - possibly up to a year and a half, looking at the Slaves to Darkness leak earlier this year (which was already printed so would have been written well before the leak). The Slaanesh Battletome only came out a year and a bit ago (in Feb 21), so will they have had enough time to actually look at the issues, or are we going to get a repeat tome? 

    • Like 2
  14. New Metawatch article:


    Back at the bottom for Slaanesh 😎 Though, to be fair, I prefer that in hopes we get a larger look over next time the Winter FAQ comes around. Last time we weren't in quite the worst spot, so we missed the greatest changes that Kruelboyz got.


  15. The leftmost image looks more like a Sister of Battle to me than any flavour of Space Marine. The wrist is too thin for a Space Marine, and they look to be wearing long gloves alongside having a power pack on the back - both attributes of Sisters. 

    That's not to say it will be a Sister, I don't think it will, but rather it doesn't look bulky enough for a Space Marine - Necromunda of some sort is more likely.

  16. 18 minutes ago, Gitzdee said:

    Makes me wonder how well Sisters, Eldar, Beastsnaggas and Necrons ( and Squats) did compared to the Primaris.

    I heard very good things about Sisters sales (and the box did sell out in a few seconds), but I couldn't give exact numbers nor could I say how well compared to Space Marines.

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