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Posts posted by J.J

  1. I suppose it's slightly underwhelming for any AoS players expecting a new/the next battletome reveal, but honestly GW do so many events and announcements now that I feel that could come at any time. As for announcements as a whole, I'm really excited!

    - The contrast paints look amazing, particularly excites me as an Imperial Fists collector, but also because I've been using the wash over white technique on my slayers - so I feel prepped to go already!

    - Yeah, we don't know how the Warcry minis will work in AoS yet, but I'm sure they've mentioned they'll all translate to the game. I'm choosing to hope that these are all super versatile kits that will somehow all band together into a lovely Darkoath battletome, so I'll finally have use for that Archaon I probably shouldn't have bought on a whim...

    - I'm actually mega excited about the Lion. With the little teaser in the Hedonites tome (below), I'm hyping myself up to believe this little guy is part of a new faction I'm calling Teclis & Tyrion's Angel Force™ and I couldn't be more excited. I'm definitely not building myself up for Slaanesh Mortals levels of disappointment... nope.



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  2. 9 hours ago, angrycontra said:

    Funnily enough, one of my list is almost exactly identical (just few minor differences). One thing though, runefather should be your general, not runesmiter, otherwise you won't have enough battleline (runemaster makes aurics battleline, not smiter). 

    Anyway, what I do different on my list is that instead of battlesmith artifact, I have droth-helm for runesmiter on magma and I plan to run both of my magmas as this duo team acting as a sort of "quick response unit". Also don't forget 2nd magmadroth trait from battalion (if you run both magmas together, that save reroll of 1 is pretty nice choice).

    Thanks for pointing all of that out! I've not even got the army assembled yet so I've not even had them on the table. Eager to give this a whirl and try out some of the different artifacts - I'll let you know how it goes when I do.

  3. Hey all,

    Was looking for some feedback on my list. I'm looking at taking it to a local competitive tournament later in the year and I want to start getting prepped, painted and practised!



    Plenty of wounds, plenty of shooting and good armour buffs but really lacking on bodies. I wanted to dodge the 30 H.Berzerker blob (as good as it is) and use something a bit more varied. I was tempted to ditch the H.Zerkers all-together for 20 more vulkites and the fyrewall, but I think I'd lack killing power. Thoughts?

  4. 9 hours ago, angrycontra said:

    - vulkites (in your turn) can charge gristlegore general, activate their berserker fury ability, use hermdar lodge ability to pile in first, and then when they die, they pile in again.

    Sorry if this has already been answered, but can the "Skull-breakers and Oath-takers" ability be used more than once in a turn as long as it's on different units? It seems like you can. If so it seems incredibly good and Hermdar might be my competitive pick!

  5. The disappointment is shared fault for sure - you shouldn't get yourself excited over something you've fabricated but GW have also set a bit of a precedent with the other Chaos army releases. I'm disappointed because I don't like the current set of Slaanesh daemons (bar the KoS), but remembering Sigvald and old Warhammer fiction that touched upon Slaanesh warriors got me more than a little excited. But, now there is little hope we'll see anything of that sort until they get a new book a few years down the line.

    These splinter arguments going on are a little weird. Why would it matter how strong the army is? People just wanted a wider model range.

    Time for me to go back to getting excited about a potential StD/Darkoath release instead... so I can be disappointed about that too 😄

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    • Haha 1
  6. Sorry if I'm a bit late to the party on this one, but figured it might be rumour-worthy!

    I was looking at buying the little plastic grot shaman a week or so ago and it was on the UK webstore. Having looked today it's no longer there at all, no non-moonclan grot units are either and any/every old Greenskin model has disappeared. Only Ironjawz, Bonesplitterz or models used in the new Gloomspite book are still there under destruction. I'm sure this fell outside of the made-to-order promotion too. A hint at an upcoming tome maybe?


    An ever hopeful Ironjawz player

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  7. I'll give the above list a try and see how I get on, using his voice on himself and seeing how much damage he can do before being picked apart. With it being against Stormcast I just have to hope he survives the trip across the table.

