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Posts posted by Primique

  1. Had my Big Waaagh! Vs Soulblight yesterday on Power Struggle. Was a really fun game and tabled them in T3!

    T1 - I finished deploying second and was given first turn, I played with the double turn in mind and moved up with the ironjawz castle a bit cagey. He'd put 40 zombies in the grave so I zoned out the forward 2 gravesites and took the central objective with the incarnate and boardboys.

    He'd moved up and charged into the ardboys with a unit of 5 black knights, 4 of which died to unleash hell from the 6 boltboyz! Followed up with a Black Coach charge into ardboys and brutes. Radukar the Beast, 5 black knights and the Wight King charged the incarnate, whilst the blood knights charged the boarboys.

    The boarboys survived with 1 model left, and the incarnate to 9 wounds altogether, in return it killed 5 black knights and did a few wounds to the wight king, the boar boys killed a single blood knight and did a couple of wounds to Radukar which were healed. SBG failed to make much of an impact at the other side though, plinking off a couple of wounds from a brute, before killing the black knights and duffing up the black coach a fair bit! I inspiring prescence'd the single boarboy to deny his a bonus to Endless Legions and to keep the blood knights stuck there. The incarnate passed and survived.

    T2 - This is where it really shunted into my favour though the wurrgog killed himself. I won priority and went first, buffing everything up and revealing that it was the Troggoths birthday! (Their Finest Hour) and using his mount trait to move him up in the hero phase. The boltboyz shuffled around and shot the black coach, doing fine and taking it down to a couple of wounds remaining.

    The troll and remaining boarboys charged into the blood knights, killing all but 1, The incarnate finished off the black knights and chunked the wight king a little more. Brutes finished off the black coach fairly easily, the fight back was pretty pillow fisted, killing 4 boarboys and dealing 1 wound to the incarnate.

    His turn he charged some grave guard in which were easily dealt with, and radukar was finally taken out by the incarnate, not before killing the Troggoth though.

    T3 - He wins priority this time and drops his 40 zombies way in his deployment zone, but still manages a charge with them! At this point the game is pretty much decided, and none of his units really make an impact.

    On my turn I declare a Waaagh! Just to secure it, one unit of brutes killing 27 zombies as his general bites the dust too.

    We shake hands at this point and declare a good game!



    • Like 2
  2. 58 minutes ago, Enoby said:


    I've also had the idea of having the bare minimum troops and just summoning in the rest. My main concern is that this essentially leaves our heroes almost completely exposed until we can get stuff summoned in, giving opponents a chance to stop us before we get into the swing of things.

  3. Hopefully it's because Khorne are just getting the BT, Endless not-spells and a single infantry sized model as far as we know. Hopefully we'll get at least a brand new Keeper of Secrets, Endless Spells, Terrain piece, BT, possibly a new Masque and maybe some more mortal units if we're lucky.

  4. 1 minute ago, The_Yellow_Sign said:

    Jesus Christ more Stormcast?!

    Those aren't indicative of what is getting releases, it's just the images they use to represent each Grand Alliance, they wouldn't plainly show us exactly what each battletome would be like that.

    • Thanks 1
  5. Played against Gloomspite and the 6 fiends were the stars of the show, taking out an Arachnarok Spider, Loonboss on Mangler Squigs, dragged a block of 40 stabba grots buffed with the loonboss off away from objectives and were brought down, but by then I could summon 3 back in a more favourable position! Summoned a couple of Infernal Enrapturess' which sniped off half the Gobbapalooza (one dying to the Discordant Disruption). Made a bunch of mistakes and forgot a load of rules but it was enjoyable. I did order some movement trays before the game was finished for my daemonettes though.

    • Like 1
  6. 1 minute ago, Kramer said:

    Also a battalion in the box (matched play ready) that gives bonus attacks within a range of the enrapturess but they didn't elaborate more on that one.

    Any hints at what points we're looking at for her and the fiends? Can't watch the stream right now

  7. 3 minutes ago, Kramer said:


    New Deamonettes rules. Screenshot from the Twitch stream. 

    Looks like just a straight buff to the rules. New standard bearer rules look pretty good. Sadistic Killers is  a straight buff from Graceful Killers with now autohitting and Locus of Excruciation is a straight buff from Locus of Beguilment incresing the range from 6" to 9"  

  8. I've played a few games recently with my Boyz, first was a 1000 point game vs Seraphon on Duality of Death, I took:

    Megaboss - General, Ironclad, Destroyer



    10x Ard Boys

    5x Brutes

    5x Brutes

    3x GG

    Screened the right objective with my GG and then plonked down my ardboys and warchanter on it, megaboss and a unit of brutes took control of the middle of the board after the megaboss wiped out a unit of saurus knights, fungoid and my other unit of brutes tried  to go toe-to-toe with a Carno dealt a few wounds but the brutes kicked the bucket. The megaboss killed the carno and took hold of the left objective as my ardboyz, warchanter and GG's ground down units on the right objectives until I won the Major Victory


    Game 2 was 2000 points vs Stormcast on kill points - My list was as such: 

    Megaboss on Maw Krusha - General, Ironclad, Aetherquartz Brooch

    Megaboss - Destroyer

    Warchanter - Golden Toof

    Weirdnob Shaman

    10x Ard Boys

    5x Brutes

    5x Brutes

    3x GG

    3x GG

    Chronomatic Cogs

    Bloodtoofs, Ironfist

    Nothing much to say about this game as there was no objectives we just turned into a meat grinder, won it though so theres that :P

    Game 3 was 2000 points again vs Mixed Skaven on Starstrike - My list was the same as above but I took 2 Giants instead of the battalions, but I must say I did miss them, when your brutes 15-16 inch away with the battalions you can make it into combat fairly reliably but without it you either have to prepare to take the charge and miss a round of combat or give up some board control in the hopes of getting a charge off next turn which I had to do on more than one occasion in this game. But I got one set of Gruntas in on the middle objective and took my objective from round 3 onwards which was enough to score me a major victory so im not moaning too much :P

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  9. 38 minutes ago, tolstedt said:

    I like the movement change as well. very strong with gruntas as a screen or ardboys with plus three to charge as a tarpit.

    IIRC ardboys can get up to +6 to charge with Bloodtoof, Ironjawz Allegiance, Drummers and Cogs

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