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Posts posted by MrZakalwe

  1. 1 minute ago, OkayestDM said:

    keep finding myself lamenting their lack of unit variety,

    Weirdly I think they functionally have OK variety in units compared to most factions just because of how radically different they are - you have a specialist defensive infantry, a fast shock cav unit that excels against hordes, a more offensive heavy infantry, and archers.

    Most factions have quite a bit of repetition leading to units that are 'x but better' or 'like x but worse'. I must admit I'm quite disappointed at the lack of a generic warrior hero, though, or a bolt thrower. 


    5 minutes ago, OkayestDM said:

    Good catch, I didn't even think of that! An interesting development that has some fun implications for the continued strain/fracturing going on within the Order GA.

    Here's hoping it's not a typo - I quite like the idea of not being able to just ally in Stormcast to fill weaknesses. 

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  2. On 9/24/2019 at 10:20 AM, XReN said:

    A 3 turn Infinity game of 300 points takes just as much as a game of 2000 points of aos because of it's extensive reaction mechanics, though you only have around 30 models on the table between both players.

    Not when you get used to the rules. Infinity starts slow but it gets much quicker.

  3. 11 hours ago, Double Misfire said:

    It looks like the axed units will still be available to their parent factions, just not as part of Cities of Sigmar allegiance, your army has not been invalidated, and all of the units that didn't get discontinued are getting shiny new warscrolls. Business as usual, everybody wins I guess! 🥳

    If the Skaventide book is anything to go by the units included in the Cities tome will be balanced around the allegiance abilities in there so will be pretty useless outside of it so we'll have to wait and see. 

    In AoS they do have a fondness for making anything not currently being sold absolute trash. 


    I sincerely hope I'm wrong on this one. 

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  4. 2 hours ago, Thiagoma said:

    That Archmage on Dragon is gona shine AND buff your Phoenix. Sounds really evil.

    I would be surprised if we see significant changes to the phoenix warscrolls tbh. 

  5. Playing different armies and setups I've found it to be an interesting mechanic when it's two melee armies facing off against one another but rather poor if either side is shooting heavy. Alternating combat activations can somewhat rob it of it's sting but getting two back to back magic and shooting phases with a 9 Jezzail, caster heavy, Skaven list means I've won. 

    I'd prefer it wasn't there as winning or losing like that off one dice roll really doesn't feel great (even winning feels like ****** when you opponent has obviously had a very bad time). 

    • Like 1
  6. 20 minutes ago, soak314 said:

    I'm of the same outlook: I think the aos core system is one of the farthest things from "ideal competitive wargame system" I've ever seen, but all the game-changing, randomized factors in scenario setup help push it more towards being a very interesting, much more compelling meta where you're tested on your ability to adapt and think on your feet instead of your list's ability to take toy soldiers off the table in the first couple of turns.

    Problem for me with the realm rules is that they don't tend to create a novel tactical situation, they just tend to give one side or the other a massive buff. When they dropped we tested them for a while but didn't have positive results - including one game against Ironjawz with my ranged heavy Mixed Order force where we got a certain Ulgu result which was no fun for either player - so we dropped them. Realm spells and artefacts are nice, though. 

    Random terrain rules were a similar experience - one side getting a bit of magical terrain at the front of their deployment while the other gets a big block of deadly just messed with a game that already has a shed load of RNG in it. 

    I think if the random terrain was done symmetrically it could be awesome because they both players are trying to cope with something similar but that's a fair bit of bother during setup and AoS games already take longer than 40k with current bloat. 

    Edit: but yeah at this stage you would have to ply realm spells and artefacts from our cold, dead hands. 

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  7. My win condition is to keep the archers going for a couple of turns- at that points level if they don't get shut down quickly the other guy runs out of models. 

    Though it's not optimal the logic on the third unit of spearmen was as follows:

    1) Nastier stuff will explode a unit of 10 pretty much instantly but aside from double turns I should get a chance to nuke the thing that killed them (30 archers with Stand Your Ground + Storm of Arrows + Seadrake Pennant put out more than 45 no rend wounds on average in one shooting phase so it's pretty much just Morathi and Stormcast Invulnerodrakes that aren't affraid of them) - three units gives me three chances to block things. 

    2) Later in the slowgrow I'll need three battleline units so I may as well get the little buggers painted now :D

    3) I didn't really have anything else that fit neatly into the 90 point hole they leave. 

    I'm trying to go pure Aelves with the exception of the Ballistas because there's quite a few nurgle players and losing three Eagleclaw crews to an allegiance ability at the start of battleround one, once was enough (really frustrating, as I'm sure you can imagine). 

    As long as the crew can be separately targeted cannons/boltthrowers/organ guns are pretty much useless. 

