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Posts posted by AshCrow

  1. 1 hour ago, Pyrescribe said:

    If I recall the entire Vanari path is the Tyrionic martial system. Am I mistaken?

    As Aelfric said, they are citizen warriors (though their command structure is Tyrionic). I expect Tyrion to be part of their next release alongside one of his temple equivalents. More precisely, I expect the next release to include the vanari chariots and scouts mentioned in the battletome (since they are the only units described there that weren't present in the first or second waves) aswell as an updated version of Phoenix Temple that brings their designs closer to the Lumineth design language and adds them to the army. There's a lot of things pointing at it, between the lore of the Ur-Phoenix itself (it being a Hyshian godbeast with elves of every realm making pilgrimage there to visit its shrines) aswell as phoenixes being a symbol used over and over to represent Tyrion (as you can see in several Vanari units aswell as the standard of the bannerblade that shows a phoenix on the tyrionic side as the counterpart of Celennar in the teclian side). After that, I assume the second will be dragon related, as the battletome has several dragons scattered over its art and the old High Elf nomenclature of Moon, Sun and Star dragons fits perfectly with Lumineth's themes and naming conventions.

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  2. 7 minutes ago, JPjr said:

    And I'd love news of a AoS campaign book, something's brewing in Chamon and I think we might get something along those lines.

    I'd be a lot more excited about these things if GW stopped cutting pages from their translated books. I want to read the story of the campaign books and cutting a 100 pages doesn't make it easy.

  3. 6 hours ago, RuneBrush said:

    Morning folks!

    Thought this was the best place to post this up.  I've been away at the HH Weekender this weekend and although not an AoS event, am able to provide a bit of feedback on a few FW things.

    First off, the way Forge World provides items for AoS and 40k has been changed.  There is no longer a dedicated team of people creating content for the two game systems.  Instead the rules elements now is being handled by the appropriate design studio.  This is a fairly recent change from the seem of it (within the last month or so).  What does this mean for us?  Nobody yet knows, we never saw what the old team were capable of as it only existed for a few months.  However, the change should help to ensure that future warscrolls have more consistency, but could equally change what we see being produced and may mean some of the interesting items (like multi faction keywords) may never come to fruition.

    Secondly, we've seen our first "Ruinstorm Daemon" as an exclusive base for Sanguinius and it looks amazing.  To surmise, Ruinstorm Daemons are basically "generic daemons", they don't fit into the chaos alignment as we understand it.  Why am I telling you this?  Because the new daemons are going to be rife to be integrated into our existing Chaos (or similar ;)) armies as champions and heroes!

    Lastly Warhammer Fest is happening at the Richo again on the 11th & 12th of May.  Speaking to the gent organising it (and the Weekender), its having "revolutionary" changes - what they are is anybodies guess, however with 8 Games Days under his belt and seeing how well the majority of the Weekender went I'm really looking forward to it.  I just need to work out what GD entries to do ;)

    As a StD player, I'd love the idea of getting our own kind of daemons we can summon and the desing of the one in Sanguinius' base is fantatic. I really hope GW makes at least a couple of units for them.

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  4. 33 minutes ago, bsharitt said:

    We got no Nighthaunt or Legions of Nagash terrain(though LoN got a terrain type rule with grave sites, so I could see a kit for those one day). I think everyone else got something terrainish last year, except Daughters of Khaine, though the Avatar is sort of terrainish.

    In the second Stormcast podcast, the designer of the BoC mentioned they were planning on releasing apiece of terrain for every army moving forward.

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  5. 44 minutes ago, Overread said:

    I just noticed that with this release Grand Alliance Death becomes the first to have all their currently advertised armies with a new Battletome! Of course this assumes GW doesn't release another tome or recombine models or unleash something new. However it means that Grand Alliance Death is now the most up to date in the whole game! 

    Chaos and Destruction hot on its heels with Order lagging (partly due to aelf faction spam). 

    I could see a battletome that's just vampires, as they are more independant than say skelletons or zombies. It could bring updated plastic Blood Knights, Blood Knights on foot, so they can have some elite infantry battleline, maybe some sort of feral vampires and skelletons or zombies as chaff. A lot less focus on regenerating hordes of undead and more focused in the vampires themselves and their blood sucking mechanics.

  6. 54 minutes ago, HollowHills said:

    What do you think they will show for aos at LVO? I was expecting the tomes for these factions to be part of that. 

    Black Legion for 40k will be the focus I think. 

    I expect more tomes that update either old battletomes or microfactions that don't need new models, like freeguild or dispossessed and a trailer for the StD release, like the ones Gloomspite Gitz got during Blood and Glory.

