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Black Blade

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Posts posted by Black Blade

  1. The only hero I'm not thrilled with is the knight and in two different ways. For one the head is subpar compared to every other model. The hair seems off and facial features seem sour. 

    The other way is the design of the knight archetype. I always loved Empire/Demigryph Knights association with late medieval styles. The puff and slash garments and the stylized armour. Her armour and clothing looks too close to Stormcast design for my tastes, bit too high fantasy. I do like the Gryphon mantle however.


  2. 22 minutes ago, Graywater said:

    Haha was literally just thinking the same thing. She's still the slight elf they always have been. Only thing I can think is that the half-scale half-skin area on her stomach is a little visually confusing. 

    I think he was referring to the regular Witch Elf which is what really threw me. As far as the Melusai I thought it fits because that's just a woman's upper body with a strong core. She's a warrior so its not surprising she has muscle and its accentuated by her wide hips which also makes sense.

  3. On 1/24/2021 at 12:50 AM, Ggom said:

    Lol. I do really like the new cover art though, aside from that minor aside. The witches in the background look slightly ghoulish though - it may be a combination of the pale skin and the excess body fat, but I get a bit of flesheater courts cannibalist vibe there.

    "Excess body fat." What are you even talking about?

  4. 13 hours ago, Mojo said:

    hi guys, i buyed a dok army. Any advice for competitive list ?  ^^

    I've only just come back to the hobby after a year long hiatus but some changes seemed to have happened in my absence. For one, general power creep seems to have occurred where we aren't as unstoppable as we once were if you turned your list up to 11. The other issue is we received a points hike to our moat valuable unit, the Hag Queen.

    As for lists it still seems like Hag Nar is the most competitive but I have been running the following lately...

    Allegiance: Daughters of Khaine
    - Temple: Khailebron
    Mortal Realm: Ulgu

    Slaughter Queen on Cauldron of Blood (330)
    - General
    - Command Trait: Mistress of Illusion
    - Artefact: Iron Circlet
    - Prayer: Blessing of Khaine
    Hag Queen (100)
    - Prayer: Catechism of Murder
    Hag Queen (100)
    - Prayer: Crimson Rejuvenation
    Bloodwrack Shrine (210)
    - Artefact: Rune of Ulgu - Mindrazor
    - Lore of Shadows: The Withering

    30 x Sisters of Slaughter (300)
    - Barbed Whips and Sacrificial Knives
    10 x Sisters of Slaughter (120)
    - Barbed Whips and Blade Bucklers
    10 x Sisters of Slaughter (120)
    - Barbed Whips and Blade Bucklers

    5 x Khinerai Heartrenders (90)
    5 x Khinerai Heartrenders (90)
    10 x Blood Sisters (280)
    5 x Khinerai Lifetakers (80)

    Slaughter Troupe (130)

    Endless Spells / Terrain / CPs
    Extra Command Point (50)

    Total: 2000 / 2000
    Extra Command Points: 2
    Wounds: 121

  5. 51 minutes ago, Evangelist of Cinders said:

    the points adjustment for Cities  and anything printed after are in Free FAQs on the website they are different then GHB which reflects earlier FAQ adjusments


    Oof that does seem overly harsh. I wish they gave a justification.

  6. On 7/20/2020 at 7:46 PM, NauticalSoup said:

    Poor battle wizards. I think there was certainly a host of stuff in the game more deserving of a whopping 20 point nerf than these guys, who were mostly used to pad Hallowheart lists after you already had a sorceress or two, a knight incantor and of course the ubiquitous hurricanum, all of which are better and more critical to a wizard ball.

    I don't understand this, my copy tells me that Battlemages are 90 points just like when the CoS book came out. Maybe I'm out of the loop though, I haven't played in some time.

  7. If the humans lose the 16th century German mercenary look, I'm out. It is the single element that got me into Warhammer in the first place. It's unique because they are low fantasy humans in a high fantasy setting and i love the grim and gritty nature of it. I have been waiting on a mounted general on demigryph for sooooo long. The gunner and guard troops could use an update but I like the "look" the way it is. Just look at the greatsword on the cover of our book! Thats the look people. 

