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Posts posted by Envyus

  1. On 10/16/2019 at 2:48 AM, Emmetation said:

    You can be a Battlemage and choose Shyish as your Lore of Magic, so in that regard you can do "good" necromancers. Depends on how everyone else views you! Shades of grey are always more interesting than straight good and evil.

    Well Shyish is not actually Necromancy. It tends to be anti undead in practice. Nagash created Necromancy by corrupting the Wind of Death with Dark Magic. Which is why Necromancers are so creepy looking cause of all the Dark Magic they use. 

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  2. 5 hours ago, Kirjava13 said:

    @Kraxriketall your units must have a clan keyword in order to gain that clan's battleline restrictions. All your units. So if you fancy allying in some Blightkings... well, now not all your units have the Pestilens keyword, and you can't take Plague Monks as battleline.

    We don't know that. We have not seen the book and the guy that reviewed may have just not clarified that allies don't count. 

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  3. Thanquol needs his Warpfire throwers toned down however. 2d6 mortal wounds for free is a bit too strong.

    His unique spell needs an upgrade too. (Maybe dealing d3 mortal wounds to all enemy units in a line maybe, D6 wounds if they are skaven units in the way.) 

    It would reflect his habit of getting his minions killed, while making more than just Arcane Bolt but worse. 


  4. 11 hours ago, xking said:

    Also if they were going to retcon the Seraphon lore, They would have did it when they made ageofsigmar.com site, which came out when they started AoS2.  

    I think they already did. A malign portents story features a Skink leading members of his temple ship into action, with details showing they come out of the Spawning pools in the ship like they did in fantasy. And them saying their Slann is inactive so they have to take action without the input of the Slann. 

    In fact from the sound of it, the summoning is just the Slann teleporting them down from their ships. 

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  5. On 1/18/2019 at 10:25 AM, Overread said:

    Daughters of Khaine are not evil! I assure you all those hearts are donated freely by the weak, the meek, the feeble and the fallen in battle! It's not the fault of the sisters that many in the Mortal Realms are just not as gifted as those who follow Khaine. 


    Interestingly I see DoK and Idoneth as closer to neutral than pure evil, yet both forces are capable of more evil acts than many order factions. Idoneth are just soul-vampires (essentially) who are also somewhat shunned, hated, feared and also very cautious themselves in how they hide up. 

    Whilst DoK are mostly just obsessed with the simplistic concept of survival of the fittest in terms of strength and skill in battle. And hearts, or at least the queens like hearts a lot.

    The Idoneth are more neutral I would say, as they do whats needed for their survival and feel bad about it.

    The DoK are just straight up evil. They worship the God of Murder and their Queen is evil and treacherous as are the Daughters themselves. 

  6. 11 minutes ago, xking said:

    The Knights Excelsior  are the exception, not the norm for stormcast. For Space Marines empathy for normal people is the exception not the norm. (In the 40k time point)                                                                                                The Hammers of Sigmar, the hallowed Knights, the astral Templars, The Tempest Lords, the celestial warbringers, the anvils of the heldenhammer etc. The majority of stormhost wont to go on a genocide Rampage and attack citizens.  

    I know, but there is variance is all I am saying. 

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  7. 4 hours ago, Nos said:

    Interesting political commentary in their respective designs which speak a lot of the context in which they were created as well .

    Space Marines were envisioned by a very left wing set of individuals openly critical of the 80’s regimes of Neocons. The idea being that the future they foresaw would be so awful that even the good guys would be genocidal fascists fanatical to upholding the political status quo. It’s simultaneously a very tounge in cheek vision which is also nonetheless  very angry. Space Marines are by any standard utterly abhorrent in their treatment of everything. 

    Its interesting with the Stormcast because Sigmar is still pretty analogous to the Emperor as an absolutist figure who is far more convinced by value expressed through form and purpose than by respect for choice and free will. But while the Stormcast are portrayed as utterly loyal to Sigmar there’s considerably less dogmatism. They have a purpose which they serve but they seem less interested in interpretating protection as genocide and the like. There are genuine good guys in the ranks of the Stormcast and there is a tragedy and tension in respect to the past lives they have lost. They are recognisably connected to humanity and fighting for a better future for it.

