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Posts posted by Fredster001

  1. 7 hours ago, Yoid said:

    Does that mean if you only have one Daemonette model being the icon live, and you roll to bring back 1 single model, that model cannot be the musician because you no longer have 10 models to be able to have one musician? I understand the limit on the unit like, you may bring one champion and only one because thats the limit and dosnt require any amount of models to be there, but for the other member of the group of command, do you got to respect the actual limit based on your actual number of models? Seem a little weird, but since the rule is "adding models" and not "bringing back models" i guess is a rule hole that may work that way.

    I would suggest that most 'special models' are part of a minimum unit size,  therefore you can bring back whatever you like whilst conforming to the minimum unit size i.e. you can bring back the champion, musician, other banner bearers first, but any further additions have to take you to the minimum unit size before any allowed additional specials are added.


  2. 17 minutes ago, Broken Netcode said:

    Just going to wait for all the salt to come pouring into this thread again from the Wrathmonger nerf.


    Anyone got any popcorn? 😂

    Whaaattt, its an absolute outrage!!

    Why if I ever get my hands on...



  3. 52 minutes ago, Pejzub said:

    Hey guys,

    Longtime lurker here, making my first post. First of all, the amount of salt here is incredible, the only thing higher than that is the amount of people who deem Khorne bad now while misquoting the new rules, just confirming they have not read the book yet

    Yes but we can drive the salt levels down with good tips and advice, experiences and actual bat-reps. The salty ones have had a shot across their bows from the Mods so lets get on and discuss what works!

    Glad you did so well in the tourney!

    • Like 1
  4. 2 minutes ago, Kyyn said:

    I would like to ask about this.

    It seems that all Blessings take place also "at the start of the hero phase, so would it be possible to do this ?

    I mean for example, blood sacrifice to get a Bloodtithe point and then spend it according to the table ? If both actions take place at the start of the hero phase, you choose which one to use first, right ?


    Whenever actions take place 'At the start.. ' of any phase, if it is your turn, you choose the order of the actions.

    • Like 2
  5. 25 minutes ago, Broken Netcode said:

    I have actually used Skullcrushers in both 3man and 9man. I have to say at 3 man they arent very good as theyre expensive anvils. However when you take them to 9man they become an INSANE deathstar averaging 10 mortal wounds if you space them well! Deploy them next to a bloodstoker and thats +4" to charge, giving them a really easy charge if you go 2nd. Im feeling having 2 priests nearby, one with Bronze Flesh, the other Killing Frenzy, so that you can decide if you want the unit to be an anvil or a hammer. Will be taking the 9man every single game I play as its so much fun and immensely powerful.

    That could be brutal, and I just so happen to have 9.

    I really like the idea of Gorecleaver on the Lord of Khorne on a Juggernaut with Goretide, roll 6's to w and its 6 damage per wound at -2 rend!

  6. 11 minutes ago, Revan123 said:
    1 hour ago, Fredster001 said:

    Played 5 games, won 3, took filthy IDK eel list to the absolute edge and only lost because of a failed charge T5!

    I would like to see your and opponents list

    He had (and I don't know IDK that well)

    Seahorse King

    Tidecaster + Soulscryer


    9 Eels Morrsarr

    6 Ishlaen Eels

    6 Ishalen Eels

    Some battalion or other

    I think that was it, anyway it moved all over the place, the Morrsarr hit like bricks, the Ishlaen didn't appear to die easily and he was all over me like fish soup!

    I took:

    Skullfiend Tribe plus Skulltake Battalion

    2 x Slaughterpriests

    Bloodstoker & Secrator

    Exalted Deathbringer

    Asp Deathbringer 

    3 x 10 Blood Warriors

    2 x 5 Skuullreapers

    2 Khorgaroths

    Bleeding Icon & Wrath Axe

    By T2 he was killing me at will, but then the Blood Warriors and Reapers began to take a toll, the Skull-helm, Asp champ and Bleeding Icon saw off the Ishlaen eels with poor Battleshock results and by end of game I had summoned 30 bloodletters and 5 fleshounds onto the table.