    • Like 2
  8. DoK elites are over priced by about 15 pts a piece. Unless you roll above average amount of 6s no amount of strategy is going to make up for 3 strength and 1 damage army wide against another decent player. 

  9. 4 hours ago, Kilofix said:

    Odd, Untamed and DoK are really strong here.


    With the lion being one of the most lethal single target units - with a great stat line, a cheap [Double] bonus attack and a slightly more expensive [Triple] but guaranteed damage ability.  The other runners are trash but they are cheap.


    Similarly for DoK, their melee Medusa leader is an absolute monster while they can still field cheap infantry, and a flyer for treasure stealing.

    I wasn't complaining about Untamed Beasts,  just stating they have arguably the weakest unit option in the Runner though he is only 55 points. I actually think the Untamed Beasts are really good overall with good unit diversity. I was mostly just trying to say DoK is an army of Runners without the unit diversity (damage wise). 

  10. I haven't experienced every warband yet but I have had the opportunity to play around half of the available ones so far. 

    Legions of Nagash seems strong possible even broken when you look at their Senechals.  Strength 5 with very reliable damage and 15 wounds is off the chain for 120 points. They can easily field 10+ models with more than half be senechals. They have very useful abilites on their team card and the necromancer is both tanky and killy. 

    Conversely Daughters of Khaine seems average to weak. They are reliant on crits and their "normal" damage is always 1 unless it's a leader. They are fast buts that's it. Untamed Beasts are considered to have one of the worst units in Plains Runners and it basically the same stats as a witch elf for 10 fewer points. Think about that. Their ability card is generally a mess as well, being highly restrictive of who can make use of the abilities. Everything is either over pointed, underpowered or both. The Gorgi is the only decent unit. 

    • Like 1
  11. I have a few games under my belt now using the Iron Golems, Splintered Fang and finally the Daughters of Khaine... here are my takeaways for the DoK...

    Feels a little like revenge on us for how well the ladies do in AoS. The fact that none of our non-leader have more than 1 damage for a base attack almost all are 3 strength feels unnecessary. Our abilities are kinda clunky for the most part too because of how locked down they are to specific models. Witches are fast but that's about it, I wish they seemed like a better choice vs the SoS but to me the SoS are the only way to go unless you don't have the points. Bloodsisters should be either 2 base damage or 4 strength from their halberds. Kinerai are overcosted if you ask me at 10 wounds. A flying 12" move is great for a few reasons but at only 10 wounds 4T all that really means is you can rush to your death faster.

    The various chaos cults seemed to be better across the board in the way their abilites are more flexible. If you dont take a Kinerai your quad is useless. If you don't take a Blood Stalker one of your trips is useless. If you don't take a Blood Sister one of your doubles is useless. It's nice to have warband building variety but at the cost of an interesting unit faction card and having to rely on critical hits before taking attacks yourself is a frustrating play style. 

  12. On 8/6/2019 at 6:29 PM, Kaleun said:

    looks fine to me. Totally ok for your first DoK game. Personally I think it is a rather strong list. Better tell your opponent that you take the gloves off and go for a competitive list. 

    What will you be against?

    For optimisation I would throw out the second Cauldron, but its fine if you want to play without magic (Medusa).

    I will be playing against a Khorne player. I expect at least two thirsters. Thanks for telling me it's a bit strong. Most games I play are casual and so far at the lower points I have left feeling kind bad about running over my opponents. Not so much against Plague Monks though... "cheese meet cheese."

  13. This is the list I'm taking to my first 2k game with DoK. Where did I do wrong? Too few wounds? Or is this a decent list? I brought two cauldrons because a lot of battle plans have objectives across the board and instead of turtling forward with one I thought I could split my force somewhat and pressure multiple points at once forcing my opponent to do the same. 


