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Posts posted by Enoby

  1. 11 minutes ago, Burf said:

    Any faction that can get free points with summoning is going to be a problem eventually, and having each faction that can summon summon a different way is just going to lead to a year of loophole whack-a-mole. I can already think of several situations where Slaanesh's method of generating summoning resouces could be abused with just what we know now.

    Also, the number of easy puns and lame double-entendres associated with Slaanesh are just two of a whole host of reasons why slaanesh is and always has been the worst part of warhammer.

    I don't think we know enough to say whether it's exploitable or not; sure, if it only takes 6 points to generate any daemon then yes, that's broken. If it takes 18 points to summon 10 daemonettes, the daemonettes are summoned within 6" of the table edge you deployed on, and you can't kill the models you damage otherwise you lose the points, then it will be pretty weak. Sure, maybe there will be loopholes that allow the excessive summoning of hordes of greater daemons, but there's no guarantee - there's also an equal chance that it'll be useless or at least very situational. 

    I think you have a bais against the Hosts of Slaanesh, and that's affecting your judgement. It's fine to be worried about it, but at the end of the day we don't know enough to come to the conclusion that it's already broken. 

  2. A little by the side, but I find it interesting that it is a Nighthaunt release as they got allegiance in GHB2017 and I really doubt they made all of these models in under a year. Wonder if that means we'll see some other armies that were in GHB2017 soon...

    • Thanks 2
  3. 2 minutes ago, Sadysaneto said:

    "...all heroes can use command ability..."

    I wonder if the mean that all heroes in the battle can use their command ability regardless of whether they're the general, or if they're adding command abilities that anyone can use (though they already had inspiring presence for that)

  4. I'm thinking this is going to be the announcement of AoS 2nd edition. Probably include the new Stormcast, Nighthaunt, and magic system (maybe all in one big boxset)  - maybe also the end of (the first part of) Malign Portents. Considering that a lot of GW stores have been changing their AoS displays to death related things I imagine this is going to be pretty big. 

    That said, the marketing team has really outdone themselves here - no other advert has managed to make me that frustratingly interested. 

  5. 5 minutes ago, Arkiham said:

    its 40k. 


    but its still nurgle. 


    new nurgle units? the 2 wound variety like Tzaangor

    image (2).jpg

    They look awesome; I wonder if any of it will be imported to AoS. Seems unlikely as we already have our full Nurgle battletome, but you never know. 


    Kind of strange it didn't come with the rest of the Nurgle stuff this year. 

    Edit: where abouts did you see this by the way? Was there any context to the army? 

  6. 49 minutes ago, Skabnoze said:

    Other factions are not as profitable partly because they are very neglected.  All of the anecdotal sales figures I have heard said that Khardaron Overlords sold better than GW imagined they would.

    A number of years ago GW revamped the Dark Eldar line from the abomination it was when it came out in 3rd ed 40k and into the Aesthetic that they currently have.  That army went from being almost non-existent (due to a combination of long-time neglect and poor models) to being very popular and prevalent.

    I don't think that the popularity of Stormcast Eternals is due simply to their design.  They are interesting in the background if you dig in quite a bit - but I doubt most players (especially new ones) do that.  The designs are not bad, but they are not leaps and bounds beyond other Age of Sigmar ranges either.  Honestly, I think their popularity sales figures are highly skewed due to factors like being included in every single box set out there.  GW advertises and pimps out that faction more than any other - so of course they will be popular.  Personally, I have found that GWs biggest failing is to constantly ride their cash-cows into the dirt and neglect large portions of the rest of their games.  They have proved themselves to be pretty brilliant at making new factions or revitalizing older ones when the mood strikes them.  I think they would be much better served financially, and the gamers would be better served on the whole, if GW spent more of their energy expanding out their various army ranges and making each army an interesting & tantalizing faction to choose.

    The more I look into the lore for Age of Sigmar the more that I am convinced that at least the lore team is pulling this off.  Now they need to flesh out the various model ranges & battletomes.  Age of Sigmar still feels half-cooked to me simply due to the fact that such a heavy amount of the games factions are still operating under stop-gap get-you-by "temporary" rules rather than their own fleshed out battletomes - in addition to fragmented and incomplete model ranges.

