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Posts posted by tom_gore

  1. 3 hours ago, Lucur said:

    Iirc there was an FAQ that stated you can't heal wounds that would be suffered from the same set of saves. I'll have to check when i'm home, but i'm pretty sure you can only heal damage previously suffered, not during that phase.

    I haven't seen anything of such in any designer's commentary or FAQ.

  2. 1 hour ago, Maturin said:

    So in the end, Stardrake aren't unkillable, and the only miniatures they can really engage without stress are those without rend. Right ?

    Well even with -2 Rend they're still at 3+ save (with Staunch Def and Castellan's Light) with rerolls on 1s with the Shield so... yeah not unkillable but still pretty tough with their wound count. Don't want to do the math, but I believe it's somewhere north of 50 wounds with Rend -2 to bring them down. You're still much better off bombarding them with MWs.

    • Thanks 1
  3. 35 minutes ago, Fundre said:

    Hi everyone,

    A rules question again...

    How do wounds and healing wounds in the same phase work? I had a game last night where i gave castellants warding latern buff to sequitors. So they have a 3+ save and on 7+ heal wounds.

    Now in the combat phase they were fighting plague monks. The monks do exacly 6 wounds... i roll 2 x7+'s for saves so can heal 2 wounds. How does the allocation of wounds and healing work here. Rule book says you can't heal dead models so do we first allocate the wounds to the unit and then apply the heal or do the healed wounds negate taken wounds? 

    We played it so I couldn't heal as i lost 3 whole models with the 6 wounds taken so the healed wounds have no effect. Is this correct?

    Thanks for any help on this

    In this case you would need to roll each save separately. It's slow but it's the only way to play it properly.

    In fact, even with a full health Stardrake with the same spell cast on it, you'd need to roll each dice separately, as if you rolled a 6 first and then 1 after that you'd still lose that would because the first healing save did nothing (but save, of course).

    Also keep in mind that Rend is applied to the roll before you check for the healing. I see so many players playing this wrong and healing their Staunch Defender Stardrake on 5+ saves against -2 rend...


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  4. 2 minutes ago, Trayanee said:

    Well, you are right in general...but, its not uncommon those low poly models are often created from hi poly which was the case in TWW as you can see for example here: https://www.artstation.com/artwork/b4NNm and feel free to search artstation for TWW/2 assets. Basically any model in the game was created in quality that should be enough to directly print it as master for a miniature. Of course those hi-poly models are not avaiable....that would make GW kaboom and my photon printer too because it would run 24/7 😄

    Didn't think of that. Thanks for the info :)

  5. Keep in mind that 3D models in games generally miss any texture from the meshes as that's done with bump maps, tesselation and just well... digital textures. It means that in order to make it into a printable model that looks like the one in the game, you'd probably have to do a lot of work.

    Also, TWW poly count is probably quite low for a high-quality 3D printed model.



  6. 8 hours ago, zilberfrid said:

    What do you mean by that? Cards are physical, and so are models.

    I mean that several other miniature game companies have apps that cover all the unit stats and cards, without a need to print physical copies (although they often offer those as well).

    GW does this already with AoS, but not with its other games.

  7. To be honest we also played it like you did in the beginning before we noticed you're supposed to both pick your deployment zone and deploy your troops before determining who is the attacker and who is the defender. We prefer it the "right" way, since it removes a lot of inherent advantage in asymmetric deployment zones vs. scenarios. You need to consider both scenarios when choosing the deployment zone and deploying your team.


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  8. By the book, you draw all cards at once and then resolve them in this order:

    1. Set up terrain as per terrain card.

    2. Priority winner chooses deployment side (red or blue), then sets up his Dagger, followed up by opponents Dagger, then the Shields and Hammers.

    3. Check if the victory card asks to roll off and choose a defender/attacker or set up objectives. Resolve these at this point. NOTE! This means that you do deploy your Round1 forces before knowing if you're the attacker or the defender!

    4. Apply the rules of the Twist card (including deploying Chaotic Beasts, etc.)


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  9. 12 hours ago, bsharitt said:

    Interesting that Warhammer Legends is on there along side actual "product lines". I don't recall them actually taking time to really announce new stuff moving to legends other than a Warhammer Community post around the time a new battletome that drops old units comes out. Probably going to have the Empire, Dwarfs, Wood Elves and High Elves going to legends, but maybe they'll finally give us a clean cut off of what's going to Legends and what should be safe to buy in the near future and fully do the rest of the legends armies, especially Ogres and Slaves to Darkness since they're the last factions that haven't gotten a full AoS treatment. I was finally going to buy some maneaters because I assumed that being in the GHB with the new mercenary rules made them safe(I'd stopped buying all non-battletome models, unless I plan to use them for other games) but the removal of Dwarf cannons kind of kills that theory. Points for Legends are probably too much to hope for, but battalions and spells lores and faction special rules would be neat, just something small the the GHB allegiance abilities would be neat.

