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Everything posted by newsun

  1. Do the rules define what a mount is and how to identify on a warscroll?
  2. I don't know specifically this instance though a few things are to lock units up the turn before and only offer chaff t3. Both can make high tide underwhelming.
  3. I find I'm usually engaging something t1. Just need to remember AoS is all about objectives. It's more important than keeping your troops alive.
  4. 1. Yes still roll to wound 2. Ethereal amulet 3. There really isn't a too many. I run 18 as well. Need some heroes and mages for a few missions so I fill the rest with that
  5. Alpha refers to alpha striking, as in hitting first and hard. Typically this is with the goal of crippling the opponent and putting them on the back foot.
  6. Yeah this is my initial thought as well. Do get two attempts at a protection spell if desired, good mobility, 10w and decent shooting. As I have them built I'll keep play testing to see.
  7. Sisters to make storm rerollable 3+ no rend. I'm still play testing, but it's good combo
  8. I always have seen them mostly for the board control and everything else is gravy.
  9. It's certainly a useful tool for board control. Just keep in mind the better player will ultimately look at what will win them the game and expend troops to do so. It does not matter if you have only 1 guy left on the table if you have more victory points when the game ends.
  10. While this is a nice tactic, it will only work at lower skill levels as higher level play the players will likely realize few wounds worth points that win the game. It's the same in Malifaux when people focus on killing over schemes and strategies.
  11. I would split at least one unit of Ish I'd also consider drop go down to 3x3 Ish and drop one off the 100 point characters for the battalion with a shark
  12. Looking good, like the color choices. From those pictures it looks like maybe a bit more highlighting would really make things pop a bit more.
  13. Really depends on the community. In general there are some times builds are oppressive for others and not fun, the huge beta that deepkin do can be hard to weather, but it's certainly something which can be countered. One way to mitigate this is to swap armies. Sometimes seeing the weaknesses from the other angle can help. Consider this, could you beat your army with their army? Would that requires different units, tactics, or both? Do you guys discuss tactics outside of games? You can try bringing different lists. Remember that both sides want to have fun. Good luck finding that balance of crushing and enjoying for all involved.
  14. Or at least make him the general for better command ability. You only lose out on the command trait.
  15. I suggest moving this to Google sheets. Easier for people to get your changes and share.
  16. What are people mounting their eels on? I still don't trust the gw plastic flying posts.
  17. I think it depends on unit roles. Bale could be shut down and Seadolon has a nice profile too in addition to his magic.
  18. My main problem is I want the Seadolon and this and turtle don't really mix well because of their points.
  19. I think there is more to the scryr than just the ambush. First he lets you deploy 3-4 units off board, allowing you to react to opponents deployment in unique ways. Next he increases charge success probability. Lastly he's a priest for making rituals more likely. Since the charge range buff is 24" he could be harassing another unit while the eels go after the juicy target. There is no reason you need to start him off the board.
  20. Very glad I was leaving a buffer of points in case the leaks were incorrect. This is likely what I'll start with: Volt Seadolon Scryr Tidecaster 1x6 Ish 2x6 Morr 2x5 Heartrenders
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