  7. I only have one thing to say about this and we just have to look a few months back:

    Malign Portents Destruction herald -> Fungoid Shaman.

    Zarbag's gitz Nighvault warband released in october 2018.

    Destruction rises in the Mortal Realms trailer released during Blood and Glory in november 2018.

    Gloomspite Gitz reveal trailer released in december 2018 with the preorders and model releases in the following weeks.

    Malign Portents Chaos herald -> Darkoath Warqueen (of which we know Darkoath isn't a faction and her army is Slaves to Darkness).

    Godsworn Hunt Nightvault warband released in january 2019.

    LVO in february, the month right after the release of the Nightvault warband, just like Blood and Glory, will probably have a trailer for the new AoS releases. (And if I had to guess, the preorders for Carrion Empire).

    Which means, if the pattern continues, Slaves to Darkness or however the Undivided army that includes them, Everchosen and the Undivided daemons is called, would have a reveal trailer somewhere in early March, with the release in the following weeks.

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  8. 21 minutes ago, GeneralZero said:

    This is not really a micro faction if you think that this tome gather StD Darkoath and everchoosen. Add to this, the already seen darkoath miniatures (skimish and leader from last year) and you have a rich battletome to develop...

    Oh, I wasn't talking about the StD tome when I said microfaction. In any case, after the amount of resculpts Gloomspite Gitz got I'm positive the tome will include StD, Everchosen, Daemons of Chaos (So Be'lakor, Furies and Soulgrinders) and Monsters of Chaos (Giants, warhounds, chimeras, cockatrices, etc), which indeed is already a really good amount of units, I'm positive at least marauders (we basically know it already), chaos warriors, chosen, exalted heroes and furies will get new plastic models. Add a couple of new heroes and units and there you go, a faction that could almost rival Stormcasts in the amount of webstore entries (still around 20 less, but hey).

  9. 53 minutes ago, HorticulusTGA said:

    Happy 2019 everyone, this year's gonna be good !

    The Soul Wars follow-up that was announced on WarCom, along with the confirmation of a Slaanesh release and the 99.99% confirmed Darkoath release (MP Herald, Underworld warband, other rumors, etc.) will IMO play out like this : 

    - Q1-Q2, after Gobbo, I think we'll get the next  Soul Wars chapter ; how Order, Destruction and mostly Chaos (i.e. Archaon) react to the Necroquake. If it's a campaign supplement ala 40k Vigilus, it could also be time for GW to release Order scenery (the cities and buildings we see with great consistency in artworks since 2016 Seeds of Hope), see attachment.


    - Q2-Q3, we could see a big Darkoath / Slaves To Darkness / Everchosen release, to tie-in with the focus shifting once more to Chaos in the lore. 

    - Q3-Q4, we could see Slaanesh (KoS, new Mortals, etc.) : the God won't free her/him/itself just now IMO, but its whereabouts could be the next story arc after Nagash, leading to Light / Shadow Aelf releases in 2020.

    In between, new updated Battletomes and Endless spells for existing armies, as announced / rumored. Pretty cool perspectives anyway :D 

    This fits what I've been thinking and I'd be delighted if it were true. It would mean I have 3/4 months to save for the new StD goodies, that some of the microfactions that need a battletome but not necesarily new models would get it and it would let me get my armies ready for the global campaign that would culminate in Slaanesh's escape. Good stuff.

  10. 2 hours ago, Caladancid said:

    Here are a couple more angles for the warbands:


    20 hours ago, Caladancid said:

    Pics from PAX:

    What base size are thouse marauders on? They look really big but they could just be 32mm.

    On 11/30/2018 at 6:26 PM, amysrevenge said:

    Because the first "hey let's" is a model design choice (let's make a thing that looks like this other thing, only re-skinned), and the second one is a lore choice (let's take the lore in this particular direction, and then make a model line out of the resulting story).

    The concept of big, superhuman, heavy armoured warriors that serve chaos is already taken. Chaos stormcast don't bring anything new when we could have a chaos warrior that was a stormcast before falling.

  11. 21 hours ago, khadgar567 said:

    why not they might day view chaos stormcast eternals if one of the darts hit it.

    "Hey, let's make an Order version of the Chaos Warriors!"


    "Hey, let's make a Chaos version of the Order version of the Chaos Warriors!"

    Why people keep spouting Chaos Stormcasts? They make no sense  because he concept already exists.