    Warhammer Community was there alongside the product lines as well.

    Probably means nothing more than another round of made-to-order discontinued minis.

  10. 1 hour ago, Sleboda said:

    Oddly enough, in my limited experience with them (and having fully expected their low movement to be an issue), I have done moderately well. With charge and Waaagh I mostly overcame the limits.

    That said, I do think they are going to struggle to win consistently. If I had to put a finger to the wind, is guess I'll win about 35% of the time with them.

    Problem with Waaagh! is that it's a 6" leader-only pulse, which means usually more than half of your warband is unable to benefit from it at any time. Also, to use it, you often need to activate your leader first, which in many cases is a very unoptimal choice.

    Charge is decent, but it also would need to have the Waaagh! pulse activated before it to be able to utilize most of the 6" range of the ability.

    Once your opponent realizes these limitations, he's more often than not able to work around them. Of course you might get lucky and get the "kill your opponents shield" scenario and welcome them to try.


  11. 1 hour ago, Sleboda said:

    I don't know that we need one very narrow (and likely highly modified to be able to work in it) style of play (tournaments) to tell us which warbands perform better overall than others.

    That said, I do agree that it may be too early to properly gauge. I've played a bunch of games with and against various warbands, and I have seen a tend. Since you cannot predict the 4-card arrangement, you ought to plan for the more common situations, taking on the chin in the outliers.

    To my mind, the most important factors are, in this order:

    1. High movement

    2. Flight

    3. Number of attacks

    4. Quantity of bodies

    5. Availability of both cheap bodies and high quality elites


    With those in mind, and based on experience, Gloomspite Gitz are the clear (in my view) top of the heap. Flesheaters are also strong contenders.

    I have yet to find a bad warband, as even my prediction that Unmade would stink has proven inaccurate. I have not tried my Cypher Lords yet, but I suspect they may prove very difficult to use well.


    By your list (and by my experience) I would rate Ironjawz into the garbage tier.

    1. High movement (HAHAHAHA)

    2. Flight (Nope)

    3. Number of attacks (Decent, but nothing flashy)

    4. Quantity of bodies (Probably the lowest of all warbands)

    5. Availability of both cheap bodies and high quality elites (neither - brutes are tough but crippled by their 3" movement and 1" reach)


    Add in top an absolutely useless double (Shield Bash) and a worse-than-the-general quad and I have for you a really strong contender for the worst warband in Warcry at the moment.

    And anyone who comes telling me they've had success with Ironjawz, come back after playing some scenarios that require moving, assassinating or anything else really that is not "kill them all" (not sure an actual "kill them all" scenario even exists, but it seems this is the scenario people base the imaginary strength of Ironjawz on).



  12. 3 hours ago, RuneBrush said:

    I played relocation orb at Blackout the other weekend and although I agree in principal, would have to say in it's current guise that battleplan actually highlights the worse part about the priority roll.  My opponent had less drops than me (by 1) and won priority on turns 2 and 3 - so they parked their two exceptionally tough monster heros (I'm talking Morathi & a monster with ethereal amulet) on the objectives turn one and harvested 6 VP's on turn two and three (putting them at 14VP at the end of battle round 3).  In short two dice rolls actually determined the outcome of the game.  As my opponent and I said at the time, dropping the second turn victory points to 2VP rather than 3 would actually make that battleplan a lot better.

    Like I say, I agree in principal.  I think a lot of the things that people don't enjoy could be resolved (at least in part) by battleplans making it more advantageous to not have a double turn (not necessarily going second).

    Sorry to tell you but you got screwed there. You can only score 1 or 3 points per turn in Relocation Orb regardless of how many models/heroes/wizards you have within 3" of it.

    Of course even the 7 point lead would have been massive by end of turn 2 and unwinnable by you.

    Just wondering how did he manage to keep the Orb controlled on turn 2 and 3 when it moved and you had the first turn to go and contest the new location.

  13. I'm hoping as big a new release as the Gitz were. Talking about half a dozen new kits or more, endless spells, terrain and of course a tome the ties all that together and adds existing kits as an integral part of it.

    That might be what would make me finally start a Death faction.

  14. 38 minutes ago, Ergonomic Cat said:

    This would be awesome. 

    How did you math it out? All the people I’ve seen doing the checks come out firmly on 2 choppas. 

    I use a simple method of calculating the average of 6 rolls, each turning a different number, then multiplying it with the number of attacks.

    For example, the average damage caused by 1 attack with a big choppa against toughness of 3 is (0 + 0 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 4)/6 = 1,666...

    Multiplied by 3 (the number of attacks) it is 5.

    The same calculation for 2 choppas is (0 + 0 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 4)/6*4 = 4,666...

    I did have a small error in the spreadsheet though. Against higher toughness the 2 choppas are better, but toughness 5 is pretty rare in the game.

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