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Posts posted by grungolah

  1. 5 minutes ago, TheOtherJosh said:

    I’d recommend the Forgeworld Mumak as a replacement ... but probably nothing less than a 170mm round.

    I like it, and it's certainly less than Maatmag by Mierce Miniatures, but it's also out of stock.  Boo!

  2. 5 minutes ago, sal4m4nd3r said:

    I’m both a competetive player and do quite well. I know what I’m talking about..

    CWM is an absolute beatstick (10 attacks at -2 rend and d3 damage - d3 mortal wounds per 4+ roll on 5 dice) that now benefits from harbinger and ALL warshrine buffs. Buffed to a 4+ save and synergies with all Nurgle healing...if you think that isn’t worth one unit of ten Kings your high. 

    Finding a War Mammoth is the hardest part.

  3. 49 minutes ago, Darkfine said:

    40 Skeletons makes for a whole lot of bubble wrap, just can’t physically get to them.  I’m a-okay if the answer is “Nurgle can’t beat LoN before 1250-1500”, just figured I’d pose the question.

    I admit, I may have some Skaven blood running through these veins. Here's my thought on dirty Death tricks at low point values...


    Festus and Rustfang (140 points).  Land Curse of the Leper and Rustfang on the same skeleton horde.  They go to a 7+ save and (assuming I read the FAQ correctly) stay at 7+ if they are returned to the battlefield.  Non-rend attacks increase wounds by 50%.

    Daemon general + Pestilent breath/Bountiful Swarm (cost of the general).  This one is more finesse, but attempts to break a bubble wrap.  Pestilent breath is used to thin the horde, bountiful swarm kills a specific model to create a "formation gap." The goal is to kill enough models (that have to be removed from the formation gap) that someone can get to the hero.

    Any wizard (100+ pts). Set the cycle to 5 every turn so that it is 6 every round.  Pick off the necros.


  4. 2 hours ago, Aaron Schmidt said:

    How did PTWB make blades more likely to go off?

    I'm pretty sure I didn't say that.  Both PTWB and Blades were 2 excuses to bring Marauders.  Now they aren't.  


    3 minutes ago, Darkfine said:

    While we are talking about skeletons, my main opponent is a LoN player who runs a 40 block of them with support characters.  Fully tooled he is getting 160 attacks in a combat phase out of just that squad.  Couple that with LoN ability to return piles of models to the field in their hero phase and end result is I’m about 0-14 so far.  

    Worst example is a I get a turn two charge off with my entire list, drop his dogs to one mode, chunk the skeletons for 12 or so.  At the start of his movement he had brought everything save for one dog back.  

    Is Nurgle just not capable of dealing with it at low point total games?

    The secret to fighting death is to kill the heros.  If you bring no tools to get past the hordes, you will probably get stuck.



  5. 7 minutes ago, Dracan said:

    But cant one just play everchosen and still choose nurgle allegiance abilities  as all models will be marked nurgle?

    I reread this (p58 of MoN), you must pick one allegiance.  If you pick Nurgle, you get to use the book.

  6. 8 hours ago, boombyeyeah said:

    it was everchosen before

    I'm skeptical that it will continue to be.  GHB18 seems to have removed all 6 battalions from Everchosen, though I haven't held the book personally.  Everchosen only listed the 3 units.

    New warscrolls are imminent, removing summoning spells and cleaning up key words, for the new edition.  


    That said, plaguetouched isn't  completely dead even if it is Everchosen only.  The penalty is heavy though... no Nurgle traits, artifacts, spells, contagion cycle or summoning.  I can't find any evidence of Everchosen artifacts or spells...



  7. 3 hours ago, sal4m4nd3r said:

    behind the blightkings on the bottom. adjacent to LoA. Older pewter sculpt. 

    Darnit, I think I have to name him Waldo now.


    But yeah, I like these trays because it gives a much more horde feel.   I still can't make those Marauders survive, but I have a Harbinger on the way.

  8. 10 hours ago, sal4m4nd3r said:

    Great observations. I have found gutrot with ten kings is very scary. 41 wounds plus gutrot (who can nurture a character) is a huge headache for opponent!

    If you can get the Cogs on the table,  those charges are +3.