  8. 11 hours ago, soak314 said:


    Have you tried KT arena and underworlds?


    Necromunda is love, Necromunda is life but it requires a really good group to make it work :)

    Tried KT arena and it was quite fun (though I got slaughtered as my KT wasn't optimised for the close confines of an arena battlezone) - will be playing more of it - Shadespire lost me with the card mechanic and how you go about remaining competitive (seems to combine the worst aspects of a CCG with a miniature game). 

    There's some good stuff there but Infinity is just head and shoulders above them. 40k/AoS sort out my larger scale games and to stay on topic I have a Meeting Engagements list I want to try that has two War Hydras in it- unless people bring a serious heavy hitter I think the Hydra will present quite a challenge in ME. Will report back.

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  9. 1 hour ago, Dead Scribe said:

    As I recall there were a few people against the horde discount and had said that those units were already strong due to their buffs and that making them cheaper would just make them always-takes that would walk in OP-land, but they were shut down pretty hard by the community.

    I think that's because the vast majority of them weren't a problem. 

    Before the horde bonuses there was only a couple of units in the game that you took in non-minimum sized units .

    The massive unit reduction as a general system is decent in that it means you sometimes see big units - rather than MSU all day every day like before - but that doesn't mean they didn't mess up with the costs on some units. 

     The Verminlord Warpseer had it's cost increased at least as much as any Massive Regiment (and for good reason, at 260 it was gross while at 300 it's probably still undercosted).

  10. On 7/3/2019 at 1:32 AM, Inquisitorsz said:

    I'd be interested to hear which skirmish games you think are better. 

    Infinity for me and it's pretty big in my area- my skirmish itch is easy to scratch around here and when you've got used to Infinity other skirmish games tend to feel like poorly balanced messes.

    It's worth growing in your area if you can.

    • Like 1
  11. That alpha strike with a DoK swarm to take and hold objectives sounds like a pretty good combo tbh. Order Draconis is a one trick pony but rather good at that trick.



    Starting a slow grow tomorrow with my Highborn at 750 - not a great list but I think it's about the best I can do with Highborn. Lack of unbinds is going to sting. 


    Seawarden on foot (with flag),

    10 Highborn Spearmen

    10 Highborn Spearmen

    10 Highborn Spearmen

    30 Highborn Archers.

    1 Celestar Ballista 

  12. 8 hours ago, soak314 said:

    Is it possible to ally Miners in to a Dispossessed list or am I going to have to go GA order to use em?

    In theory you need to be GA: Order but outside of a tournament it's unlikely anybody will say no to you allying them in  - the AoS community honestly isn't that bad. 

  13. 2 minutes ago, novakai said:

    not really true, since spamming over a hundred plague monks with a furnance seems to be also strong 

    But they couldn't compete with the Verminlord spam lists nor could it compete with Gristlegore triple threat lists. 

    They were a strong list but not the strongest way to play Skaven.

    So sorry dude, it really is true. Daughters of Khaine are basically the only meta side where the horde is the core of the army rather than something you throw in to screen for behemoths. 
    1 side and 1 off build do not a horde meta make. 

    • Like 1
  14. 17 hours ago, Smooth criminal said:

    Well, you're in luck, because in 2019 game rapidly went into direction of monster mash meta. Aside from some obvious horde factions like gobbos and skaven (and even they can bring some overtuned monsters).

    Even Skaven haven't been a horde army since the rework. 

    Successful skaven lists normally involved minimum battle line and then spammed verminlords and endless spells. They were a monster mash super elite side with some battleline chaff for screening if you wanted to be competitive until yesterday, who knows what they are now. Either way a horde side they weren't (is it honestly a horde army if it maxes behemoths and has less than 70 models total?). 

    15 hours ago, prochuvi said:

    Yes hordes are overpower and the blame is the battleplans.


    Easy fix:


    Huge buffs to heros and moreover to heros witouth auras or command skills(as grimwrath berzerkers)

    Huge buffs to behemots or delete the stupid degrading stats

    Changue every battleplans of number of models to control objetives to number of wounds so behemoths and elites have a chance

    The top tables have recently been dominated by lists that have 3 or 4 behemoths (FEC and Skaven) while Hedonites of Slaanesh even get a buy two get one free deal on Keepers of Secrets :D

    Hordes are so ridiculously OP that... they tend to be a support element to Behemoth spam.

    • Like 1
  15. 44 minutes ago, Ceranidian said:

    What's everyone's thoughts on the Repeater Bolt Throwers? 

    They are great until you face people who can drop mortals around the place- the Stormcast comet will basically remove your arty blob if you cluster it and if you don't there's little point in bringing the buff heroes. 36" range matters a lot less than it once did. 