    I only lost because he had built up a good  VP lead, and whilst my last charge of the game would have put me ahead, I failed it twice, so it finished 22-20 to the Eels.

    He used that list in the WHW GT in March this year and qualified for the next round, it isn't shabby, although he might drop the Leviadon for more Eels.

    Khorne are not push-overs, not by any stretch, only time will tell if they can compete at the top?

    • Like 2
  7. 2 minutes ago, Broken Netcode said:

    Exactly my sentiment. I just wanna talk about how great khorne is now and all I get are tears of self loathing. Its really not that hard to make a list that works really well with the new book, it just takes a lot of reading and working out what pairs well with what.

    Stuff I like:

    Valkia and the Bleeding Icon ( sounds like Nordic Noir!), what an awesome combo. We never had -1 to hit on our side and now we get two that  can be used in combination!

    Blood Warriors now attrition even harder with punchy fist

    So far I prefer Goretide over Skullfiend, the re roll 1's to Wound near Objectives leans better to battlefield control than reroll 1's to hit near enemy heroes, plus the run and charge CA is really good. I didn't mind the 6's add 1 for damage but those armies with a ++ save, they tend to reduce it's effectiveness.

    A Bloodsecrator that can keep pace with 20/30/40 Reavers without having to take Gore Pilgrims - How good is that add in a Stoker, Bloodmad and Goretide and you've got Reavers going 16" Charging 2D6+4" with 4 attacks each - Yes I know you have to keep within 16" of Secrator but you can with careful positioning.

    Chuck a Skull Helm on an Aspiring Champion and summon the Bleeding Icon and watch 6 Eels disappear! That's 24 wounds for  a failed battleshock test! That's a really useful combo.

    Skullrapers...nuff said

    Haven't played with my Mighty Skullcrushers yet, but I'm keep to try them - hello tarpit.

    Anti magic - Skulls, Altar, Secrator, numerous artifacts, Priests, etc etc

    And I haven't even got my  Daemons out yet...

    This book has someway to go yet before I'm convinced  its poor and I'll use my my tabletop experience to form my judgement on Khorne (geddit!)

    • Like 2
  8. 2 hours ago, Revan123 said:

    Will you be able to charge first or reach raptors, jumping accross the field? I could not even with charging after advance

    Only tyrants of blood can kill 30 berzerkers with 4+ fnp and rerollable save. But shooting and opponent's charges mostly kill thirster, who are not tanky at all

    From who? Scarbrand? He is alone. Letters? Ok, with unmodified 6's you kill somewhat 10-15 chainrasps. They kill letters, who are not fearless not with no problem. 

    Opponent wiil strike you first and just kill. End of the story

    Do you have any choice when to strike? Allow enemy to secure objectives? Hold more ground? Alright, you kill 80 monks in double turn. Another 80 will kill thirsters in one go.

    I don't want easy win. I get interesting wins with nurgles. Here we can calcute a lot of situations, where Khorne will be not competative at all. At the tournament, where you don't have choice to choose army you play against, not a lot of options for Khorne to deal with most opponents with one army list.

    When you just CAN'T play against some armies at all, no matter your skill and only hoping with luck on dices - this is not a way to go.

    Since when book gets better with passing time? Quite opposite, it will be worse with changing meta mostly and nerfing faq's, like tzeench had. 

    Go play something else then...

    • Like 3
  9. Having just read through 5-6 pages of doom and despair, I'm honestly like- man up you miserable sods!

    Moan, moan, moan....blah, blah, blah

    Played 5 games, won 3, took filthy IDK eel list to the absolute edge and only lost because of a failed charge T5!

    Khorne are better now, not worse, play some games instead of moaning about them, you're old tactics won't work because they are O-L-D! Don't even try!

    As for the guy who forgot Skullreapers cause MW on 6's...wake up dude, they hit like a ton of bricks.

    Got no time to moan, got skulls to take...