    Edited to add a picture of my 4th game,  first full 2k points/teamed up with Death.  Please forgive the unpainted GUO. IMAG0718.jpg.874dabee41e49480aaf4f7254af65eec.jpg

  9. I wonder about magic though.   Is there any spell as important as changing the corruption phase?  How much magic do we bring to manage it,  and how much more do we bring to add an endless spell to the list? 


    I'm worried even Glottkin + GUO isn't enough. 

  10. 3 minutes ago, peasant said:

    too bad that of BoP... i hope IT still works...

    well next month in LFGS is a friendly tournament 1k points aos 2.0 please critic my list

    LoA rustFang



    2 pusgoyle lords

    40 chaos marauders nurgle marked

    10 chaos marauders nurgle marked

    I played an almost identical 1k list twice (substitute sorcerer for Festus, 4 blightlords, 10 fewer marauders) and the Marauders did nothing.   I'm thinking about moving to Blightkings.

    • Like 1
  11. 9 hours ago, Deadkitten said:

    What bitz did you use here?

    The vampiress is from the coven throne.  I changed up her hands to give her a more invocation pose.   The sword is the black knight  leaders sword, pinned to appear suspended in air. 


    The horse is a spare hexwraith horse .  The flames are green stuff. 

    These may not be normal bits to have lying around,  but I've been kitbashing this army for a while. 

  12. 7 hours ago, Christopher Rowe said:

    Does anyone have any thoughts on how updates to current Warscrolls--which in many cases seem absolutely necessary to me--will be handled when the new edition drops? I play Seraphon, and almost every Warscroll in my army mentions a spell-based summoning mechanic for the given unit that will no longer be in play. And there's been talk that at least one unit, the Engine of the Gods, will have some changes to its abilities.

    On the one hand, it seems unlikely that GW would go though the hundreds of extant Warscrolls and update them all, but on the other hand, what might their workarounds be? A blanket statement in one of the new books saying something like "ignore the bits that don't apply anymore," only, y'know, in fancier language than that?

    ETA Off topic, but it makes me irrationally happy that this is the 13,000th post in this topic.

    I have a vague understanding of the last few summoning releases to help with this.  Take it apart as you wish.

    Legions of Nagash:  new warscrolls for current models, no update for old/unrelated models (Tomb Kings, Flesh Eaters).  "Legends" book(?) to take care of obsolete models.  Summoning applies based on keyword SUMMONABLE.

    Maggotkin of Nurgle:  Warscrolls for those in the book, some unlisted warscrolls (example: Exalted Great Unclean One) updated as well.  Summoning is a point system, like Seraphon.  Points for summoning are listed either in the book, or on the card.

    Seraphon warscrolls one way or another need to be updated to remove the spell.  The points costs are in a table we have already seen.  Any new model will probably have summon points attached to the warscroll.

  13. On 12/16/2017 at 3:37 AM, frogboy said:

    Anyone know what size base a Hell Cannon is meant to be on please?

    Also I have some Dragon Ogres made from Cold One bodys and Black Orcs, what size base for them?

    Thanks in advance

    I have finished my hell cannon basing journey.   The answer is "depends. "  if you have all the extra goodies (chains and piles),  you want a 170mm oval.  All the smaller bases mess up the chains 

    I have seen bare bones hellcannons on much smaller bases.


    • Like 2
  14. As for expanding the army, after blood knights, you have your battlelines.  Black coach, the throne, bats, dire wolves, vampire lords all fit the theme.

    • Thanks 1
  15. You youngin's and your newfangled "rage quits."  Back in my day, we didn't have chat rooms to BROOD and shower our discontent on happier people.  We were sad, lonely gamers, and we LIKED it!  /grumpyoldman  Yes, I'm doing a Dana Carvey bit.  Who?  hashtag exactly

    Back in the day, I dreamed of what every gamer dreamed of back then: a real job that would pay for my ridiculously expensive hobby.  Well, I got my wish, and 300 miles I moved to get that money to buy those figs.  To celebrate, I did something I only afforded once before... to travel to and enter Nagash into the Golden Demon '99. 

    And that, my friends, was the last Games Workshop ever heard of me.  In 2008, I found a figurine to paint.  Not GW.  In 2014 or so, I found a guy who wanted to play a tabletop game... wasn't WFB though... Years later, Nagash had been resurrected, and I had a new model to paint and a community to complain to.

    So yeah, 2017 .... "Rage restart"

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