    I had three crews killed by the Nurgle Allegiance ability before the start of turn 1 (for full disclosure it two crews were killed and one was reduced to 1 dude) and from that day on I ran them as Stormcast Ballistas for that sweet, sweet 7w profile. for 10 less points. 

  16. On 7/5/2019 at 9:04 AM, EMMachine said:

    The main problem is that Factions can only ally with units that have specific Keywords when they have an Allylist and Compendium units lost those Keywords years ago.

    If you want to play the Knights of Order you have to play Order Allegiance instead of Free People Allegiance.

    He's asking why they made that decision, not what the decision was.

    Basically the AoS team seem to get angry at the thought of people using old models and like to punish that behaviour wherever they can. 

  17. 9 minutes ago, Qrow said:

    My solution would be simple, GW just needs to stop giving out large bubbles that ignore battlshock to every army that gets a 2.0 battletome. Make CPs important to use defensively so that you need to pick what unit doesn't take a battleshock test, instead of "I'll use one CP to ignore all battleshock for units within 26".

    Skaven and DoK horde army compositions would be much easier to deal with if they didn't ignore the mechanism already in the base game that is supposed to make running hordes a risk/reward dilemma.

    That said, while I really would like to see battleshock become an important phase of the game again, I don't really have to much of an issue with the horde meta in AoS. I think those armies are popular and high performing for reasons other than their use of horde units

    Issue is that without such a mechanism then nobody uses large blocks as the design choice to have damage carry over between models means big units just explode.

    The only sides that tend to have units larger than 20 either have a mechanism for ignoring battleshock or one for recycling units and those tend to be beaten by Verminlord spam Skaven (competitive Skaven isn't currently a horde army and tends to have a maxed out behemoth count) or Gristlegore behemoths that have a decent stab at killing 40 dudes without needing to rely on battleshock anyway.

    Personally I think it's quite nice to see armies that deviate from the 'minimum number of minimum strength battleline + monsters' theme. 

    • Like 2
  18. On 7/4/2019 at 3:45 PM, dekay said:

    sters got themselves a friend to protect. Namely mounted Archmage [on an angry unicorn]. Again, bonus point for recognising all the kits he got his parts from ; )

    Love this army to bits- the theme and execution is fantastic.

    On the model I see Aelf chariot horse body, glade rider horse head, glade rider legs, maybe an Annointed of Asuryan cloak? Can't see too closely at that angle but I think it's either that or the dark rider one with a bit of greenstuff. 

    Very nice model and do you mind me asking where you sources the unicorn horn? Looks rather nice and I'm thinking of converting myself an Enchantress of Unicorn for my mixed order army (generally starved of convincing casters and at 160 points she's usable). 

  19. The models and the story-line (even if it was dropped).

    The High Elves were split up by their gods in the End Times and perished with the others but that's where the story gets interesting.

    With the creation of the realms and the rebirth of the Aelves they spread across the newly created mortal realms and prospered, eventually Tyrion and Teclis returned and rejoiced at discovering their kin recreated. The returned gods recounted the glories of old. New kingdoms were raised in the image of what once was and thus began the Highborn's last golden age.

    The rest is supposition but it's based on where T&T weren't and what they didn't do, and the logical consequences of this.

    The Age of Chaos was to end this- as enclave after enclave, land after land fell, those that remained realised too late that they had been abandoned, they had gods but none that would aid them when they needed it most. When the hordes of chaos crushed the glittering kingdoms created in the image of remembered glory Tyrion and Teclis were nowhere to be seen.

    Those that fled to Azyr were all that would survive. 

    Long ages the gates of Azyr remained closed while Sigmar and Grungni forged the Stormhosts, the remnants of the Highborn splintered and searched for other powers- some turned to the Ur-Phoenix, pledging their lives and souls to something they do not understand - and after joining can never question, while others formed martial cults around the icons of the past (the white lions, and the dragon lords) but none of these are the actions of a people that believe they have a future. 

    With the reopening of the gates and the realmgate wars the various cults and factions of the Aelves travelled with them and then came the next great neglect from their gods. Teclis desperate to recreate the Aelves of old spawned the deepkin before turning from them like he did from the Highborn.

    So that's where it leaves the Aelves in the mortal realms at the current stage of the story, these wouldn't be the glittering hosts of the old world, arrogant and used to fighting from a position of overwhelming superiority -instead the Aelves of this age would be a desperate and broken revenant of their former glory clinging to existence andf trying to claw a future out where they can. But ultimately they are the same Asur of old, the speed, might, and arcane prowess but pushed to the wall and forced to make difficult choices, and drawing power from sources best left well alone.


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