    The Warboss on boar looks great, problem is after looking they seem near impossible to get hold of at the moment. How come the Weirdnob has fallen so far out of favour in comparison? From a cursory glance the Fungoid only seems good for the potential command point, whereas the Weirdnob's Foot of Gork spell looks like it'll almost always cast on an 8 and can be devastating.

  8. Hey all,

    I was wondering if there was a reasonably competitive way to run Gordrakk in a list as I don't see him getting much love here. I realise he is pretty squishy in comparison to the cabbages with access to Ironclad and relics, but was trying to figure out a way to get him to the table.

    Allegiance: Ironjawz - Mortal Realm: Aqshy

    Gordrakk the Fist of Gork (580) 

    General Orruk Megaboss (140)
    Artefact : Thermalrider Cloak

    Orruk Weirdnob Shaman (120)
    Artefact : The Boss Skewer

    5 x Orruk Brutes (180) - Pair of Brute Choppas - 1 x Gore Choppas
    5 x Orruk Brutes (180) - Pair of Brute Choppas - 1 x Gore Choppas
    3 x Orruk Gore Gruntas (140) - Pig-iron Choppas
    3 x Orruk Gore Gruntas (140) - Pig-iron Choppas
    20 x Orruk Ardboys (320) - 12 x Pair of Choppas or Smashas - 8 x Choppa or Smasha & Shields

    Ironfist (180)

    More of a little tester in a local campaign before I try and force Gordrakk to a tournament of any kind (I realise that I have no Warchanters in there...) - If anyone has had any success with the big guy please give me your suggestions!

  9. Wow, thank you for such a comprehensive and detailed response, it's a massive help!

    I'll certainly be looking into getting some start collecting boxes, a Maw-Krusha and some Brutes. Love the look at a couple of the lists posted, I'd go Grunta heavy if the things weren't quite so pricey!

    No more questions for now as I think you've covered everything I can think of, I'll keep reading the conversations in here and likely post up in a couple of months when I've managed to get some games in!

  10. Hey all!

    While I'm not new to AoS, I'm rather new to Destruction and have very little experience with AoS2. Even though there seems to be negativity by the bucket over the last few pages of this thread, I was looking at investing in Ironjawz as my next army and was looking for some beginners advice!

    Where is the best place to start? I assume the start collecting box is a good jumping off point, but I always get new-army paralysis when it comes to assembling and I'm not 100% sure on which equipment to take on my units. I'd also love to know what some of the more competitive builds are. While I'm not after copying the hottest lists shown online, I am hoping to use the army to attend a few local tournaments in 2019 and (fingers crossed) have a fighting chance - so any lists that have done well in the new edition will certainly get my cogs turning in terms of what I'd like to build.

  11. A lot of people would argue that Sylvaneth aren't an Aelf faction, with them having none of the keywords, but I can see what you mean.

    I agree - Death and Destruction could do with some fleshing out, but that has never stopped them being ignored in favour of Order (or Stormcast) so far. So I could completely see them pushing more Order armies out in the next year or two, especially when the old world Aelfs are still so splintered as a faction.

  12. I may have missed some discussion earlier in this thread, but what are people's thoughts on us seeing the rumoured "light" and "shadow" Aelves any time soon? Signs seem to be pointing at GW being done with Aelves for now, but I'm really hankering to see my favourite brothers back in the game.

  13. "The second type of Namarti, the Namarti Reavers, will be out in the next few weeks with a kit of their own."

    "Make sure to keep an eye out for the Namarti Raiders in the coming weeks, too!"

    The article is about Namarti Thralls, so have I missed/misunderstood something or is there another type of Namarti we don't know about yet?

    ^ Posted this over in the Idoneth chat, looks like this melee unit are the Thralls and we know about the bowmen.

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  14. 10 hours ago, Binabik15 said:

    Any ideas what the sharks could use as rules for captured skysharks in a KO list?

    Possibly a bit too small to be a Gunhauler... Could possibly use them as an allied Gyrocopter/bomber? 

    Then loot yourself a turtle, strap some balloons to it and you have a frigate!

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