    Space marines fight only for the Emperor and exterminate everything they believe is an impediment to that which is humanity as much as it is anything else.

    As a military ideal as you say they’re very recognisably cut from the same cloth. But Stormcast are quite different in their interpretation as to what purity and duty entail. 

    The strongest connection between the two I think is the pre Heresy legions of the original Primarchs. At that level they’re pretty much inseparable.

    Note quite. There are actually quite  a bit of variance in the Space Marine between the groups of them and Heroes can be found among them.  

    The Stormcast likewise have variance, some are just as dogmatic and ruthless as the worst Space Marine chapters. The Knights Excelsior for example are really no better than what they fight, Killing  people just for witnessing their battles, being sick or defending the sick. A short story showed one of their leaders stating he was willing to torture and burn every resident of a town to discover the vampire within. 

  8. 43 minutes ago, Infernalslayer said:

    That teasing with the "Gift of Morghur" ability..

    Boy what would i give for a huge "ascended" Morghur plastic kit , greater daemon style!!

    There is also the fact that the group that gets it is called the Gavespawn.

    And Morghur's title is "The Shadowgave."


    Anyway really happy to see Beasts all merged back into one faction.

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  9. 6 hours ago, shinros said:

    Yup Nagash was a mad cackling necromancer. When he made her undead she sort of just sat there. Then he killed her to break the covenant. He was bitter that he was forced to become a priest and the fact his brother sucked as king. He only developed naunce in times of legend sigmar when he has killed off most of his humanity and emotions. Honestly his origin book series was not all that good the author seemed like he prefered writing other characters. (After the first book he focused more on skaven.)

    One common compliant that there are not enough chapters dealing with the actual character and he made some lore mistakes.

    I don't his brother sucked as King and it was more that was Nagash's justification for wanting to usurp him and take what he viewed as rightfully his.

  10. Nagash's view of Order is simply control. As the core book says. Nagash wants it so that everything down do someone's eye blinking is under his control, as his megalomania has long passed his sanity.

    One of the first things Nagash ever did when he created Necromancy was murder his brothers wife who he lusted for and animate her as an undead doll that would do what ever he wanted. 

  11. 9 hours ago, xking said:

    I finished the book, It was alright. I Liked "Overlords of the Iron Dragon" and "Eight Lamentations: Spear of Shadows" more.

    I feel like Glymmsforge is both too low-fanstasy and under powered.  Glymmsforge did not give me a sense of awe or wonder like say Shu’gohl or the Living City would. Ultimately to me Glymmsforge was boring, while at the same time, life in the city is  more interesting then the death stuff. 

    I was not at all sympathetic with death, they sounded no different then the Nurgle worshippers who talk about how benevolent and awesome Nurgle is and how good it is to be infected with plague.

    I did like Balthas, one of the best stormcast Characters. Behind Vandus Hammerhand, Gardus and Hamilcar Bear-Eater.  Hamilcar is the best!

    It makes sense Balthas is a good character. Cause he was a good character before he was a Stormcast. The fact he has so much history behind him as Balthasar Gelt pretty much makes him the current best stormcast. (Not a huge fan of Vandus he is pretty basic and boring, plus his new name is lamer then his old one.) 


    And it makes sense Glymmsforge is not amazing, It's not a major metropolis or anything. Of course stuff like the living city would be more impressive. But it does not need to be super impressive.  If every Order city or town was on par with stuff like the Living City, there would be nothing special about them.

  12. Nagash is right that turning everyone into Undead is probably the only way to permanently destroy chaos, but that is no better then chaos winning.

    Nagash from minute one even back in the old world was a cruel and evil Tyrant that is not doing any of this for the greater good just for his own power. Nagash is no better then the Chaos Gods and outright plans to usurp them. 


    I like Nagash and his armies, but he is a pure villain and there is nothing grey about him or good about his point. 

  13. Oh the Made to Order stuff. I can't for the life of me understand why they discontinued Gorbad there.

    Like he fits in really well with the current Orc line, it just makes no sense to me that they kept this Orc Warboss.




    Yet this much better looking Orc Warboss was discontinuedPUlRRBG.jpg.


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