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Posts posted by gjnoronh

  1. On 4/8/2019 at 1:55 PM, TheNotebookGM said:

    Gonna try to make Da Boyz this year! 

    Wonderful.   Draft rules are being shared with some colleagues for feedback but I plan on having them up in the next month.

    Registration usually opens in July.



    • Like 1
  2. Event Title: Crossroads Grand Tournament - New York USA
    Event Author: gjnoronh
    Calendar: Events USA
    Event Date: 09/28/2019 09:00 AM to 09/29/2019 12:00 AM

    Crossroads 2019 registration is open!



     The oldest of the northeast  USA Warhammer   events.   Age of Sigmar Grand Tournament  also Kings of War, Blood Bowl tournaments. 

    Come for the awesome gaming make memories over the best margaritas you've had at at GT.

    Tons of fun every year.   My favorite event to attend every year I've gone.   

     Rules  to be posted but expect it to essentially match the Da Boyz rules set.   Straight matched play with Realm rules and secondary objectives per GW's August 2018 suggestions is very likely. 

    I run the Blood Bowl event at this event but will be there as always.  


    Crossroads Grand Tournament - New York USA

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  3. 2019 listing of New York State Grand Tournaments and those from nearby surrounding areas.   I will update thread intermittently over the course of the year


    Da Boyz Grand Tournament November 8-10th Rochester NY   


    This is my event and is one of the larger events in the US with 58 players registered in 2018.   In addition to AoS we host 40K (110 registered in 2018), Blood Bowl, Shadespire (including official GW Grand Clash in 2018), Kings of War and plan to add Kill team for 2019.

    Crossroads Grand Tournament September 29-29 Horseheads NY 


    The grand daddy of the northeast and a great time every year.  


    Outside New York State

    Warmasters AoS TEAM tournament - June 8th Cambridge Ontario Canada 



    Triumph Grand Tournament - June 7th-9th - New Jersey -10 systems to chose frome!


  4. AoS rules set is on the website.

    Missions, Realms are currently planned to be released with each round per GW guidance in August.  Draft versions of possible missions will go up sometime in the next month or so. They will be Generals Handbook converted to 0-20 scoring with non core scenario bonus points attainable by either losing or winning player.

    Paint scoring will not likely be released prior to the event.  However range and cap and expected average score in the room are part of the rules pack.  

    Last years "day of" pack is on the website as well to give you an idea on how things run. 

    Anything else in particular you were looking for?

  5. Not for sale for  now.  If you can make the Crossroads GT instead of Da Boyz I will hand them out there for Blood Bowl players.   I think we'd prefer to give them out then try to make money selling them.  

    Luke I'm sure we can find someone at the event willing to trade them out to you for something else do you have other local gamers who are making to Da Boyz? 


  6. Registration continues to move apace.   If you haven't been to a large scale two day tournament before Crossroads is a great place to get started.  

    I'm running Blood Bowl at this event but I highly recommend it for AoS Players as well. 

    Bring your own beer, great mexican restaurant that the whole tournament hits Saturday night, fun guys.   It's a great event.  

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