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  12. 36 minutes ago, Overread said:

    It's an interesting thing to notice, but it also appears in the books like that too. Chaos worshippers go through a sort of blood crazed phase when they are totally overcome with chaos and they charge around like a maniac without armour. Those that survive and make it to become champions and true chaos warriors are often more stoic. They still revel in battle, but they are more controlled, more in tune with themselves and their chaos influence. Radiating power in a menacing form as they march forward, towering over mortals and encased in thick metal that would be impossible to lift for a regular human. Plus they revel in that power far more so than, say, a stormcast because the chaos warrior still has all their memories of their past, when they were a weak simpleton. Before Chaos came to show them the way, to empower them, to bless them with the gift of the gods 

    You should read the Warqueen novella. You're going to love the blood warriors there and the difference between the marauder tribes and the real chaos warriors.

  13. 3 hours ago, Kyriakin said:

    For me "static" gives them an air of quiet menace and cold discipline, where more dynamic poses would add too much emotion.

    Ditto Executioners.

    If the torso, legs and arms you could replicate that pose and it would look much better. I'm sorry but a unit of warriors with tht exact same pose that can't separate their elbows from their torsos doesn't look cold or intimidating, it looks as if they were in a cramped train. Executioners do have very static poses, but they are far better and more menacing poses than the "I cant move my arms" chaos warriors.

    If they do make a new chaos warrior kit, it should be like the chaos knights. Great aesthetic, modular so you can pose them however you want, have all the weapon options in the box (maybe add some special weapons like bloodwarriors or sequitors) and (I've mesured) the riders are as big as stormcasts. I couldn't ask for more.

    • Like 1
  14. 23 minutes ago, Turgol said:

    Darkoath = human tribes that adore the Chaos Gods pre turning to chaos warriors. Same old marauder story. Just adapted to the mortal realms with new aesthetics (and much more developped, at least as models, than marauder ever were).


    29 minutes ago, zedatkinszed said:

    This. I've always though that GW missed a trick by not combined Chaos Chosen into the Everchosen Faction.  That always made sense in my head.

    For me it's been very clear that Blightkings and Blood Warriors are filling the Chaos Warrior with mark of god role. 

    For me it's never made sense to have BOTH Everchosen and Slaves to Darkness. I'd prefer one sub-faction with Chaos Undivided potential.

    TBH though GW needs to do some serious work on the Chaos factions. There is major potential here. E.g. we have Tzaangors why don't we have Pestigors (as a unique unit).  And we have growing confusion around the Dark Oath. 

    Even GW knows they shouldn't be two different factions, they are Archaon's armies after all and they've been presenting them together for quite some time already so it's likely that when the battletome drops, all the undivided factions (Everchosen, Slaves to Darkness and Daemons of Chaos, maybe even the giant and the monsters) will be merged together, just like they did with the other gods. In fact, that would leave the Grand Alliance complete save for the skaven, who will probably get a tome that merges them aswell and Slaanesh, that will join soon too.

  15. 5 minutes ago, novakai said:

    they probably won't straight-out re-sculpt Chaos warrior.

    what probably going to happen is they do the Primaris marine route where they make an entirely new unit (Aspiring varanguard on foot ) that are larger chaos warriors with different warscrolls


    You are describing chosen. But that works for me as I could take them and convert them to be warriors, I just want new sculpts with decent poses and not having to buy the weapons separately.

    7 minutes ago, Kurrilino said:

    For the the love of whatever god you follow....

    Can we please go back to rumours ?????

    700 out of 706 page are not rumour related at all.

    This is a rumour thread for kitten sake. We already have a wishlisting one in existence.

    We are talking about the rumours of the new chaos army and the implications of old kits beung taken from shelfs.

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  16. 6 minutes ago, Caladancid said:

    Chaos warriors are not in proportion at all. They weren’t in proportion to the fluff when they were first released (though I do think that for that time the models were well sculpted). 

    I do agree that I don’t really expect them to be resculpted. I wish they would be, but all the pre-AoS rumors (that all turned out to be true) said GW was commited to not resculpting fantasy models.  

    They didn't want to use points or matched rules either.

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  17. 28 minutes ago, Xasz said:

    What's up with this fixation on Chaos Warriors and Knights... there is pretty much no way these models will get an update anytime soon.

    Their aesthetics have aged incredibly well and their styles works flawlessly for AoS.

    On top of that, their proportions are in line with Blood Warriors and other, newer Chaos models with the same base-size.

    An argument could be made for Chosen, as these models are not distinct enough from normal warriors but that's about it. Everything else from the 'heavy armoured' portion of StD is at least decent model-wise.

    Are you seriously telling me this has aged well? Sure, the aesthetic direction is still great but look at that pose, not to mention it's the only pose you can assemble them, with the right leg front and both arms sticked to his torso. It looks awful and even worse when you have a unit with only uñone pose and 3 different scultps. Not to mention the asspull that is having to buy finecast weapons (12€ for 10, not even enough for a single box) if you dare want to build them with halberds or great weapons. Knoghts sure, they are a newer kit that holds great as it has lots of detail and posability but warriors need a new kit.



