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Posts posted by Envyus

  1. 4 hours ago, KriticalKhan said:

    Regarding Kruleboyz, if they were getting their own book, why would GW be so coy about it? Why refer to a completely separate battletome every time just because the loophole in the rules lets you bring them together? Why wouldn't they just say they're getting their own book?

    Every sign we've seen points to them being a Warclans expansion. I get that's a worst-case-scenario for a lot of people, but believing otherwise just seems like denial.

    They are making it pretty clear that Kruleboyz are part of Warclans. Though I don't see why that would be a bad thing. If anything it's good because the other Orruks would get updated alongside them. 

  2. 1 hour ago, Grotbag Scuttlers When said:

    I understand that the red is supposed to be there to provide visual contrast, but it's incredibly weird that Kruleboyz they take their time to paint their shields when they don't even bother to tailor some basic clothes. People said the same about Ironjaws, but at least those boyz took a lot of pride in their armour. 

    The Ironjawz actually punch their armour into shape they consider it just like fighting. Ard Boys are considered wannabe by the proper ones cause they had to forge the armour instead of forcing it into shape.

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  3. 11 minutes ago, Ganigumo said:

    The BL change baffles me. Why didn't they just take out the requirement to kill a model and have killing a model/hero still enable hit rerolls?


    Beastlord seems better other then no longer rerolling his own hits. As he no longer needs to use a command ability. 

  4. 16 hours ago, Nightseer2012 said:

    It seems odd to me, they mention how much certain rules improve, but make no effort to mention the limitations on some of the rules they are lauding.  Not talking about how Invigorating Aura doesn't stack, for instance (and is really bad in an army of lvl 1 wizards), or that they limited the use of Deathly Invocation (previously IoN) to ONCE per turn, and made the range smaller on TOP of making it wholly within the smaller range.  Or talking about how Endless Legions.  They say it is awesome to not need your general, because now you can just summon up your unit anywhere.


    Deathly Invocation can be used as many times as you have sumonable units to heal. It's limited to healing the same unit, but you have other ways to heal them as well. Endless Legions is way better then it used to be. You can just get lots of free units. 

  5. 2 minutes ago, FeralMulan said:

    Lore of Vampires is objectively terrible. I made a post earlier breaking it down, but to summarise here:


     - Blades of Shysish: each unit nearby takes max 1 MW, and only on an extra roll. Pass.

     - Spirit Gale: Actually decent, but again, relies on an extra roll AFTER casting, and can be useless into certain armies

     - Soulspike: Again, extra roll rider based on your enemy's roll - just random chance on top of random chance to MAYBE do MW, IF and only if they charge and do it well
     - Pinions - pretty good, but cannot benefit from our cool magic ability. Why.

     - Vile Transference: Utter garbage. I hope I don't have to explain this one.

     - Amethyst Orb: This one can be good, but relies a lot on positioning: be in the right place at the right time. Still, probably the second best of the bunch.


    None of the spells feel like they add anything to the theme of the army, almost all of them have extra riders once you managed to cast them, and on top of that, most of our vampires only have 1 spell, which in a lot of games they'll likely need for the new healing spells. Hard pass.

    So yeah I disagree with you pretty heavily.  It's a lore for dealing damage, And is something Vampires will use if they don't need to heal a unit that turn. Also remember any time a caster gets a 9+ the spell goes off again. 

    -Blades of Shyish: Easy to Cast Spell that deals 1 mortal wound in a wide area. If the Vamp is in the middle of a large group of enemies units it can be helpful to weaken them. It's just some extra weakening. 

    -Spirit Gale: A spell that depends on who you are fighting. It should be taken based on that. 

    -Soulspike: A pretty useful spell that can hurt combat heroes pretty hard. They have to also decide if they want to risk potentially dying if they charge.

    -Pinions: It's a good spell.

    -Vile Transference: The weakest spell, intended to heal the caster if they are fighting big monsters. It should probably deal damage too at least. 

    -The Orb: Honestly it's just a pretty good spell.

    So overall I don't agree the Lore of Vampires is bad. Particularly if the spells go off twice. 

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  6. 47 minutes ago, AngryPanda said:

    With these point values, my guess is that it’s going to be a solid battletomb. Nagash getting a point increase sucks, but looking at the other units in the army, there are definitely going to be some decent lists. 

    I am assuming tons of things are going to go up in points. Given that we are using 5s now. 

  7. 54 minutes ago, Aeryenn said:


    Kavalos Deathriders 10 points cheaper than Blood Knights with better save, higher damage, able to heal themselves, able to move out of 3" without penalty, mortal wounds on the move, possible to set up anywhere on the battlefield and able to upgrade upon killing something. Imagine them if they were 20 points more expensive. 😮

    you should rephrase that, I thought you were talking about Death Riders. having a better Save and damage. 

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  8. 30 minutes ago, King Under the Mountain said:

    In the Grungi/Grombrindal debate, going off the plot synopsis given it definitely sounds more like Grombrindal (although I would personally prefer if it was Grungi), this is of course subject to change in the full version.

    If it is indeed Grombrindal, the question becomes why the heck is Be'lakor is so frightened of what is presumably just a powerful ancestral spirit.   I would figure Be'lakor to be a weight class or two above him in power.  I guess the presumed answer is that Grombrindal is somehow a lot more powerful then I was lead to believe.  

    Excited to see how the develops. 

    Pretty sure it's Grungni as Be'lakor would be nervous around him. 

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