    I certainly agree that the armies that get the most love sell the most, but I feel Stormcast sell well for a few other reasons. I think it was Josh Reynolds who said this, but Stormcast have very simple designs because that makes them easy to paint and accessible to new people (to paint the Hammers of Sigmar you just need to spray gold, shade, and add a few blue bits here and there - very nice for new players). In addition, some of the chambers are very generic paladin-like good guys that are all super strong; I think this is appealing to those who don't care too much about the lore as it's simple to grasp the basics, or to those who happen to like epic fantasy. That's not to say that all their lore is like this or that they don't have deeper parts of their lore. 

    I totally agree that it's disappointing to have GW ride on their cash cows while neglecting other armies. There seems to be quite a lot of ill will about Stormcast even now, and I don't think it's coming from WHF fanboys, I think it's coming from AoS fans who'd like their armies to be playable but instead have to sit through the forth SC battletome. I'm not sure whether releasing more Stormcast or Space Marines will ever be a financially risky move on GW part, so I'm expecting to see them get triple the number of releases of all other factions in the future. That said, it does make sense - if everyone has a SC army somewhere (because of how easy it is to end up with one from starter sets) then new releases of less popular factions boxed with SC become less financially risky as the large base of SC collectors may buy this box too; hopefully this makes the release of unpopular factions more likely.

    I think I might be getting a little off track of rumours, though.  I actually came to this thread wondering how long there tends to be between a rumour engine and it's actual release. From what I've seen, there tends to be quite a long time for everything but scenery. Makes me wonder if we have much left in the way of AoS releases  this year because the past rumour engines are running dry (iirc). I'm hoping we do have more to come besides the SC vs Death box, but it's already been a great year so far. 

    • Thanks 2
  7. Take this with a heap of salt that'd make the Dead Sea jealous, but I heard from a friend who had a source that Russ (the primarch) was getting a release this summer. Not too interesting for AoS, but they also said that Slaanesh (including Fulgrim, iirc) was getting a release in October. 

    Just to say that if Russ gets a release soon then we can put more credence to this rumour and expect a Slaanesh release too. 


  8. 5 minutes ago, Thundercake said:

    Pretty sure the Namarti Thralls are the first mixed gender unit. The 3 models on the right, including the standard bearer have much slimmer arms, have covered torsos, and less definition on their arm muscles . Also, it may just be me, but their heads look more feminine to me than the other heads, slightly more oval and less angular.

    I think this is a great movie. As an added plus the feminine characteristics are not overblown.

    GW have released a few mixed gender units over the years, including Dark Elf Crossbowmen and Spite Revenants (and maybe Daemonettes, depending on how you look at it). But I agree, it's really good to see more mixed gender units and female models in general that don't look ridiculous. 

    • Like 3
  9. 1 minute ago, shinros said:

    Thanks! I wonder what's the right most image? The Art looks AOS. 

    Yeah, that one does look interesting. The hammer looks remarkably like Ghal Maraz, but I don't see any Stormcast so either it's been lost (Sigmar should really be more careful with his hammer) or it's a Fantasy novel that I don't recognize (they've been re-releasing a few of these recently). 

    • Haha 1
  10. 20 minutes ago, shinros said:



    Where did you find the image? It was on the coming soon section? If it was removed it means it went up too early. 


    It was a pain to find, but it's still up there; go to the coming soon section on BL and then scroll down to July releases, and then click on view all. He should be there in the top banner. 

    • Like 1
  11. 19 minutes ago, Still-young said:

    I think there was a warhammer tv video where one of the guys accidentally let slip about Slaanesh being soonish. Plus that Khorne rumour may well be nonsense. 

    That's interesting to know, thanks. It would make a lot of sense for Slaanesh to get a release over Khorne, but Khorne is the more popular army. 

    I don't play 40k so I may be mistaken, but chaos daemons got a codex not so long ago right? That may suggest that Slaanesh Daemons won't be getting much soon because if a Slaanesh Daemon release was only a year off then you'd think they'd wait so the codex didn't quickly become outdated. I reckon that if Slaanesh does get a release, it'll be mortal focussed (so noise marines in 40k and hopefully some cool stuff in AoS). 

  12. I've noticed a lot of people predict that Slaanesh is soon(ish) due for a release but I was wondering if there was any basis to this other than it being the only Chaos god to not get a release? I'd really like it to get something, but from where I'm standing it seems unlikely. 


    While it's 40k, this rumour would suggest that it's Khorne getting a release this year (http://natfka.blogspot.co.uk/2018/03/rumors-angron-and-khorne-new-abbadon.html?m=1) and I doubt they'd have a big release for both Khorne and Slaanesh in the same year. 

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