    Allegiance: Daughters of Khaine
    - Temple: Hagg Nar
    Mortal Realm: Aqshy

    Slaughter Queen on Cauldron of Blood (330)
    - General
    - Trait: True Believer 
    - Artefact: Ignax's Scales 
    - Prayer: Blessing of Khaine
    Hag Queen on Cauldron of Blood (300)
    - Artefact: Iron Circlet 
    - Prayer: Catechism of Murder
    Hag Queen (90)
    - Prayer: Martyr's Sacrifice

    30 x Sisters of Slaughter (300)
    - Barbed Whips and Sacrificial Knives
    20 x Sisters of Slaughter (240)
    - Barbed Whips and Blade Bucklers
    10 x Witch Aelves (120)
    - Sacrificial Knives and Blade Bucklers

    5 x Khinerai Heartrenders (90)
    5 x Khinerai Heartrenders (90)
    10 x Blood Sisters (280)

    Slaughter Troupe (130)

    Total: 1970 / 2000
    Extra Command Points: 1
    Wounds: 121

  14. 9 hours ago, Chumphammer said:

    But pretty much every game I have seen, people just transform her turn 1, so makes the magic side not as important


    9 hours ago, Lucentia said:

    Yeah, in my eye whilst her magic is potentially valuable it is a lot of points to spend for a trickling of long-ranged mortal wounds.  The real value for me is that she is one of the truly resilient pieces in the DoK book (and one of the most resilient pieces in the game, to be fair.)  You can throw her into a buffed up unit of Death Frenzy Plague Monks and she won't care, or stall a hammer unit for a couple of turns while you get in position.

    I should have kept quiet 😅 I'm still pretty new to DoK and I had not yet considered her ability to just gum up death blobs like Plague Monks.

    Learn something new every day. 

    • Like 1
  15. 21 hours ago, Chumphammer said:

    Tournament Question Topic:

    Keeping an eye on top DoK, it seems every list has Morathi. This inc ETC lists.

    Does this mean Morathi is a must to be highly competitive? or is she just a crutch 

    I don't think she is a crutch so much as the only option for magic competing in the magic meta. Our wizards are kinda pricy and our only access to dispels outside of the one Slaughter Queen you might take. She comes with 3 casts and 2 dispels in her human sized form. Plus she has utility for holding hero objectives since she is limited to 3 wounds at a time. 

  16. On 7/26/2019 at 2:17 PM, Chumphammer said:

    WiP on my DoK

    A hag Queen, 10 WE, 5 Snakes, 10 SoS and 5 Heartrenders done so far.

    Just gotta do another 10 SoS, 5 heartrenders, 20 WE, Medusa, HAg Queen, Slaughterqueen on Cauldron and 15 snakes.....erg


    Love the pink scales. Is that done with a glaze over a light base color?


    @VorpalPoolNoodle I think you convinced me to go with Khalibron scheme after seeing this blue on her. Also really dig your take on her "shadow metal" wings and crown. Thanks for representing our faction!

  17. 3 minutes ago, Chumphammer said:

    Why the two cauldrons? Bloodshield doesnt stack? 210pts could be used to make one of the units of 10 into a 30

    I do not currently have enough models to make a second unit of 30. I thought I could use the cauldrons to pressure separate parts of the board to play the objectives. If this is a bad plan though I can commit to buying more bodies and taking a Bloodwrack Shrine instead.


  18. We had a question about forgotten nightmares. Some gunners were 4 inches away from a Leviadon and the gunners were stretched out 15 inches away. The furthest gunners were 6 inches from Thralls. 

    The question is do the gunners have to split their attacks or can they all shoot the Leviadon because he is the closest Deepkin unit to the unit of gunners? 

  19. 16 hours ago, jhamslam said:

    So anyone hear the Ben Savva podcast about GHB changes?. Sisters seems to be the way to go apparently now that they cost the same. The 6'' pile in also helps us with activation wars and the sort.

    So is the list

    30 Sisters

    30 Sisters

    10 We

    in a Slaughter Troupe

    Or are 30 WE blocks still worth it?

    which podcast was that? Looking for the title so I can listen.

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