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  18. 19 minutes ago, PJetski said:

    If they didn't update Dryads, Saurus Warriors, Saurus Knights, Zombies... what makes you think they'll update Chaos Warriors?

    Because they are one of the oldest plastic kits and don't hold very well. Aesthetically they are great but they are much more static and most of their weapon choices aren't even in the box. Compare a chaos warrior with a stormcast liberator and you'll see how big of a diference there is not only in posability but in proportions aswell for two units that are supposed to be equals and even have the same stats in the game.

  19. 19 minutes ago, Icegoat said:

    They need to update old chaos warriors if this doesn't happen by next Christmas I will be very surprised. Blackstone is the future of the CSM and the StD. This time next year both will be very different. 

    Sweet, sweet new chaos warriors as tall as stormcasts, in 40mm bases and with all their weapon options in the box...

    Not only it would be a great kit, good looking and not static chaos warriors means lots of conversion potential for exalted heroes, chosen and lords.

  20. 14 minutes ago, HollowHills said:

    People speculate on releases like 40k doesn't exist. What about primaris wave 2? What about CSM? What about GSC and Ynnari? 

    Book releases without big model support are quite a realistic prospect. I don't see four new armies a year for AoS as likely. 

    Because I doubt a 2nd wave of primaris is due next year, whatever release CSM may wave will be shared with StD, GSC will come out at some point bot won't be a very big release so it won't take a whole month and there's no sign of Ynnari getting anything.

  21. 42 minutes ago, Enoby said:

    True. That said, I'm wondering if we'll have a break between W&R and a big Slaanesh release. A bit like how Blightwar came out in August and Nurgle got their stuff in January, so we might not even see a full Slaanesh release until June (which I guess would be fitting at the sixth month). 

    I'd say Moonclan will be the released on January, StD on March Slaanesh in June, then a couple of soup tomes that just need a week of releases (free peoples or dispossessed maybe?) and then the inevitable shadow and light elves that will come after Slaanesh.

    • Like 1
  22. 6 minutes ago, sorokyl said:


    Necessary for the transition, you can't make everybody buy a new army right away.  But I also don't think it's good for the game to bend over backwards to maintain legacy units/armies. 

    The game has too many factions right now. There is no way they can maintain 60 factions with periodic battletomes/models.  Some of these factions will never see another update.  Some will be consolidated, but GW will not sacrifice Aesthetic / lore too much for this.    For example, DoK could have brought in more Dark elf units, but they only brought in ones that fit the aesthetic. 

    I understand people who have Greenskinz already don't want to see them EoL'd, and I don't think that GW is going to be quick to do that, but at the same time i don't think they will ever get new models, a battletome, or even be merged into another faction.  The models just aren't that great and don't really fit anywhere. 

    Again, they had an opportunity when they squatted Bretonnia and the Tomb Kings. That wasn't done with the release, that was 6+ months after. They could have done it and they didn't. I agree that there's too many factions right now but the logic choice and the one GW is following isn't squatting things, but merging two or thre factions into one just like they did with Legions of Nagash, the various chaos gods tomes and Beasts of Chaos.

  23. Just now, sorokyl said:

    Perhaps GW's plan is to keep owners of WFB armies like greenskinz, free peoples, aleves, engaged in AoS long enough that eventually, those players find a new AoSified army that fits them (whether their army shifts like say from greenskinz to ironjawz, or dark aleves to Dok, or they just abandon their old army all together for a new one) 

    GW does not want to lose more AoS players, so removing these units/factions from the GHB is a no for now. I agree this path is not closed forever though.   

    I strongly strongly doubt you will ever see new models released for "Gitmob" or "Greenskinz".  If a new faction, say  Grotbag Scuttlers,  is ever put out, it's possible some of these models are absorbed into that, but the sculpts are all pretty old so I doubt they will take all of them.  KO was such a big hit that I think that they'd be better off with all new sculpts. 

    And having a game where half the armies are either unsupported or unplayable is somehow okay? They just need to merge Greenskinz with Gitmob, maybe Ironjawz, release a new battletome, some endless spells and they can call it a day. That way, a new player can see those models, like them, buy them and play with them. I can't see how keeping unsupported factions for years only to remove them is a good or reasonable idea.

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  24. Just now, novakai said:

    but you can tell by GW's treatment of them that they have no intension of doing anything with them not to mention that Greenskinz  is the only army out of the SC army that didn't get any GHB addition at all

    Neither did Moonclan and there they are. If they wanted to sqat them, they'd hace done so long ago along Bretonnia, the Tomb Kings and lots of kits from the other armies. Whatever is left is here to stay.

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