    • Like 4
    • Confused 1
  10. 8 hours ago, Battlefury said:

    A few month ago, there was someone complaining, that Khorne plays like "Little Khorny Chaos Wonderland", because our movement, positioning and buffs do always have to go through and be straight on point.

    He was absolutely right, and not only that!
    It seems, that it went much worse, as we now have the "...wholy within..." rules set to our army.

    I am afraid, that we can not stay competetive without the Tyrants battalion and the Skullcrushers anymore.
    That would bring us straight back to the point, the old book was after it got errata hammered and we had like 2 Battalions left, that could compete with the other factions.

    The mortals have some wicked combos, yes 'wholly within' is a thing but it will be for everything as their books get updated. There are some truly horrendous combos in this book, I took a mix of bits last night and played a friends GT DoK list. 16-10 on VPs to Khorne, both armies butchered to pretty much heroes, except I had 8 blood tithe points when he called the game on Turn 4 going in to my turn!

    Early indications are - Khorne fu is strong!

    • Like 2
    • LOVE IT! 1
  11. Khorne Monster Mash?


    Bloodsecrator (140)

    Bloodstoker (80)

    Bloodthirster of Insensate Rage (260) Collar of Khorne

    Skarbrand (400)

    Wrath of Khorne Bloodthirster (320) Crimson Crown


    40 x Chaos Marauders (200)

    10 x Bloodreavers (70)

    10 x Bloodreavers (70)


    Soul Grinder (260)


    Council of Blood (150)

    TOTAL: 1950/2000


    WOUNDS: 128 

    The idea is sort of refused flank, with the Reavers/Marauders holding one side under the Bloodsecrator, fling the Soulgrinder like a nutter into the enemy, buffed for speed by the WoK BT and the Bloodstoker. Then follow up on the same flank with the Bloodthirsters and kind of munch toward the centre?

    • Like 2
  12. It's going to be interesting to see how warbands of 7 operate with  a maximum 4 activations and all of the models spread out on the deployment points. I'm guessing their decks might have some tricks to get other friendly models moved along? 

  13. @Elodin: Yes you said it better, I meant to convey that it nerfs your opponents but not you necessarily.

    We found 3 against stormcast was achieved quite quickly though the death of Arnulf & Targor and the usually Obryn or Brightshield, the latter as they were the one's picked on for being most isolated.

    • Like 1
  14. Played three games tonight, the board position is also really important. When I got to lay the Boards as the Reaver player, I laid long edge to long edge, giving my 5 Reavers plenty of opportunity to close in on all sides on the Eternals. In the next game my opponent laid short edge to short edge and the Eternals were able to bottleneck my Reavers much more easily and prevent support, adjacency in the game can be critical.

    The Reavers definitely got better when 3 models died and they became Inspired, it doesn't specify Reavers either, so we played it as any 3 models, however stacking cards is what really unleashed the power, making sure the attack goes through.

    We reckon 20-30 minutes to a game when players are well versed, which separates it from IA on that basis alone. Our IA players also confirmed it is nothing like IA in terms of game play, which will help disgusting it further.

    • Like 1
    • Thanks 1
  15. 19 hours ago, Elodin said:

    I played both as and against the Reavers today in a few first time practice games. 

    I was honestly surprised at how fast a Reaver could kill one of my Stormcast Eternals. Upgrades are definitely a big deal for these guys, as even a weaker fighter like Arnulf can put out some pretty strong damage with the right cards (though he's still made of paper, so it's risky to give him gear).

    I have a question about the Blood Rain card though. It says something along the lines of "Treat the first attack in your next activation as having the (Twin Swords) attribute, even if it would normally have the (Hammer) attribute."

    How is this useful? There are more hammer results than twin swords. At first I thought it meant you treat the attack as having both attributes, but the way it's worded wouldn't support that line of thinking.

    The only solution I can think of is, maybe in the future there will be cards that synergies with Twin Swords, but the starter decks didn't have any. Can somebody explain this card?

    The card plays both ways, it can nerf an opponent who relies on hammers or buff a Reaver whose attack characteristic is hammer but you roll swords.

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