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Posts posted by etlm1987

  1. 37 minutes ago, Ironbreaker said:

    It looks like my Dispossessed army is getting squated and I am looking for a new army. Try to sell Seraphon to me. Why should I buy them? 

    - Seraphon is very competitive in the meta right now

    - The army has a great range of models, namely the big dinos

    - You are able to play lots of different styles with them, from a heavy shooting list, or one that has high damage in melee from ripperdactyls deep striking 

    - You are the most mobile army in the game 

    - it’s one of the hardest but most rewarding armies to play

    - oh dinosaurs riding dinosaurs 




  2. On 6/23/2019 at 3:56 AM, Bryan I Guess said:

    So with the points shifting and the guaranteed teleport is it better to save 80 points and build a thunderquake with one engine and two Stegadons(as compared to a traditional one Stegadon one Bastiladon) ? Seems pretty scary to teleport two big beasties and with their alpha move almost guarantee the charge.

    I always prefer one bastiladon for 2 reasons, 1) it can tarpit really well/ take out a major melee threat, 2) in a meta with a lot of top armies being chaos demons it’s got the best shooting vs them.

    in an “activation wars” meta I think two stegadons is setting yourself up to lose against all the top tier melee armies.

  3. Do any of you tournament going players play stormcast allies? I am thinking  about picking up a unit of 5 evocaters or 10-15 sequitors to serve as a hammer. It seems evocaters seem like the best bet so far because of their versatility ( extra dispels and guaranteed MW output).

    I've also found that (from the 2 games I've playtested) that the skink starpriest has become super important for dealing with hordes. Having the ability to remove 1/3rd of a horde with a spell has been super important against LoN and Skaventide...

    I still think Thunderquake has been the way to go... torn on using kroxis over razordons but I think Kroxis in larger units are the way to go?



  4. 2 hours ago, PJetski said:

    Guaranteed teleports, unlimited range dispels, buffed up command traits, and the battalions are much better than they were before. Aside from the nerfs to Razordons and Salamanders, Seraphon just keep getting better an dbetter.

    Guaranteed teleports are huge. Opens up our toolbox what we can do with the skink alpha move allowed to us with steggys

    • Like 2
  5. So we get point increases on all our good units while our unplayable units get slight reductions.... thanks GW.....

    I mean we need like 100% more skill to beat Skaven or FEC or DoK but yeah let’s jack up the points while a max unit of witch elves gets +30 points....

    I’m just so frustrated at this GHB

    • Like 2
  6. On 4/1/2019 at 12:06 PM, Heaven_lord said:

    Hey, I will probably jump into Seraphons with the adepticon winning list. But I do not know what to buy for mandatory sumonning units ... anys tips?

    Thanks !

    I have 100 skinks I bring with me - I usually field 50-70 and need at least 20 but to be safe 30 for reserve summoning. Also I would argue it’s good to have some combination of rippers, razordons and bastiladons in your reserves. When it comes to summoning these units are really great in certain situations so it’s nice having a toolbox

  7. So I’ve been playing a lot of AOS competitive lists lately and I think I’ve come upon the most competitive list I can think of  - I need to play test it but it’s something like this:


    slann starmaster x1    General       260

    artefact- incandescent retricies

    Trait - great rememberer


    saurus astrolith bearer                     160

    engine of the gods                                 220

    engine of the gods                                 220

    engine of the gods                                220


    skinks ( all pipes and shields)

    10x                                                    60

    10x                                                    60

    10x                                                    60

    30x                                                      180

    30x                                                      180

    rippers x 6                                       280

    Razordon                                        60

    Endless spells - balewind vortex x 40


    1980/ 2000

    Plan to test it against nurgle, dOK hordes and LoN with reaper blobs 


    will give bat reps soon 


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